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李瑞东 邓金祥 张浩 徐智洋 潘志伟 孙俊杰 王贵生



李瑞东, 邓金祥, 张浩, 徐智洋, 潘志伟, 孙俊杰, 王贵生

Preparation, optical, and electrical properties of rubrene∶MoO3 films

Li Rui-Dong, Deng Jin-Xiang, Zhang Hao, Xu Zhi-Yang, Pan Zhi-Wei, Sun Jun-Jie, Wang Gui-Sheng
  • 利用热蒸发技术在衬底温度为室温的硅衬底、氧化铟锡衬底和石英衬底上制备了红荧烯与氧化钼的混合薄膜. 将两种材料放置于不同的坩埚中, 通过控制蒸发源的温度来控制混合比例, 制备了不同比例的混合薄膜. 通过原子力显微镜对混合薄膜的表面形貌进行了测量, 发现当红荧烯与氧化钼的比例为2∶1时, 薄膜表面的平整度最好; 通过X射线衍射分析对混合薄膜的结晶性进行分析, 发现不同浓度的混合薄膜均表现出非晶态特征. 通过PL谱和吸收光谱研究了不同比例的混合薄膜的光学性质, 从光致发光谱可以发现: 混合薄膜在近红外区域有显著吸收, 说明红荧烯在氧化钼诱导下产生中间能级, 形成电荷转移络合物. 从吸收谱知: 除4∶1外, 其他比例的混合薄膜具有几乎相同的吸收峰. 根据Tauc方程计算了混合薄膜的光学带隙, 发现当红荧烯与氧化钼的比例为2∶1时, 混合薄膜的带隙最窄(~2.23 eV). 制备了结构为Al/rubrene∶MoO3/ITO的器件, 测试了J-V特性, 研究了混合薄膜的电学性质. 发现当混合比例为4∶1和2∶1时, 混合薄膜与金属电极的接触表现为欧姆接触. 本研究显示出红荧烯和氧化钼的混合薄膜在近红外区域有潜在的应用前景, 也为红荧烯和氧化钼的混合薄膜在有机光电器件的应用提供了基础.
    In this paper, the mixed films with different rubrene-to-MoO3 ratios are deposited on the substrates of Si, indium tin oxide and quartz glass by using the thermal evaporation technique. First, these films are characterized by atomic force microscopy and X-ray diffraction in order to identify their surface morphology and their structure properties. The results show that all the films are amorphous and the film has the best flatness when the rubrene-to-MoO3 ratio is 2∶1. Second, the optical properties of the mixed films are investigated by both photoluminescence (PL) spectra and absorption spectra. The optical band gap of rubrene and MoO3 are 2.2 eV and 3.49 eV respectively and there is almost no absorption about rubrene and MoO3 in the near-infrared (NIR) region. However the PL spectrum shows a peak in NIR region and it indicates that the interface between rubrene and MoO3 possesses an abrupt discontinuity at the vacuum level, resulting in electron wave functions overlapping and charge-transfer complex (CTC) forming. The intermediate state within the original band gap of rubrene with energy of 1.25 eV is induced by the CTC, which suggests the possibility of charge transfer exciton generated upon NIR excitation. The absorption spectra of the mixed films show that there is an obvious absorption. All the films have the same absorption peak except the film with a rubrene-to-MoO3 ratio of 4∶1 and it indicates that the concentration of MoO3 has almost no influence on the absorption of the mixed films. The optical band gaps of the mixed thin films are calculated in a spectral range of 345-1035 nm according to the Tauc equation, and the results show that the optical band gap of the film with a rubrene-to-MoO3 ratio of 2∶1 is narrowest (~2.23 eV). In order to study the electrical characteristics of the mixed films, an Al/rubrene:MoO3/ITO device is fabricated. The current density-voltage (J-V) characteristic is also investigated. The analysis of the J-V measurement for the device indicates that the current conduction in the Al/rubrene:MoO3/ITO device is Ohmic type when the rubrene-to-MoO3 ratios are 4∶1 and 2∶1, and it is Schottky type when the ratio is other value. The current for rubrene-to-MoO3 ratio of 1∶1 is larger than that for 1∶2, which indicates that the contact is better when the surface is more smooth. These properties of the mixed films can result in the applications in the near-infrared region.
      通信作者: 邓金祥, jdeng@bjut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 60876006, 60376007)、北京市自然科学基金(批准号: 4192016)和北京市教育委员会科技计划重点项目(批准号: KZ201410005008)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Deng Jin-Xiang, jdeng@bjut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 60876006, 60376007), the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China (Grant No. 4192016), and the Funding for the Development Project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. KZ201410005008).

