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王建国 杨松林 叶永红



王建国, 杨松林, 叶永红

Effect of silver film roughness on imaging property of BaTiO3 microsphere

Wang Jian-Guo, Yang Song-Lin, Ye Yong-Hong
  • 研究了样品表面镀有不同表面粗糙度的银膜对钛酸钡(BaTiO3 glass,BTG)微球成像效果的影响,发现当银膜表面的粗糙度(RMS)从3.23 nm增大到6.80 nm时,用直径为15 μm的BTG微球观察直径为250和580 nm的微球阵列,样品的成像范围增大.另外,BTG微球还可以清晰分辨原本不可分辨的直径为200 nm的微球阵列.结果表明,粗糙银膜引起的散射作用和表面等离激元波的局域场增强效应,使得更多物体的高频信息耦合进微球,提高了微球成像的分辨率和成像范围.
    Due to the Abbe diffraction limit, the resolution of a traditional optical microscopy is limited to about half of the illumination wavelength. Recent studies show that super-resolution imaging through dielectric microsphere has emerged as a simple imaging technique to overcome the diffraction limit under the illumination of white light. However, for imaging through microsphere, sometimes it is needed to enhance the reflection of a sample by depositing a metallic thin film on the top of the sample. Metallic thin films with different surface roughness have different optical properties. However, the effect caused by the surface roughness of a metallic film on microsphere imaging is rarely studied. In this paper, we study the effects of silver films with different surface roughness deposited on the surfaces of samples on the imaging properties of BaTiO3 (BTG) microspheres. Silver thin films are deposited respectively at evaporation rates of 1.5-3 Å/s and 5-10 Å/s, and the surface roughness values (root mean square (RMS) values) of the obtained silver films are about 3.23 nm and 6.80 nm, respectively. Using a BTG microsphere to observe a sample with a silver film deposited on its surface, we find that the surface roughness of the silver film will affect the imaging resolution and the range of focal image position (RFIP) of the BTG microsphere. When we use a 15-μm-diameter BTG microsphere to observe a 250-nm-diameter microsphere array and 580-nm-diameter microsphere array, the RFIP of the BTG microsphere increases with the RMS of the silver film increasing from 3.23 to 6.80 nm. Moreover, a 200-nm-diameter microsphere array can also be clearly discerned. The simulation results obtained by the commercial software COMSOL show that when the surface of a microsphere array sample is deposited with a rough silver film, the electric field intensity is enhanced not only in the gaps between adjacent microspheres, but also on the silver particles due to the excitation of localized surface plasmons. We propose that the scattering effect and the local electric field intensity enhancement caused by the rough silver film allow more high-frequency information of the sample to be coupled into the BTG microsphere, and thus improving the resolution and RFIP of the microsphere. As the imaging law of microsphere imaging still needs to be explored, our research work will be helpful in further revealing the mechanism in microsphere imaging.
      通信作者: 叶永红, yeyonghong@njnu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61475073)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Ye Yong-Hong, yeyonghong@njnu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61475073).

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    Abbe E 1873 Acchiv. Mikroskop. Anat. 9 413


    Wang Z, Guo W, Li L, Luk'Yanchuk B, Khan A, Liu Z, Chen Z, Hong M 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 218


    Li L, Guo W, Yan Y, Lee S, Wang T 2013 Light: Sci. Appl. 2 72


    Wang S, Zhang D, Zhang H, Han X, Xu R 2015 Microsc. Res. Tech. 78 1128


    Lin Q, Wang D, Wang Y, Rong L, Zhao J, Guo S, Wang M 2016 Opt. Quant. Electron. 48 557


    Guo H, Han Y, Weng X, Zhao Y, Sui G, Wang Y, Zhuang S 2013 Opt. Express 21 2434


    Hao X, Liu X, Kuang C, Li Y 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 013104


    Wang S Y, Zhang H J, Zhang D X 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 034207 (in Chinese)[王淑莹, 章海军, 张冬仙 2013 物理学报 62 034207]


    Li J, Liu W, Li T, Rozen I, Zhao J, Bahari B, Kante B, Wang J 2016 Nano Lett. 16 6604


    Lai H S S, Wang F, Li Y, Jia B, Liu L, Li W J 2016 Plos One 11 e0165194


    Wang F F, Liu L Q, Yu H, Wen Y D, Yu P, Liu Z, Wang Y C, Li W J 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13748


    Krivitsky L A, Jia J W, Wang Z, Luk'Yanchuk B 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 3501


    Yang H, Moullan N, Auwerx J, Gijs M A 2014 Small 10 1712


    Wu L, Zhu H, Yan B, Wang Z, Zhou S 2015 J. Mater. Chem. C 3 10907


    Yan B, Yue L, Wang Z 2016 Opt. Commun. 370 140


    Lee S, Li L, Wang Z 2014 J. Opt. 16 015704


    Zhou R, Wu M X, Shen F, Hong M H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 140702 (in Chinese)[周锐, 吴梦雪, 沈飞, 洪明辉 2017 物理学报 66 140702]


    Darafsheh A, Limberopoulos N I, Derov J S, Walker Jr D E, Astratov V N 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 061117


    Darafsheh A 2017 Opt. Lett. 42 735


    Allen K W, Farahi N, Li Y, Limberopoulos N I, Walker D E, Urbas A M, Liberman V, Astratov V N 2015 Ann. Phys. 527 513


    Hao X, Kuang C, Liu X, Li Y 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 203102


    Lin Y H, Tsai D P 2012 Opt. Express 20 16205


    Ye R, Ye Y H, Zhou Z T, Xu H H 2013 Langmuir 29 1796


    Shi S, Zhang Z Y, He M Y, Li X P, Yang J, Du J L 2010 Opt. Express 18 10685


    Duan Y B, Barbastathis G, Zhang B L 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 2988

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-04-26
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