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王善江 苏丹 张彤



王善江, 苏丹, 张彤

Research progress of surface plasmons mediated photothermal effects

Wang Shan-Jiang, Su Dan, Zhang Tong
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 表面等离激元微纳结构能够将光场束缚在亚波长尺度, 实现突破光学衍射极限的光操控, 并显著增强光与物质的相互作用. 在基于表面等离激元机理的光电器件研究中, 微纳结构的自身光吸收通常被认为是损耗, 而通过光热效应, 光吸收则可有效利用并转换成热能, 其中的物理过程研究和应用是当前等离激元学领域的热点方向. 本文回顾了近年来表面等离激元微纳结构光热效应的相关工作, 聚焦于表面等离激元热效应的物理过程、热产生和热传导调控方式的研究进展. 在此基础上, 介绍了表面等离激元微纳结构在微纳加工、宽谱光热转换等方面的应用.
    Plasmonic nanostructure can efficiently manipulate light on a subwavelength scale, which can break through the optical diffraction limit and significantly enhance the interaction between light and matter. In the study of photoelectric devices based on the plasmonic mechanism, the absorption of light in surface plasmons is usually considered as loss, which needs to be suppressed. However, based on the photothermal effect, the light absorption of plasmonic nanostructure can be effectively utilized and converted into heat. The research of this new type of nano-heat source is a hot topic in the field of plasmonics. In this paper, we review the recent progress of the study of photothermal effects of plasmonic nanostructure, focusing on the physical process of heating effects, and the methods to control the temperature distribution in both the process of heat generation and the process of delivery of heat. Finally, the applications of nano-heat source in the fields of nano-fabrication and broad-spectrum photothermal conversion are also presented.
      通信作者: 张彤, tzhang@seu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号: 2017YFA0205800)和国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61875241, 11734005)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Tong, tzhang@seu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0205800) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61875241, 11734005).

    Ditlbacher H, Hohenau A, Wagner D, Kreibig U, Rogers M, Hofer F, Aussenegg F R, Krenn J R 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 257403Google Scholar


    Bozhevolnyi S I, Volkov V S, Devaux E, Laluet J Y, Ebbesen T W 2006 Nature 440 508Google Scholar


    Oulton R F, Sorger V J, Zentgraf T, Ma R M, Gladden C, Dai L, Bartal G, Zhang X 2009 Nature 461 629Google Scholar


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    Fang N, Lee H, Sun C, Zhang X 2005 Science 308 534Google Scholar


    High A A, Devlin R C, Dibos A, Polking M, Wild D S, Perczel J, de Leon N P, Lukin M D, Park H 2015 Nature 522 192Google Scholar


    Su D, Zhang X Y, Ma Y L, Shan F, Wu J Y, Fu X C, Zhang L J, Yuan K Q, Zhang T 2018 IEEE Photon. J. 10 1


    Maier S A, Brongersma M L, Kik P G, Meltzer S, Requich A A G, Atwater H A 2001 Adv. Mater. 13 1501Google Scholar


    Maier S A 2006 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 12 1214Google Scholar


    Zhang T, Su D, Li R Z, Wang S J, Shan F, Xu J J, Zhang X Y 2016 J. Photon. Energy 6 042504Google Scholar


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    O’Brien K, Lanzillotti-Kimura N D, Rho J, Suchowski H, Yin X, Zhang X 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4042Google Scholar


    潘美妍, 李强, 仇旻 2016 物理 45 379Google Scholar

    Pan M Y, Li Q, Qiu M 2016 Physics 45 379Google Scholar


    单杭永, 祖帅, 方哲宇 2017 激光与光电子学进展 54 030002

    Shan H Y, Zu S, Fang Z Y 2017 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 54 030002


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    Baffou G, Berto P, Bermúdez Ureña E, Quidant R, Monneret S, Polleux J, Rigneault H 2013 ACS Nano 7 6478Google Scholar


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    Baffou G, Quidant R, García de Abajo F J 2010 ACS Nano 4 709Google Scholar


    Li R Z, Hu A, Bridges D, Zhang T, Oake K D, Peng R, Tumuluri U, Wu Z, Feng Z 2015 Nanoscale 7 7368Google Scholar


