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熊飞 杨杰 张辉 陈刚 杨培志



熊飞, 杨杰, 张辉, 陈刚, 杨培志

Growth evolution of Ge quantum dot modulated by the atom bombardment during ion beam sputtering deposition

Xiong Fei, Yang Jie, Zhang Hui, Chen Gang, Yang Pei-Zhi
  • 采用离子束溅射沉积的方法在Si衬底上生长Ge量子点, 观察到量子点的生长随Ge原子层沉积厚度θ的增加经历了两个不同的阶段. 当θ在6—10.5个单原子层(ML)范围内时, 量子点的平均底宽和平均高度随θ增加同时增大, 生长得到高宽比较小的圆顶形Ge量子点, 伴随着量子点的生长, 二维浸润层的厚度同时增大, 量子点的分布密度缓慢增加; 当θ在11.5—17 ML范围内时, 获得高宽比较大的圆顶形Ge量子点, 量子点以纵向生长为主导, 二维浸润层的离解促进量子点的成核和长大, 量子点的分布密度随θ的增加快速增大; 量子点在θ由10.5 ML增加到11.5 ML时由一个生长阶段转变到另一个生长阶段, 其分布密度同时发生6.4倍的增加. 离子束溅射沉积Ge量子点的生长演变与在热平衡状态下生长的量子点不同, 在量子点的不同生长阶段, 其表面形貌和分布密度的变化特点是在热力学条件限制下表面原子动态演变的结果, θ的变化是引起系统自由能改变的主要因素. 携带一定动能的溅射原子对生长表面的轰击促进表面原子的扩散迁移, 同时压制量子点的成核, 在浸润层中形成超应变状态, 因而, 改变体系的能量和表面原子的动力学行为, 对量子点的生长起重要作用.
    The Ge quantum dots on Si substrate are prepared by ion beam sputtering deposition (IBSD). The growth evolution is observed to experience two stages with Ge coverage (θ) increasing. When θ increases from 6 monolayers (ML) to 10.5 ML, the average base width and height of quantum dots both increase, and the dome shape dots with small aspect ratio values are obtained. As the dots grow up, Ge atoms are also accumulated in the wetting layer, which contributes to the observed quantum dot density increasing mildly during this stage. When θ is in a range from 11.5 ML to 17 ML, vertical growth dominates the dot evolution. Another dome shape quantum dots are prepared with large aspect ratio values. Ge coverage gain results in the dot density increasing rapidly. A wetting layer decomposition process is demonstrated to give significant effect on that. The growth transition occurs as θ increases from 10.5 ML to 11.5 ML, and the dot density is enhanced 6.4 times in this course. So it is concluded that the evolution of Ge quantum dot prepared by IBSD is very different from that deposited on the thermal equilibrium condition. The observed characters of the dot shape and size distribution result from the kinetic behaviors of the surface atoms which are restricted by the thermodynamic limitation. Ge coverage is the one of the most important factors which can change the free energy. On the other hand, the energic sputtered atom bombardment enhances surface diffusion and defers nucleation of three-dimensional islands until the superstrain wetting layer is formed, which can also change the system free energy and the surface atom kinetic behaviors. So the growth evolution of Ge quantum dots prepared by IBSD is related so much with the effect of atom bombardment on the quantum dot growth.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金云南联合基金(批准号: U1037604)、云南省应用基础研究基金(批准号: 2009CD003)、云南省教育厅科学研究基金重点项目(批准号: 09C008)、云南大学科研基金(批准号: 2009E28Q, 2010YBV47)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Joint Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China and Yunnan Province, China (Grant No. U1037604), the Applied Basic Research Foundations of Yunnan Province, China (Grant No. 2009CD003), the Key Programs for Scientific Research Foundation of Yunnan Educational Bureau, China (Grant No. 09C008) and the Scientific Research Foundation of Yunnan University, China (Grant Nos. 2009E28Q, 2010YBV47).

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  • [1]

    Eaglesham D J, Cerullo M 1990 Phys. Rev. Lett. 64 1943


    Yang H B, Tao Z S, Lin J H, Lu F, Jiang Z M, Zhong Z Y 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 92 111907


    Rokhinson L P, Tsui D C, Benton J L 1999 Appl. Phys. Lett. 75 2413


    Tong S, Lee J Y, Kin H J, Liu F, Wang K L 2005 Opt. Mater. 27 1097


    Larsson M, Elfving A, Holtz P O, Hnsson G V, Ni W X 2003 Surf. Sci. 532-535 832


    Kamins T I, Carr E C, Williams R S, Rosner S J 1997 J. Appl. Phys. 81 211


    Ross F M, Tromp R M, Reuter M C 1999 Science 286 1931


    Medeiros-Ribeiro G, Bratkovski A M, Kamins T I, Ohlberg D A A, Williams R S 1998 Science 279 353


    Capellini G, De Seta M, Evangelisti F 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 93 291


    Shchukin V A, Ledentsov N N, Kopev P S, Bimberg D 1995 Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 2968


    Kamins T I, Medeiros-Ribeiro G, Ohlberg D A A, Williams R S 1999 J. Appl. Phys. 85 1159


    Dobbs H T, Vvedebsky D D, Zangwill A, Johansson J, Carlsson N, Seifert W 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 897


    Koduvely H M, Zangwill A 1999 Phys. Rev. B 60 R2204


    Song H Z, Usuki T, Nakata Y, Yokoyama N, Sasakura H, Muto S 2006 Phys. Rev. B 73 115327


    Vailionis A, Cho B, Glass G, Desjardins P, Cahill D G, Greene J E 2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 3672


    Chen K M, Jesson D E, Pennycook S J, Thundat T, Warmack R J 1997 Phys. Rev. B 56 R1700


    Meyer F, Schwebel C, Pellet C, Gautherin G, Buxbaum A, Eizenberg M, Raizman A 1990 Thin Solid Films 184 117


    Mosleh M, Meyer F, Schwebel C, Pellet C, Eizenberg M 1994 Thin Solid Films 246 30


    Choil C H, Hultman L, Barnett S A 1990 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 8 1587


    Sasaki K, Takahashi Y, Ikeda T, Hata T 2002 Vacuum 66 457


    Xiong F, Pan H X, Zhang H, Yang Y 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 088102 (in Chinese) [熊飞, 潘红星, 张辉, 杨宇 2011 物理学报 60 088102]


    Chung H C, Liu C P, Lai Y L 2008 Appl. Phys. A 91 267


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    Floro J A, Lucadamo G A, Chason E, Freund L B, Sinclair M, Twesten R D, Hwang R Q 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 4717


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  • 收稿日期:  2012-03-19
  • 修回日期:  2012-05-15
  • 刊出日期:  2012-11-05

