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王秀芝 高劲松 徐念喜



王秀芝, 高劲松, 徐念喜

Quick analysis of miniaturized-element frequency selective surface that loaded with lumped elements by using an equivalent circuit model

Wang Xiu-Zhi, Gao Jin-Song, Xu Nian-Xi
  • 为了提高频率选择表面(FSS)设计优化速度, 利用等效电路方法对基于集总元件加载的微型化FSS结构进行了分析. 根据FSS物理结构建立了相应的等效电路模型, 通过ADS软件对全波分析曲线进行拟合提取了等效电路模型参数, 通过延长曲线范围增加极值点个数提高拟合参数精度. 利用所提取的等效电路参数计算了不同LC 参数下FSS的传输特性, 与全波分析精确结果相对比, 电路模型计算的透过率略高, 中心频点及-3 dB带宽与全波分析结果的相对误差均小于10%. 证明了利用等效电路模型分析复杂FSS结构的可行性, 为FSS设计和快速优化提供了参考.
    In order to quicken the pace of the frequency selective surface (FSS) design and optimization, an equivalent circuit method is used to analyze the miniaturized-element FSS structure loaded with lumped elements. According to the physical structure of the FSS, an equivalent circuit model is established. These parameters values of the equivalent circuit model are obtained by a curve-fitting process using ADS to obtain the best fitting between the circuit response and the full-wave analysis response. The fitting accuracy is improved by increasing the curve frequency and the extrema. By using the circuit model, the frequency responses of the FSS at different LC values of lumped components are obtained. The transmissions at center frequencies calculated by the circuit model are slight higher than the exact results from the full-wave analysis, and the relative errors between the center frequencies and the –3 dB bandwidths are smaller than 10%. This paper proves that it is feasible to analyze the complex FSS structure by the equivalent circuit model based on curve-fitting process. It will give some references to the quick design and optimization of the FSS.
    • 基金项目: 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所创新三期工程项目(批准号: 093Y32J090) 资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the Third Innovation of Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. 093Y32J090).

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    Jia H Y, Gao J S, Feng X G, Sun L C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 505 (in Chinese) [贾宏燕, 高劲松, 冯晓国, 孙连春 2009 物理学报 58 505]


    Li X Q, Gao J S, Zhao J L, Sun L C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 3803 (in Chinese) [李小秋, 高劲松, 赵晶丽, 孙连春 2008 物理学报 57 3803]


    Munk B A 2000 Frequency Selective Surface: Theory and Design (1st Ed.) (New York: Wiley)


    Wu T K 1995 Frequency-Selective Surface and Grid Array (New York: Wiley)


    Dubrovka R, Vazquez J, Parini C, Moore D 2006 IEE Proc. Microwaves Antenn. Propag. 153 213


    Costa F, Monorchio A, Manara G 2012 IEEE Antenn. Propag. Mag. 54 35


    Xu N X, Feng X G, Wang Y S, Chen X, Gao J S 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 114102 (in Chinese) [徐念喜, 冯晓国, 王岩松, 陈新, 高劲松 2011 物理学报 60 114102]


    Meng Z J, Wang L F, L M Y, Wu Z 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 017301 (in Chinese) [蒙志君, 王立峰, 吕明云, 武哲 2011 物理学报 60 017301]


    Ulrich R 1967 Infrar. Phys. 7 37


    Lee S W, Zarillo G, Law C L 1982 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. AP-30 904


    Langley R J, Drinkwater A J 1982 IEE Proc. H: Microwave Optics and Antennas 129 1


    Langley R J, Parker E A 1982 Electron. Lett. 18 294


    Savia S B, Parker E A 2003 IEE Proc. H: Microwaves Antenn. Propag. 150 37


    Bayatpur F, Sarabandi K 2010 IEEE Trans. Antenn. Propag. 58 1214


    Marcuvitz N 1986 Waveguide Handbook (1986 Ed.) (Lexington: Boston Technical Publishers)

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-05-28
  • 修回日期:  2013-07-19
  • 刊出日期:  2013-10-05

