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罗进宝 VasiliyPelenovich 曾晓梅 郝中华 张翔宇 左文彬 付德君



罗进宝, VasiliyPelenovich, 曾晓梅, 郝中华, 张翔宇, 左文彬, 付德君

Effect of ion dose ratio on multilevel energy smoothing model of gas cluster

Luo Jin-Bao, Vasiliy Pelenovich, Zeng Xiao-Mei, Hao Zhong-Hua, Zhang Xiang-Yu, Zuo Wen-Bin, Fu De-Jun
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本研究提出采用两种不同的离子剂量比的气体团簇离子束多级能量模式来改善n-Si(100)单晶片的创伤表面. 模式一采用低剂量的高能量团簇和高剂量的低能量团簇组合, 模式二则采用高剂量的高能量团簇和低剂量的低能量团簇组合. 结果证明, 模式一的平坦化效果优于模式二, 两者的均方根粗糙度分别为0.62 nm和1.02 nm. 本文在研究多级能量模式平坦化前, 先做了单一能量团簇轰击带有机械损伤的Si片实验, 来验证创伤去除、离子损伤程度与团簇能量的关系. 结果证明, 当用15 kV高压加速团簇离子时, 划痕去除效率最高, 最终表面划痕很浅, 但粗糙度下降不明显; 当用8 kV, 5 kV低压加速团簇离子时, 样品表面变得细腻, 遗留的离子损伤最轻. 然后将多级能量模式一与单一能量团簇轰击靶材进行对比, 结果表明, 与单一15 keV的高能团簇处理相比, 多级能量模式可以获得更为平坦的靶材表面; 与单一5 keV的低能团簇处理相比, 多级能量模式可以更好的去除划痕等创伤. 多级能量模式一将高、低能团簇优点集中起来, 从而达到最佳的平坦化效果.
    In this study, two kinds of gas cluster ion beam energy modes with different ion dose ratios are proposed to improve the traumatic surface of n-Si (100) single crystal. In mode1, low-dose high-energy clusters and high-dose low-energy clusters are used, while in mode2, high-dose high-energy clusters and low-dose low-energy clusters are used. The results show that the flattening effect of mode 1 is better than that of mode 2, and the root mean square roughness of mode 1 and mode 2 are 0.62 nm and 1.02 nm, respectively. This is because in multi-level energy mode 2, high-dose high-energy clusters are used to bombard the target surface in the early stage, so that more ion damages will be left after high-energy cluster bombardment. In the later stage, low-dose low-energy clusters can only remove part of the ion damages, and the repair strength is not strong enough. In multi-level energy mode1, we first use low-dose high-energy clusters to bombard the surface of the target, so that the high-energy clusters can quickly remove the shape objects with high protrusion on the sample surface, and in the low-dose mode, it will not leave too many ion damages, which is conducive to the later repair. In the first stage of multi-level energy mode, high-dose low-energy clusters are used to bombard the target surface, which can not only reduce the ion loss, but also increase the time for low-energy clusters to repair ion damages, thereby yielding the optimal flattening effect. In order to verify the relationship among the damage removal, ion damage degree and cluster energy, a single energy cluster bombardment experiment with mechanical damage is carried out before the multi-level energy mode modification is studied. The results show that when the cluster ions are accelerated at 15 kV high voltage, the scratch removal efficiency is highest, and the surface scratch is very shallow, but the decease of roughness is not obvious; when the cluster ions are accelerated at 8 kV and 5 kV, the sample surface becomes fine and the remaining ion damages are least. At the same time, a comparison of the target bombarded by the multi-level energy mode 1 clusters with that by the single energy clusters shows that the multi-level energy mode can obtain a smoother target surface than the single 15 keV high-energy cluster treatment; the multi-level energy mode can better remove scratches and other wounds than the single 5 keV low-energy cluster treatment. Multistage energy mode 1 integrates the advantages of high and low energy clusters, thereby achieving the best flattening effect.
      通信作者: VasiliyPelenovich, pelenovich@mail.ru ; 曾晓梅, 1714399588@qq.com ; 郝中华, zhhao@whu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11875210, U1832127)和广东省自然科学基金(批准号: 2018A050506082, 2020A1515011531, 2020A1515011451)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Vasiliy Pelenovich, pelenovich@mail.ru ; Zeng Xiao-Mei, 1714399588@qq.com ; Hao Zhong-Hua, zhhao@whu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11875210, U1832127), the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province (Grant Nos. 2018A050506082, 2020A1515011531, 2020A1515011451).