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    刘恩科, 朱秉生, 罗晋生 2017 半导体物理学 (第七版) (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第201页

    Liu E K, Zhu B S, Luo J S 2017 The Physics Semiconductors E7 (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p201 (in Chinese)


    李林娜,陈新亮,刘晨等 2010 光电子·激光 21 4Google Scholar

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    吴伟杰 2016 硕士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)

    Wu W J 2016 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese)


    Arfaoui A, Mhamdi A, Besrour N, et al. 2018 Thin Solid Films 648 12Google Scholar


    He X X, Chow W L, Liu F C, et al. 2017 Small 13 1602558Google Scholar


    El-Nahass M M, Farag A M, Abd El-Rahman K F, et al. 2005 Opt. Laser Technol. 37 513Google Scholar


    Ambily S, Menon C S 1999 Thin Solid Films 347 284Google Scholar


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    Petrenko T, Krylova O, Neese F, et al. 2009 New J. Phys. 11 1367Google Scholar


    Mitrofanov O, Lang D V, Kloc C, et al. 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 166601Google Scholar


    Tavazzi S, Borghesi A, Papagni A, et al. 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 245416Google Scholar


    Tuğluoğlu N, Barış B, Gürel H, et al. 2014 J. Alloy Compd. 582 696Google Scholar


    伍春燕, 钟韶, 陈易明等 2002 光谱学与光谱分析 22 495Google Scholar

    Wu C Y, Zhong S, Chen Y M, et al. 2002 Spec. Spec. Anal. 22 495Google Scholar

  • 图 1  不同MoO3掺杂比的rubrene∶MoO3薄膜的AFM图像(图像扫描区域2.0 μm × 2.0 μm) (a) 4∶1; (b) 2∶1; (c) 1∶1; (d) 1∶2; (e) 1∶4

    Fig. 1.  The AFM images of rubrene∶MoO3 films under different proportion (scan areas are 2.0 μm × 2.0 μm): (a) 4∶1; (b) 2∶1; (c) 1∶1; (d) 1∶2; (e) 1∶4.

    图 2  Rubrene与MoO3在不同掺杂比例下的RMS

    Fig. 2.  The RMS roughness of rubrene∶MoO3 films under different proportion.

    图 3  不同MoO3掺杂比的rubrene∶MoO3薄膜的XRD图像

    Fig. 3.  The XRD image of rubrene∶MoO3 films under different proportion

    图 4  不同MoO3掺杂比的rubrene∶MoO3薄膜的PL谱

    Fig. 4.  The PL spectrum of rubrene∶MoO3 films under different proportion.

    图 5  MoO3 和Rubrene的能级结构示意图 (a) MoO3与Rubrene各自能级图; (b) MoO3与Rubrene相互作用后的能级图

    Fig. 5.  A schematic diagram of energy level alignments about MoO3 and Rubrene: (a) Before interaction; (b) after interaction

    图 6  不同MoO3掺杂比的Rubrene∶MoO3薄膜的吸收光谱

    Fig. 6.  The absorption spectra of Rubrene∶MoO3 films under different proportions

    图 7  不同MoO3掺杂浓度的rubrene∶MoO3混合薄膜的${(\alpha hv)^2}$$hv$的关系曲线

    Fig. 7.  ${(\alpha hv)^2}$versus $hv$ plot of rubrene∶MoO3 films under different proportion

    图 8  Al/rubrene∶MoO3/ITO器件结构示意图(0.8 cm × 0.8 cm)

    Fig. 8.  Schematic illustration of the Al/rubrene∶MoO3/ITO (0.8 cm × 0.8 cm)

    图 9  室温下不同MoO3掺杂浓度的rubrene∶MoO3混合薄膜的J-V特性曲线

    Fig. 9.  Current density-voltage characteristics of rubrene∶MoO3 films under different proportion at room temperature

    表 1  利用图7关系所得能隙值

    Table 1.  The value of energy gap received from Fig. 7.

