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Pressure-induced metallization transition in Mg2Ge

Wang Jun-Long Zhang Lin-Ji Liu Qi-Jun Chen Yuan-Zheng Shen Ru He Zhu Tang Bin Liu Xiu-Ru


Pressure-induced metallization transition in Mg2Ge

Wang Jun-Long, Zhang Lin-Ji, Liu Qi-Jun, Chen Yuan-Zheng, Shen Ru, He Zhu, Tang Bin, Liu Xiu-Ru
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  • Mg2Ge with anti-fluorite structure at ambient pressure is characterized as a narrow band semiconductor and increasing pressure results in a decrease of the gap. In this work, the band structure of anti-fluorite Mg2Ge under high pressure is studied by first principles calculations, which suggests that Mg2Ge becomes metallic at 7.5 GPa as a result of band gap closure. The enthalpy difference between anti-fluorite phase and anti-cotunnite phase under high pressure is calculated by the first-principles plane-wave method within the pseudopotential and generalized gradient approximation. The results show that Mg2Ge undergoes a phase transition from the anti-fluorite structure to anti-cotunnite structure at 11.0 GPa. Then we investigate experimentally the pressure-induced metallization of Mg2Ge by electric resistance measurement in strip anvil cell and Raman spectroscopy by diamond anvil cell. The pressure distribution is homogeneous along the central line of the strip anvil and the pressure is changed ccontinuously by using a hydraulically driven two-anvil press. Raman scattering experiment is performed at pressure up to 21.1 GPa on a back scattered Raman spectrometer. The wavelength of excitation laser is 532 nm. No pressure-transmitting is used and pressure is determined by the shift of the ruby luminescence line. It is found that neither a discontinuous change of electrical resistance at 8.7 GPa nor Raman vibration modes of Mg2Ge appear above 9.8 GPa. The disappearance of the Raman vibration mode is ascribed to the metallization since the the free carrier concentration rises after metallization has prevented the laser light from penetrating into the sample. We compare these results with those of resistivity measurements in diamond anvil cell. Li et al.[2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 142103] reported that Mg2Ge becomes metallic phase at 7.4 GPa and is transformed into metallic anti-cotunnite phase at around 9.5 GPa. We speculate that the discontinuous change in electric resistance at 8.7 GPa is ascribed to the gap closure of anti-fluorite phase and Mg2Ge may transform into the anti-cotunnite phase above 9.8 GPa.
      Corresponding author: Liu Xiu-Ru,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11004163) and the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (Grant Nos. 2682014ZT31, 2682016CX065).

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    Tani J, Kido H 2008 Comp. Mater. Sci. 42 531


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    Guo S D 2016 Eur. Phys. J. B 89 1


    Liu H Y, Zhu Z Z, Yang Y 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5182 (in Chinese)[刘慧英, 朱梓忠, 杨勇2008物理学报57 5182]


    Mao J, Kim H S, Shuai J, Liu Z, He R, Saparamadu U, Tian F, Liu W, Ren Z 2016 Acta Mater. 103 633


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    Wang J R, Zhu J, Hao Y J, Ji G F, Xiang G, Zou Y C 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 186401(in Chinese)[王金荣, 朱俊, 郝彦军, 姬广富, 向钢, 邹洋春2014物理学报63 186401]


    Jin C Q, Liu Q Q, Deng Z, Zhang S J, Xing L Y, Zhu J L, Kong P P, Wang X C 2013 Chin. J. High Press. Phys. 27 473 (in Chinese)[靳常青, 刘青清, 邓正, 张思佳, 邢令义, 朱金龙, 孔盼盼, 望贤成2013高压物理学报27 473]


    Zhang S J, Wang X C, Sammynaiken R, Tse J S, Yang L X, Liu Q Q, Desgreniers S, Yao Y, Liu H Z, Jin C Q 2009 Phys. Rev. B 80 014506


    Zhang J L, Zhang S J, Weng H M, Zhang W, Yang L X, Liu Q Q, Feng S M, Wang X C, Yu R C, Cao L Z, Wang L, Yang W G, Liu H Z, Zhao W Y, Zhang S C, Dai X, Fang Z, Jin C Q 2011 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108 24


    Kalarasse F, Bennecer B 2008 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 69 1775


    Yu F, Sun J X, Chen T H 2011 Phys. B:Condens. Matter 406 1789


    Li Y, Gao Y, Han Y, Liu C, Peng G, Wang Q, Ke F, Ma Y, Gao C 2015 Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 142103


    Tang F, Chen L Y, Liu X R, Wang J L, Zhang L J, Hong S M 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 100701 (in Chinese)[唐菲, 陈丽英, 刘秀茹, 王君龙, 张林基, 洪时明2016物理学报65 100701]


    Getting I C 1998 Metrologia 35 119


    Ohtani A, Motobayashi M, Onodera A 1980 Phys. Lett. A 75 435


    Morozova N V, Ovsyannikov S V, Korobeinikov I V 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 115 213705


    Mao H K, Xu J A, Bell P M 1986 J. Geophys. Res 91 4673


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    Janot R, Cuevas F, Latroche M, Percheron-Guégan A 2006 Intermetallics 14 163


    Buchenauer C J, Cardona M 1971 Phys. Rev. B 3 2504


    Anastassakis E, Perry C H 1971 Phys. Rev. B 4 1251


    Morozova N V, Ovsyannikov S V, Korobeinikov I V 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 115 213705


    Mohiuddin T M G, Lombardo A, Nair R R 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 205433


    Stella A, Brothers A D, Hopkins R H 1967 Phys. Status Solidi 23 697


    Benhelal O, Chahed A, Laksari S 2005 Phys. Status Solidi 242 2022

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  • Received Date:  10 March 2017
  • Accepted Date:  07 June 2017
  • Published Online:  05 August 2017