    Matsuo J, Katsumata H, Minami E, Yamada I 2000 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 161-163 952Google Scholar


    Goto K, Matsuo J, Tada Y, Momiyama Y, Sugii T, Yamada I 1997 IEDM Tech. Digst. 471Google Scholar


    Toyoda N, Hagiwara N, Matsuo J, Yamada I 1999 Nucl. Instrum. MethodsB 148 639Google Scholar


    Yamada I, Takaoka G H 1993 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32 2121Google Scholar


    Qin W, Howson R P, Akizuki M, Matsuo J, Takaoka G, Yamada I 1998 Mater. Chem. Phys. 54 258Google Scholar


    Seki T, Matsuo J, Yamada I 2000 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 161–163 1007


    Tembrello. T A 1995 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 99 225Google Scholar


    Sang J L, Chang M C, Boo K M, Ji Y B, Jae Y E, Myoung C C 2019 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 40 877Google Scholar


    Ieshkin A, Nazarev A, Tatarintsev A, Kireev D 2020 Mater. Lett. 272 127829Google Scholar


    Sumie K, Toyoda N, Yamada I 2013 Nucl. Instrum. MethodsB 307 290Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Ieshkin A 2019 Rapid Commun. Mass. Spectrom. 33 1449Google Scholar


    Pelenovich V, Zeng X M, Rakhimov R, Zuo W B 2020 Mater. Lett. 264 127356Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Zuo W B, Xing B, Tolstogouzov A 2020 Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 11 383Google Scholar


    Yamada I, Matsuo J, Insepov Z, Akizuki M 1995 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 106 165Google Scholar


    Yamada I, Matsuo J, Toyoda N, Kirkpatrick A 2001 Mater. Sci. Eng. R 34 231Google Scholar


    Prasalovich S, Popok V, Persson P, Campbell E E B 2005 J. Eur. Phys. D 36 79Google Scholar


    曾晓梅, Vasiliy Pelenovich, Rakhim Rakhimov, 左文彬, 邢斌, 罗进宝, 张翔宇, 付德君 2020 物理学报 69 093601Google Scholar

    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Rakhimov R, Zuo W B, Xing B, Luo J B, Zhang X Y, Fu D J 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 093601Google Scholar


    Tolstoguzov A B, Drozdov M N, Ieshkin A E, Tatarintsev A A, Myakon’kikh A V, Belykh S F, Korobeishchiko, N G, Pelenovich V 2020 JETP Letters. 111 467Google Scholar


    Merkle K J, Jager W 1981 Philos. Mag. A 44 741Google Scholar


    Gapann J 1995 Sensor Actuator. A 51 37Google Scholar


    Takeuchi D, Seki T, Aoki T, Matsuo J, Yamada I 1998 Mater. Chem. Phys. 54 76Google Scholar


    Matsuo J, Seki T, Yamada I 2003 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 206 838Google Scholar


    Allen L P, Insepov Z, Fenner D B, Santeufemio, Brooks C W, Jones K S, Yamada I 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 92 3671Google Scholar


    Momota S, NojiIi Y 2006 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 242 247Google Scholar


    Seki T, Kaneko T, Takeuchi D, Aoki T, Matsuo J, Insepov Z, Yamada I 1997 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 121 498Google Scholar


    Pelenovich V, Zeng X M, Ieshkin A, Chernysh V S, Tolstogouzov A B 2019 J. Surf. Invest. 13 344Google Scholar


