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Transparent magnetic semiconductors from ferromagnetic amorphous alloys

Chen Na Zhang Ying-Qi Yao Ke-Fu


Transparent magnetic semiconductors from ferromagnetic amorphous alloys

Chen Na, Zhang Ying-Qi, Yao Ke-Fu
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  • Magnetic semiconductors hold a very special position in the field of spintronics because they allow the effective manipulations of both charge and spin. This feature is important for devices combining logic functionalities and information storage capabilities. The existing technology to obtain diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) is to dope magnetic elements into traditional semiconductors. So far, the DMSs have attracted much attention, yet it remains a challenge to increasing their Curie temperatures above room temperature, particularly for those III-V-based DMSs. In contrast to the concept of doping magnetic elements into conventional semiconductors to make DMSs, here we propose to introduce non-magnetic elements into originally ferromagnetic metals/alloys to form new species of magnetic semiconductors. To demonstrate this concept, we introduce oxygen into a ferromagnetic amorphous alloy to form semiconducting thin films. All the thin films are deposited on different substrates like Si, SiO2 and quartz glass by magnetron sputtering. The structures of the deposited thin films are characterized by a JEOL transmission electron microscope operated at 200 kV. The optical transparencies of the samples are measured using Jasco V-650 UV-vis spectrophotometer. The photoluminescence spectra of the samples are measured using RM1000 Raman microscope. Electrical properties of the samples are measured using Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS-9, Quantum Design). Magnetic properties, i.e., magnetic moment-temperature relations, are measured using SQUID-VSM (Quantum Design). With oxygen addition increasing, the amorphous alloy gradually becomes transparent. Accompanied by the opening of bandgap, its electric conduction changes from metal-type to semiconductor-type, indicating that the inclusion of oxygen indeed mediates a metal-semiconductor transition. For different oxygen content, the resistivities of these thin films are changed by about four orders of magnitude. Notably, all of them are ferromagnetic. All the samples show anomalous Hall effect. Furthermore, their magnetoresistance changes from a very small positive value of about 0.09% to a negative value of about -6.3% under an external magnetic field of 6 T. Correspondingly, the amorphous structure of the thin film evolves from a single-phase amorphous alloy to a single-phase amorphous metal oxide. Eventually a p-type CoFeTaBO magnetic semiconductor is developed, and has a Curie temperature above 600 K. The carrier density of this material is ~1020 cm-3. The CoFeTaBO magnetic semiconductor has a direct bandgap of about 2.4 eV. The room-temperature photoluminescence spectra further verify that its optical bandgap is ~2.5 eV. The demonstrations of p-n heterojunctions and electric field control of the room-temperature ferromagnetism in this material reflect its p-type semiconducting character and the intrinsic ferromagnetism modulated by its carrier concentration. Our findings may pave a new way to realizing high Curie temperature magnetic semiconductors with unusual multi-functionalities.
      Corresponding author: Chen Na,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51471091).

    Waldrop M M 2016 Nature 530 144


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    Zhao J H, Deng J J, Zheng H Z 2007 Prog. Phys. 27 109 (in Chinese) [赵建华, 邓加军, 郑厚植 2007 物理学进展 27 109]


    Kuang L A, Liu X C, Lu Z L, Ren S K, Liu C Y, Zhang F M, Du Y W 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 2934 (in Chinese) [匡龙安, 刘兴翀, 路忠林, 任尚坤, 刘存业, 张凤鸣, 都有为 2005 物理学报 54 2934]


    What don't we know? (special section) 2005 Science 309 82


    Kasuya T, Yanase A 1968 Rev. Mod. Phys. 40 684


    Munekata H, Ohno H, Molnar S, Segmller A, Chang A A, Esaki L 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 1849


    Ohno Y, Yong D K, Beschoten B, Matsukura F, Ohno H, Awschalom D D 1999 Nature 402 790


    Ohno H, Chiba D, Matsukura F, Omiya T, Abe E, Dietl T, Ohno Y, Ohtani K 2000 Nature 408 944


    Dietl T, Ohno H, Matsukura F, Cibert J, Ferrand D 2000 Science 287 1019


    Pan F, Song C, Liu X J, Yang Y C, Zeng F 2008 Mater. Sci. Eng. R 62 1


    Sharma P, Gupta A, Rao K V, Owens F J, Sharma R, Ahuja R, Guillen J M O, Johansson B, Gehring G A 2003 Nat. Mater. 2 673


    Matsumoto Y, Murakami M, Shono T, Hasegawa T, Fukumura T, Kawasaki M, Ahmet P, Chikyow T, Koshihara S, Koinuma H 2001 Science 291 584


    Interview with Chambers S 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 956