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    Sundar V C, Zaumseil J, Podzorov V, et al. 2004 Science 303 1644Google Scholar


    Luo Y, Brun M, Rannou P, et al. 2007 Phys. Status Solidi 204 1851Google Scholar


    Park S W, Jeong S H, Choi J M, et al. 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 26


    邓金祥, 康成龙, 杨冰, 等 2012 真空科学与技术学报 32 678Google Scholar

    Deng J X, Kang C L, Yang B, et al. 2012 Chin. J. Vacu. Sci. Tech. 32 678Google Scholar


    Ng T W, Lo M F, Yang Q D, et al. 2012 Adv. Func. Mater. 22 3035Google Scholar


    Liu Y, Wu X M, Xiao Z H, et al. 2017 Appl. Surf. Sci. 413 302Google Scholar


    Hsu C H, Deng J, Staddon C R, et al. 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 193505Google Scholar


    Matsushima T, Jin G H, Kanai Y, et al. 2011 Org. Elec. 12 520Google Scholar


    Kubo M, Iketaki K, Kaji T, et al. 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 40


    Nakanotani H, Kakizoe H, Adachi C 2011 Sol. Sta. Com. 151 93Google Scholar


    杨海刚, 尤天友, 宋桂林, 等 2011 真空 48 58Google Scholar

    Yang H G, You T Y, Song J L, et al. 2011 Vacuum 48 58Google Scholar


    王娜娜, 于军胜, 王琦, 等 2011 量子电子学报 28 191Google Scholar

    Wang N N, Yu J S, Wang Q, et al. 2011 Chin. J. Quan. Elec. 28 191Google Scholar


    刘恩科, 朱秉生, 罗晋生 2017 半导体物理学 (第七版) (北京: 电子工业出版社) 第201页

    Liu E K, Zhu B S, Luo J S 2017 The Physics Semiconductors E7 (Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry) p201 (in Chinese)


    李林娜,陈新亮,刘晨等 2010 光电子·激光 21 4Google Scholar

    Li L N, Chen X L, Liu C, et al. 2010 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser 21 4Google Scholar


    冯丽萍, 刘正堂 2008 材料开发与应用 23 5Google Scholar

    Feng L P, Liu Z T 2008 Devel. Appl. Mater. 23 5Google Scholar


    吴伟杰 2016 硕士学位论文 (成都: 电子科技大学)

    Wu W J 2016 M. S. Thesis (Chengdu: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese)


    Arfaoui A, Mhamdi A, Besrour N, et al. 2018 Thin Solid Films 648 12Google Scholar


    He X X, Chow W L, Liu F C, et al. 2017 Small 13 1602558Google Scholar


    El-Nahass M M, Farag A M, Abd El-Rahman K F, et al. 2005 Opt. Laser Technol. 37 513Google Scholar


    Ambily S, Menon C S 1999 Thin Solid Films 347 284Google Scholar


    Farag A A M, Yahia I S 2010 Opt. Commun. 283 4310Google Scholar


    Petrenko T, Krylova O, Neese F, et al. 2009 New J. Phys. 11 1367Google Scholar


    Mitrofanov O, Lang D V, Kloc C, et al. 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 166601Google Scholar


    Tavazzi S, Borghesi A, Papagni A, et al. 2007 Phys. Rev. B 75 245416Google Scholar


    Tuğluoğlu N, Barış B, Gürel H, et al. 2014 J. Alloy Compd. 582 696Google Scholar


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