In this paper we combine α stable noise with a monostable stochastic resonance (SR) system to investigate the overdamped monostable SR phenomenon with multiplicative and additive α stable noise, and explore the action laws of the stability index α (0 α ≤ 2) and skewness parameter β (-1 ≤ β ≤ 1) of the α stable noise, the monostable system parameter a, and the amplification factor D of the multiplicative α stable noise against the resonance output effect. Results show that for different distributions of α stable noise, the single or multiple low-and high-frequency weak signals detection can be realized by adjusting the parameter a or D within a certain range. For a or D, respectively, there is an optimal value which can make the system produce the best SR effect. Different α or β can regularly change the system resonance output effect. Moreover, when α or β is given different values, the evolution laws in the monostable SR system excited by low-and high-frequency weak signals are the same. The conclusions drawn for the study of single-and multi-frequency monostable SR with α stable noise are also the same. These results will be the foundation for realizing the adaptive parameter adjustment in the monostable SR system with α stable noise.
- monostable stochastic resonance /
- α stable noise /
- weak signal detection /
- mean of signal-to-noise ratio gain
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[24] Jiao S B, Ren C, Huang W C, Liang Y M 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 210501 (in Chinese)[焦尚彬, 任超, 黄伟超, 梁炎明2013 物理学报62 210501]
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[34] Jiao S B, He T 2013 Computer Engineering and Applications (in Chinese) [焦尚彬, 何童2013 计算机工程与应用]
[35] L Y, Wang C Y, Tian Y, Hou B 2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House 8 40 (in Chinese)[吕运, 王长悦, 田野, 侯彪2010 机械与电子8 40]
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