    Coey J M D, Chambers S A 2008 MRS Bull. 33 1053


    Editorial 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 951


    Samarth N 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 955


    Zhou S Q, Li L, Yuan Y, Rushforth A W, Chen L, Wang Y T, Bottger R, Heller R, Zhao J H, Edmonds K W, Campion R P, Gallagher B L, Timm C, Helm M 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 075205


    Xu D Q, Li P X, Lou Y L, Yue G L, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Liu N Z, Yang B 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 197501 (in Chinese) [徐大庆, 李培咸, 娄永乐, 岳改丽, 张超, 张岩, 刘宁庄, 杨波 2016 物理学报 65 197501]


    Dietl T, Ohno H 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. 86 187


    Jungwirth T, Wunderlich J, Nová V, Olejník K, Gallagher B L, Campion R P, Edmonds K W, Rushforth A W, Ferguson A J, Němec P 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. 86 855


    Zhao Q, Xiong Z H, Luo L, Sun Z H, Qin Z Z, Chen L L, Wu N 2017 Appl. Surf. Sci. 396 480


    Deng Z, Jin C Q, Liu Q Q, Wang X C, Zhu J L, Feng S M, Chen L C, Yu R C, Arguello C, Goko T, Ning F, Zhang J, Wang Y, Aczel AA, Munsie T, Williams T J, Luke G M, Kakeshita T, Uchida S, Higemoto W, Ito T U, Gu B, Maekawa S, Morris G D, Uemura Y J 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 442


    Sun F, Zhao G Q, Escanhoela C A, Chen B J, Kou R H, Wang Y G, Xiao Y M, Chow P, Mao H K, Haskel D, Yang W G, Jin C Q 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 094412


    Zhao K, Zeng Z, Wang X C, Han W, Zhu J L, Li X, Liu Q Q, Yu R C, Goko T, Frandsen B, Liu L, Ning F L, Uemura Y J, Dabkowsk H, Luke G M, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Dunsiger S R, Senyshyn A, Böni P, Jin C Q 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 1442


    Tu N T, Hai P N, Anh L D, Tanaka M 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 192401


    Coey J M D, Venkatesan M, Fitzgerald C B 2005 Nat. Mater. 4 173


    Coey M, Ackland K, Venkatesan M, Sen S 2016 Nat. Phys. 12 694


    Fan Y, Kou X, Upadhyaya P, Shao Q, Pan L, Lang M, Che X, Tang J, Montazeri M, Murata K, Chang L T, Akyol M, Yu G, Nie T, Wong K L, Liu J, Wang Y, Tserkovnyak Y, Wang K L 2016 Nat. Nnotech. 11 352


    Chen L, Yang X, Yang F, Zhao J, Misuraca J, Xiong P, Molnar S 2011 Nano Lett. 11 2584


    Paluskar P V, Lavrijsen R, Sicot M, Kohlhepp J T, Swagten H J M, Koopmans B 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 016602


    Gale W F, Totemeir T C 2004 Smithells Metals Reference Book (Ch. 8) (Burlington: Elsevier Buterworth-Heinmann) Table 8.8e


    Chen G H, Deng J X, Cui M, Song X M 2012 Novel Thin Film Materials for Electronics (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press) p28 (in Chinese) [陈光华, 邓金祥, 崔敏, 宋雪梅 2012 新型电子薄膜材料(北京: 化学工业出版社)第28页]


    Nomura K, Ohta H, Takagi A, Kamiya T, Hirano M, Hosono H 2004 Nature 432 488


    Kim Y H, Heo J S, Kim T H, Park S, Yoon M H, Kim J, Oh M S, Yi G R, Noh Y Y, Park S K 2012 Nature 489 128


    Manyala N, DiTusa J F, Aeppli G, Young D P, Fisk Z 2000 Nature 404 581


    Pellegren J P, Sokalski V M 2015 IEEE Trans. Magn. 51 3400903


    Liu W J, Zhang H X, Shi J, Wang Z C, Song C, Wang X R, Lu S Y, Zhou X J, Gu L, Louzguine-Luzgin D M, Chen M W, Yao K F, Chen N 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13497


    Hildebrandt E, Kurian J, Mller M M, Schroeder T, Kleebe H J, Alff L 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 112902


    Narushima S, Mizoguchi H, Shimizu K, Ueda K, Ohta H, Hirano M, Kamiya T, Hosono H 2003 Adv. Mater. 15 1409

  • [1]

    Waldrop M M 2016 Nature 530 144


    Ohno H 1998 Science 281 951


    Zhao J H, Deng J J, Zheng H Z 2007 Prog. Phys. 27 109 (in Chinese) [赵建华, 邓加军, 郑厚植 2007 物理学进展 27 109]


    Kuang L A, Liu X C, Lu Z L, Ren S K, Liu C Y, Zhang F M, Du Y W 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 2934 (in Chinese) [匡龙安, 刘兴翀, 路忠林, 任尚坤, 刘存业, 张凤鸣, 都有为 2005 物理学报 54 2934]


