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李兆铭 杨文革 丁丹 廖育荣



李兆铭, 杨文革, 丁丹, 廖育荣

A novel algorithm of fifth-degree cubature Kalman filter for orbit determination at the lower bound approaching to the number of cubature points

Li Zhao-Ming, Yang Wen-Ge, Ding Dan, Liao Yu-Rong
  • 为了在保持滤波定轨精度不变的条件下提高定轨计算的实时性,提出一种新的逼近积分点个数下限的五阶容积卡尔曼滤波定轨算法.首先,采用一种数值容积准则对非线性函数的高斯加权积分进行近似,该准则所需的积分点个数仅比五阶代数精度容积准则积分点个数的理论下限多一个积分点,并在贝叶斯滤波算法框架下推导出本文算法的更新步骤.然后,给出实时定轨所需的状态方程和量测方程,在状态方程中考虑了J2项引力摄动和大气阻力摄动,在量测方程中利用坐标系转换推导了轨道状态与测量元素之间的非线性关系.仿真实验结果表明,本文所提算法在定轨精度方面与已有的五阶滤波算法相当,但所需的积分点个数最少,计算实时性最高,从而验证了本文算法的有效性.
    With more satellites launched into orbits during recent years, monitoring and cataloging of satellites play an important role in improving the utilization rate of space resource and alleviating the pressure of orbit resource. Groundbased radar, a kind of sensor in space surveillance system, does not consider the influences of the weather and other special circumstances. And it is a key technology in space target tracking by using the measurement data for real-time orbit determination. Due to the influence of orbital perturbation, the satellite orbital dynamic model is a nonlinear system. The optimal estimation of the orbital state can be achieved by means of nonlinear filtering based on the measured ranging, velocity and angle data with measurement noise, which is the essence of real time orbit determination and has important research value. The extended Kalman filter (EKF) and unscented Kalman filter (UKF) are most widely used nonlinear Kalman filters. However, the first-order Taylor expansion of nonlinear function in EKF degrades the filtering accuracy. And the weight value in UKF might be negative for the high-dimensional system, which may directly affect the filtering stability. As an important method in nonlinear filtering, cubature Kalman filter (CKF) has better accuracy and stability than UKF. However, CKF only has third-degree filtering accuracy. In order to improve the filtering accuracy further, some fifth-degree cubature Kalman filters are proposed, mainly including the fifth-degree cubature Kalman filter and the fifth-degree spherical simplex-radial cubature Kalman filter. The optimality of the radial integral cannot be guaranteed by using the moment matching method in these fifth-degree filters, so a high-degree cubature quadrature Kalman filter (HDCQKF) is proposed. The radial integral is calculated using the high-degree Gauss-Laguerre formula in HDCQKF. However, the aforementioned filtering algorithm leads to an increase in the number of cubature points, thereby improving the accuracy, and the number of cubature points increases polynomially with the increase of system dimension. Once the algorithm is applied to a high-dimensional system, or the processor has a relatively poor performance, it may impose a heavier computing burden, thus the real-time performance decreases. Therefore, it is necessary to study how to reduce the computational complexity of the fifth-degree filtering algorithm. In order to improve the real-time performance of orbit determination on condition that the accuracy of orbit determination is kept, a novel fifth-degree cubature Kalman filter for orbit determination is proposed at the lower bound approaching to the number of cubature points. The key problem in the nonlinear Kalman filter is to calculate the multidimensional integral in the form of nonlinear functionGaussian probability density function, and the integral is approximated using a fifth-degree numerical cubature rule, in which the number of cubature points required is only one more than the theoretical lower bound. The abovementioned cubature rule is embedded into the nonlinear Kalman filtering framework, from which the update steps of the novel cubature Kalman filter are derived. Then, the equations of state and measurement for real-time orbit determination are obtained. The J2 perturbation and atmospheric drag perturbation are taken into account in the state equation, and the coordinate transformation is used to derive the nonlinear relationship between the orbital state and measurement element. The simulation results show that the proposed fifth-degree cubature Kalman filter can achieve a higher filtering accuracy than the CKF and the same accuracy as the existing fifth-degree filters, but has the fewest cubature points and the best real-time performance, which proves the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
      通信作者: 杨文革, wengeyang_3@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家高技术研究发展计划(批准号:2015AA7026085)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Yang Wen-Ge, wengeyang_3@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.2015AA7026085).

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    Ning X, Ye C M, Yang J, Shen B 2014 Chin. J. Radio 29 27 (in Chinese) [宁夏, 叶春茂, 杨健, 沈彬 2014 电波科学学报 29 27]


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    Wu H, Chen S X, Yang B F, Chen K 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 218401 (in Chinese) [吴昊, 陈树新, 杨宾峰, 陈坤 2015 物理学报 64 218401]


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    Zhang X C 2014 Circuits Syst. Signal Process 33 1799


    Zhang L, Cui N G, Wang X G, Yang F, Lu B G 2015 Acta Aeronaut. Astronaut. Sin. 36 3885 (in Chinese) [张龙, 崔乃刚, 王小刚, 杨峰, 卢宝刚 2015 航空学报 36 3885]


    Zhang W J, Wang S Y, Feng Y L, Feng J C 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 088401 (in Chinese) [张文杰, 王世元, 冯亚丽, 冯久超 2016 物理学报 65 088401]


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  • 收稿日期:  2017-02-27
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