    Khosravi Khorashad L, Besteiro L V, Wang Z, Valentin J, Govorov A O 2016 J. Phys. Chem. C 120 13215Google Scholar


    Liu Z, Li Q, Zhang W, Yang Y, Qiu M 2015 Plasmonics 10 911Google Scholar


    Metwally K, Mensah S, Baffou G 2017 ACS Photon. 4 1544Google Scholar


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    Catone D, Ciavardini A, Di Mario L, Paladini A, Toschi F, Cartoni A, Fratoddi I, Venditti I, Alabastri A, Proietti Zaccaria R, O’Keeffe P 2018 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 5002Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  表面等离激元弛豫产生热的过程及相应时间域 (a)−(d) 分别是表面等离激元激发(t = 0 s)、朗道阻尼(t = 1—100 fs)、热载流子弛豫(t = 100 fs—1 ps)及热耗散的过程(t = 100 ps—10 ns)[22]

    Fig. 1.  Process and time scale of heat generation from SPs decaying: (a)−(d) Illustrates the process of heat generation by excitation of SPs (t = 0 s), Landau damping (t = 1–100 fs), decaying of hot carriers (t = 100 fs–1 ps), and final heat diffusion to surroundings (t = 100 ps–10 ns)[22].

    图 2  (a) 直径为40 nm金纳米球; (b) 金纳米球电场分布特性, (c) 金纳米球热源密度分布; (d)金纳米球稳态条件下的温度场分布, 其中入射光波长为525 nm

    Fig. 2.  (a) The gold nanosphere with a diameter of 40 nm; (b) electromagnetic distribution of the gold nanosphere, (c) thermal density distribution of the gold nanosphere; (d) steady-state temperature field distribution of the gold nanosphere (the incident light wavelength is 525 nm).

    图 3  (a) 纳米光刻技术构建的多孔和无孔金三角板的热分布[28]; (b), (c) 金纳米球二聚体结构在不同偏振下的电磁分布和对应的热分布[29]; (d)不同激励波长下, 叠层银纳米板的热分布[30]; (e) 纳米星结构的热分布仿真结果[35]; (f), (g) 金纳米棒二聚体结构的热分布及相应的局域电场分布[28]

    Fig. 3.  (a) Thermal distribution of porous and non-porous gold nanoplates constructed by e-beam lithography[28]; (b), (c) electromagnetic distribution and corresponding thermal distribution of gold nanosphere dimers under different polarizations[29]; (d) thermal distribution of the tandem silver nanoplates at different excitation wavelengths[30]; (e) simulation of thermal distribution of star-shaped nanostructure[35]; (f), (g) thermal distribution and corresponding electromagnetic distribution of gold nanorod dimers[28].

    图 4  (a), (b) 金纳米壳(棒)、金纳米壳(棒)@氧化石墨烯(GO)以及金纳米壳(棒)@还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)的红外温度像及不同辐照时间下温度提升速率[46]; (c)−(e)金@硅多层壳结构、局域电场及其温度场分布[49]

    Fig. 4.  (a), (b) Infrared temperature images of gold nanoshells (nanorods), gold nanoshells (nanorods)@graphene oxide (GO), and gold nanoshells (nanorods)@reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and the temperature-rising rate under different irradiation time[46]; (c)−(e) gold@silicon multilayer shells structure and their electromagnetic distribution and temperature field distributions[49].

    图 5  (a)−(c) 飞秒激光诱导的光热微纳结构“塑形”, (a) 光谱线宽变化及(b), (c) 金纳米棒塑形后形貌基本保持不变[59]; (d)−(f) “热点”自组装机制及高分辨透射电镜成像[60]

    Fig. 5.  (a)−(c) The “shaping” of the nanostructure induced by femtosecond laser, (a) the spectral line width changes and (b), (c) the morphology of the gold nanorods remained basically unchanged after shaping[59]; (d)−(f) “hot spot” self-assembly process and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy imaging[60].

    图 6  (a) 宽谱光吸收原理图; (b) 金纳米星@多孔硅复合结构的宽谱光热转换器件[66]; (c) 金纳米球/三维多孔氧化铝复合结构的宽谱光吸收器件[67]

    Fig. 6.  (a) The scheme of broad-spectrum optical absorption; (b) the broad-spectrum photothermal-conversion device of gold nanostar@porous silicon composite structure[66]; (c) broad-spectrum optical absorption device with gold nanosphere/three-dimensional porous alumina composite structures[67].

