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Synthesis and characterization of flower-like MoS2 microspheres by hydrothermal method

Fu Chong-Yuan Xing Song Shen Tao Tai Bo Dong Qian-Min Shu Hai-Bo Liang Pei


Synthesis and characterization of flower-like MoS2 microspheres by hydrothermal method

Fu Chong-Yuan, Xing Song, Shen Tao, Tai Bo, Dong Qian-Min, Shu Hai-Bo, Liang Pei
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  • High-purity flower-like MoS2 microspheres have been successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method using Na2MoO4 and CH3CSNH2 as precursors, and H4O40SiW12 as an additive. Samples are characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). XRD and EDS patterns show that the as-prepared samples are MoS2, which have good crystallinity with a well-stacked layered structure. SEM images show that the as-prepared MoS2 are composed of flower-like microspheres with a mean diameter about 300 nm, the structures of which are constructed from dozens of hundreds of MoS2 nano-sheet with a thickness of several nanometers. It is also found that the silicotungstic acid plays an important role in the formation of the flower-like MoS2 microspheres, which could affect the size and morphology of the MoS2. Flower-like MoS2 is not found in the as-prepared product without adding silicotungstic acid. A formation mechanism of MoS2 microspheres is tentatively given.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61006051, 61177050), the College students in Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Innovation Activities Plan, China (Grant No. 2013R409016), and the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province Public Interest Research Technology, China (Grant No. 2013C31068).

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  • [1]

    Guo S B, Kang Q P, Cai C B, Qu X H 2012 Rare Metals. 31 368


    Guo H H, Yang T, Tao P, Zhang Z D 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 017201


    Zhou W, Yin Z Y, Du Y P, Huang X, Zeng Z Y, Fan Z X, Liu H, Wang J Y, Zhang H 2013 Small 9 140


    Rapoport L, N Fleischer, R Tenne 2005 Journal of Materials Chemistry 15 1782


    Whittingham M S 2004 Chemical Reviews 104 4271


    Cheng F Y, Chen J 2006 Journal of Materials Research. 21 2744


    Li Y G, Wang H L, Xie L M, Liang Y Y, Hong G S, Dai H J 2011 Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 7296


    Frindt R F, Arrott, A S, Curzon A E, Heinrich B, Morrison S R, Templeton T L, Divigalpitiya R, Gee M A, Joensen P, Schurer P J 1991 Journal of Applied Physics 70 6224


    Dong H H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 206101 (in Chinese) [董海明 2013 物理学报 62 206101]


    Liu J, Liang P, Shu H B, Shen T, Xing S, Wu Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 117101 (in Chinese) [刘俊, 梁培, 舒海波, 沈涛, 邢凇, 吴琼 2014 物理学报 63 117101]


    Zhang Z J, Zhang J, Xue Q J 1994 Journal of Physical Chemistry. 98 12973


    Li X M, Long M Q, Cui L L, Xiao J, Xu H 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 047307


    Li H, Yin Z Y, He Q Y, Li H, Huang X, Lu G, Fam Derrick, Wen H, Tok, Alfred I Y, Zhang Q, Zhang H 2012 Small 8 63


    Radisavljevic B, Radenovic A, Brivio J, Giacometti V, Kis A 2011 Nature Nanotechnology. 6 147


    Lopez-Sanchez O, Lembke D, Kayci M, Radenovic A, Kis A 2013 Nature Nanotechnology. 8 497


    Xiang Q J, Yu J G, Jaroniec M 2012 Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 6575


    Liu Y, Yu Y X, Zhang W D 2013 Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 12949


    Margulis L, Salitra G, Tenne R, Tallanker M 1993 Nature 365 113


    Li W J, Shi E W, Ko J M, Chen Z Z, Ogino H, Fukuda T 2003 Journal of Crystal Growth. 250 418


    Li Q, Walter E C, Van der Veer W E, Murray B J, Newberg J T, Bohannan E W, Switzer J A, Hemminger J C, Penner R M 2005 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 3169


    Chen J, Li S L, Xu Q, Tanaka K 2002 Chemical Communications. 16 1722


    Albiter MA, Huirache-Acuna R, Paraguay-Delgado F, Rico JL, Alonso-Nunez G 2006 Nanotechnology. 17 3473


    Dhas N A, Suslick K S 2005 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127 2368


    Li Y, Bando Y, Golberg D 2003 Applied Physics Letters. 82 1962


    Novoselov KS, Jiang D, Schedin F, Booth TJ, Khotkevich VV, Morozov SV, Geim AK 2005 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102 10451


    Coleman J N, Lotya M, O'Neill A, Bergin S D, King P J, Khan U, Young K, Gaucher A, De S, Smith R J 2011 Science. 331 568


    Castellanos-Gomez A, Barkelid M, Goossens AM, Calado V E, Van der Zant, H SJ 2012 Nano Letters. 12 3187


    Helveg S, Lauritsen J V, Lægsgaard E, Stensgaard I, Nørskov J K, Clausen BS, Topsøe H, Besenbacher F 2000 Physical Review Letters 84 951


    Najmaei S, Liu Z, Zhou W, Zou X L, Shi G, Lei S D, Yakobson B I, Idrobo J C, Ajayan P M, Lou J 2013 Nature Materials. 12 754


    Chang K, Chen W 2011 ACS Nano. 5 4720


    Yuan H J, Chen Y Q, Yu F, Peng Y H, He X W, Zhao D, Tang D S 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 036103


    Cundy C S, Cox P A 2003 Chemical Reviews 103 663


    Tang G G, Sun J R, Wei C, Wu K Q, Ji X R, Liu S S, Tang H, Li C S 2012 Materials Letters 86 9


    Yang J, Li C X, Quan Z W, Zhang C, Yang P, Li Y, Yu C, Lin J 2008 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 12777

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  • Received Date:  12 June 2014
  • Accepted Date:  20 August 2014
  • Published Online:  05 January 2015