    VasiliyPelenovich, 曾晓梅, 罗进宝, RakhimRakhimov, 左文彬, 张翔宇, 田灿鑫, 邹长伟, 付德君, 杨兵 2021 物理学报 70 053601Google Scholar

    Pelenovich V, Zeng X M, Luo J B, Rakhimov R, Zuo W B, Zhang X Y, Tian C X, Zhou C W, Fu D J, Yang B 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 053601Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Liu C S, FuD J 2017 Chin. Phys. C 41 087003Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Zuo W B 2019 Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 10 135Google Scholar

  • 图 1  Si片经不同单一能量的Ar团簇垂直辐照前后的AFM表面形貌图 (a) 0 keV (initial); (b) 15 keV; (c) 8 keV; (d) 5 keV

    Fig. 1.  AFM images of Si surface before and after Ar cluster bombardment at different single energies: (a) 0 keV (initial surface); (b) 15 keV; (c) 8 keV; (d) 5 keV.

    图 2  Si片经两种不同模式的Ar团簇垂直辐照后的AFM表面形貌图 (a) 0 keV (初始); (b) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV多级能量(其离子剂量均为2 × 1016 cm–2); (c) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV多级能量(其离子剂量分别为3 × 1016, 2 × 1016, 1 × 1016 cm–2)

    Fig. 2.  AFM images of mechanically polished Si surface irradiated by two different modes of Ar cluster bombardment: (a) Initial surface; (b) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV, consequently (all ion doses are 2 × 1016 cm–2); (c) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV, consequently (ion doses respectively are 3 × 1016, 2 × 1016, 1 × 1016 cm–2)

    图 3  两种不同模式下, Ar团簇垂直辐照Si片后的PSD曲线

    Fig. 3.  PSD curves of Ar clusters after vertical irradiation of Si wafer under two different modes

    图 4  Si片经不同能量的Ar团簇垂直辐照后的AFM表面形貌图 (a) 15 keV; (b) 5 keV; (c) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV (离子剂量均为 2 × 1016 cm–2); (d) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV (离子剂量分别为 3 × 1016, 2 × 1016、1 × 1016 cm–2); (e) 图(a)中孔洞的截面轮廓图; (f) 图(b)中孔洞的截面轮廓图; (g) 图(c)中孔洞的截面轮廓图; (h) 图(d)中孔洞的截面轮廓图

    Fig. 4.  AFM images of mechanically polished Si surface after Ar cluster bombardment with different energy: (a) 15 keV; (b) 5 keV; (c) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV, consequently (all ion doses are 2 × 1016 cm–2); (d) 15 keV + 8 keV + 5 keV, consequently (ion doses respectively are 3 × 1016, 2 × 1016, 1 × 1016 cm–2); (e) cross section of a crater from (a); (f) cross section of a crater from (b); (g) cross section of a crater from (c); (h) cross section of a crater from (d).

    表 1  Si片样品的平坦化参数(团簇能量、离子剂量、抛光时间)和平坦化结果(均方根表面粗糙度Rq)

    Table 1.  The smoothing parameters (cluster energy, ion dose, smoothing time) and root mean square roughness Rq.

    156 × 1016101.64
    86 × 1016201.07
    56 × 1016251.10
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    表 2  Si片样品的平坦化参数(团簇能量、离子剂量、抛光时间)和平坦化结果(均方根表面粗糙度Rq)

    Table 2.  The smoothing parameters (cluster energy, ion dose, smoothing time) and root mean square roughness Rq.