    图 7  表面等离激元诱导的 (a) 光-热-力过程, (b) 光-热-电过程及(c) 光-热-光过程

    Fig. 7.  SPs induced (a) photon-thermal-mechanical process, (b) photon-thermal-electrical process and (c) photon-thermal-optical process.

  • [1]

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    Peng P, Hu A, Gerlich A P, Zou G, Liu L, Zhou Y N 2015 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 7 12597Google Scholar


    González-Rubio G, Guerrero-Martínez A, Liz-Marzán L M 2016 Accounts Chem. Res. 49 678Google Scholar


    Catone D, Ciavardini A, Di Mario L, Paladini A, Toschi F, Cartoni A, Fratoddi I, Venditti I, Alabastri A, Proietti Zaccaria R, O’Keeffe P 2018 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 9 5002Google Scholar


    Schoenlein R W, Lin W Z, Fujimoto J G, Eesley G L 1987 Phys. Rev. Lett. 58 1680Google Scholar


    Hu A, Rybachuk M, Lu Q B, Duley W W 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 131906Google Scholar


    Xing S, Lin L, Zou G, Liu L, Peng P, Wu A, Duley W W, Zhou Y N 2017 Nanotechnology 28 405302Google Scholar


    Li R Z, Peng R, Kihm K D, Bai S, Bridges D, Tumuluri U, Wu Z, Zhang T, Compagnini G, Feng Z, Hu A 2016 Energy Environ. Sci. 9 1458Google Scholar


    Lim D K, Barhoumi A, Wylie R G, Reznor G, Langer R S, Kohane D S 2013 Nano Lett. 13 4075Google Scholar


    Zolotavin P, Alabastri A, Nordlander P, Natelson D 2016 ACS Nano 10 6972Google Scholar


    Herzog J B, Knight M W, Natelson D 2014 Nano Lett. 14 499Google Scholar


    Meng L, Yu R, Qiu M, García de Abajo F J 2017 ACS Nano 11 7915Google Scholar


    Garnett E C, Cai W, Cha J J, Mahmood F, Conno S T, Christoforo M G, Cui Y, McGehee1 M D, Brongersma M L 2012 Nat. Mater. 11 241Google Scholar


    Hu A, Guo J Y, Alarifi H, Patane G, Zhou Y, Compagnini G, Xu C X 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 153117Google Scholar


    Marzbanrad E, Hu A, Zhao B, Zhou Y 2013 J. Phys. Chem. C 117 16665Google Scholar


    Yang C, Wong C P, Yuen M M F 2013 J. Mater. Chem. C 1 4052Google Scholar


    Zhang X Y, Xu J J, Wu J Y, Shan F, Ma X D, Chen Y Z, Zhang T 2017 RSC Adv. 7 8Google Scholar


    Yang H, Lu J, Ghosh P, Chen Z, Wang W, Ye H, Yu Q, Qiu M, Li Q 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 112 071108Google Scholar


    Herrmann L O, Valev V K, Tserkezis C, Barnard J S, Kasera S, Scherman O A, Aizpurua J, Baumberg J J 2014 Nat. Commun. 5 4568Google Scholar


    Li R Z, Hu A, Zhang T, Oakes K D 2014 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 6 21721Google Scholar


    Fang L, Liu D, Wang Y, Li Y, Song L, Gong M, Li Y, Deng Z 2018 Nano Lett. 18 7014Google Scholar


    González-Rubio G, Díaz-Núñez P, Rivera A, Prada A, Tardajos G, González-Izquierdo J, Bañares L, Llombart P, Macdowel L G, Palafox M A, Liz-Marzán L M, Peña-Rodríguez O, Guerrero-Martínez A 2017 Science 358 640Google Scholar


    González-Rubio G, González-Izquierdo J, Bañares L, Tardajos G, Rivera A, Altantzis T, Bals S, Peña-Rodríguez O, Guerrero-Martínez A, Liz-Marzán L M 2015 Nano Lett. 15 8282Google Scholar


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