    15 + 8 + 52 × 1016 + 2 × 1016 + 2 × 10163 + 6 + 80.62
    15 + 8 + 53 × 1016 + 2 × 1016+1 × 10165 + 6 + 41.02
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    Matsuo J, Katsumata H, Minami E, Yamada I 2000 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 161-163 952Google Scholar


    Goto K, Matsuo J, Tada Y, Momiyama Y, Sugii T, Yamada I 1997 IEDM Tech. Digst. 471Google Scholar


    Toyoda N, Hagiwara N, Matsuo J, Yamada I 1999 Nucl. Instrum. MethodsB 148 639Google Scholar


    Yamada I, Takaoka G H 1993 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32 2121Google Scholar


    Qin W, Howson R P, Akizuki M, Matsuo J, Takaoka G, Yamada I 1998 Mater. Chem. Phys. 54 258Google Scholar


    Seki T, Matsuo J, Yamada I 2000 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 161–163 1007


    Tembrello. T A 1995 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 99 225Google Scholar


    Sang J L, Chang M C, Boo K M, Ji Y B, Jae Y E, Myoung C C 2019 Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 40 877Google Scholar


    Ieshkin A, Nazarev A, Tatarintsev A, Kireev D 2020 Mater. Lett. 272 127829Google Scholar


    Sumie K, Toyoda N, Yamada I 2013 Nucl. Instrum. MethodsB 307 290Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Ieshkin A 2019 Rapid Commun. Mass. Spectrom. 33 1449Google Scholar


    Pelenovich V, Zeng X M, Rakhimov R, Zuo W B 2020 Mater. Lett. 264 127356Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Zuo W B, Xing B, Tolstogouzov A 2020 Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 11 383Google Scholar


    Yamada I, Matsuo J, Insepov Z, Akizuki M 1995 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 106 165Google Scholar


    Yamada I, Matsuo J, Toyoda N, Kirkpatrick A 2001 Mater. Sci. Eng. R 34 231Google Scholar


    Prasalovich S, Popok V, Persson P, Campbell E E B 2005 J. Eur. Phys. D 36 79Google Scholar


    曾晓梅, Vasiliy Pelenovich, Rakhim Rakhimov, 左文彬, 邢斌, 罗进宝, 张翔宇, 付德君 2020 物理学报 69 093601Google Scholar

    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Rakhimov R, Zuo W B, Xing B, Luo J B, Zhang X Y, Fu D J 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 093601Google Scholar


    Tolstoguzov A B, Drozdov M N, Ieshkin A E, Tatarintsev A A, Myakon’kikh A V, Belykh S F, Korobeishchiko, N G, Pelenovich V 2020 JETP Letters. 111 467Google Scholar


    Merkle K J, Jager W 1981 Philos. Mag. A 44 741Google Scholar


    Gapann J 1995 Sensor Actuator. A 51 37Google Scholar


    Takeuchi D, Seki T, Aoki T, Matsuo J, Yamada I 1998 Mater. Chem. Phys. 54 76Google Scholar


    Matsuo J, Seki T, Yamada I 2003 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 206 838Google Scholar


    Allen L P, Insepov Z, Fenner D B, Santeufemio, Brooks C W, Jones K S, Yamada I 2002 J. Appl. Phys. 92 3671Google Scholar


    Momota S, NojiIi Y 2006 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 242 247Google Scholar


    Seki T, Kaneko T, Takeuchi D, Aoki T, Matsuo J, Insepov Z, Yamada I 1997 Nucl. Instrum. Methods B 121 498Google Scholar


    Pelenovich V, Zeng X M, Ieshkin A, Chernysh V S, Tolstogouzov A B 2019 J. Surf. Invest. 13 344Google Scholar


    VasiliyPelenovich, 曾晓梅, 罗进宝, RakhimRakhimov, 左文彬, 张翔宇, 田灿鑫, 邹长伟, 付德君, 杨兵 2021 物理学报 70 053601Google Scholar

    Pelenovich V, Zeng X M, Luo J B, Rakhimov R, Zuo W B, Zhang X Y, Tian C X, Zhou C W, Fu D J, Yang B 2021 Acta Phys. Sin. 70 053601Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Liu C S, FuD J 2017 Chin. Phys. C 41 087003Google Scholar


    Zeng X M, Pelenovich V, Zuo W B 2019 Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 10 135Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-11-29
  • 修回日期:  2021-03-28
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