    What don't we know? (special section) 2005 Science 309 82


    Kasuya T, Yanase A 1968 Rev. Mod. Phys. 40 684


    Munekata H, Ohno H, Molnar S, Segmller A, Chang A A, Esaki L 1989 Phys. Rev. Lett. 63 1849


    Ohno Y, Yong D K, Beschoten B, Matsukura F, Ohno H, Awschalom D D 1999 Nature 402 790


    Ohno H, Chiba D, Matsukura F, Omiya T, Abe E, Dietl T, Ohno Y, Ohtani K 2000 Nature 408 944


    Dietl T, Ohno H, Matsukura F, Cibert J, Ferrand D 2000 Science 287 1019


    Pan F, Song C, Liu X J, Yang Y C, Zeng F 2008 Mater. Sci. Eng. R 62 1


    Sharma P, Gupta A, Rao K V, Owens F J, Sharma R, Ahuja R, Guillen J M O, Johansson B, Gehring G A 2003 Nat. Mater. 2 673


    Matsumoto Y, Murakami M, Shono T, Hasegawa T, Fukumura T, Kawasaki M, Ahmet P, Chikyow T, Koshihara S, Koinuma H 2001 Science 291 584


    Interview with Chambers S 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 956


    Coey J M D, Chambers S A 2008 MRS Bull. 33 1053


    Editorial 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 951


    Samarth N 2010 Nat. Mater. 9 955


    Zhou S Q, Li L, Yuan Y, Rushforth A W, Chen L, Wang Y T, Bottger R, Heller R, Zhao J H, Edmonds K W, Campion R P, Gallagher B L, Timm C, Helm M 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 075205


    Xu D Q, Li P X, Lou Y L, Yue G L, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Liu N Z, Yang B 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 197501 (in Chinese) [徐大庆, 李培咸, 娄永乐, 岳改丽, 张超, 张岩, 刘宁庄, 杨波 2016 物理学报 65 197501]


    Dietl T, Ohno H 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. 86 187


    Jungwirth T, Wunderlich J, Nová V, Olejník K, Gallagher B L, Campion R P, Edmonds K W, Rushforth A W, Ferguson A J, Němec P 2014 Rev. Mod. Phys. 86 855


    Zhao Q, Xiong Z H, Luo L, Sun Z H, Qin Z Z, Chen L L, Wu N 2017 Appl. Surf. Sci. 396 480


    Deng Z, Jin C Q, Liu Q Q, Wang X C, Zhu J L, Feng S M, Chen L C, Yu R C, Arguello C, Goko T, Ning F, Zhang J, Wang Y, Aczel AA, Munsie T, Williams T J, Luke G M, Kakeshita T, Uchida S, Higemoto W, Ito T U, Gu B, Maekawa S, Morris G D, Uemura Y J 2011 Nat. Commun. 2 442


    Sun F, Zhao G Q, Escanhoela C A, Chen B J, Kou R H, Wang Y G, Xiao Y M, Chow P, Mao H K, Haskel D, Yang W G, Jin C Q 2017 Phys. Rev. B 95 094412


    Zhao K, Zeng Z, Wang X C, Han W, Zhu J L, Li X, Liu Q Q, Yu R C, Goko T, Frandsen B, Liu L, Ning F L, Uemura Y J, Dabkowsk H, Luke G M, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, Dunsiger S R, Senyshyn A, Böni P, Jin C Q 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 1442


    Tu N T, Hai P N, Anh L D, Tanaka M 2016 Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 192401


    Coey J M D, Venkatesan M, Fitzgerald C B 2005 Nat. Mater. 4 173


    Coey M, Ackland K, Venkatesan M, Sen S 2016 Nat. Phys. 12 694


    Fan Y, Kou X, Upadhyaya P, Shao Q, Pan L, Lang M, Che X, Tang J, Montazeri M, Murata K, Chang L T, Akyol M, Yu G, Nie T, Wong K L, Liu J, Wang Y, Tserkovnyak Y, Wang K L 2016 Nat. Nnotech. 11 352


    Chen L, Yang X, Yang F, Zhao J, Misuraca J, Xiong P, Molnar S 2011 Nano Lett. 11 2584


    Paluskar P V, Lavrijsen R, Sicot M, Kohlhepp J T, Swagten H J M, Koopmans B 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 016602


    Gale W F, Totemeir T C 2004 Smithells Metals Reference Book (Ch. 8) (Burlington: Elsevier Buterworth-Heinmann) Table 8.8e


    Chen G H, Deng J X, Cui M, Song X M 2012 Novel Thin Film Materials for Electronics (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press) p28 (in Chinese) [陈光华, 邓金祥, 崔敏, 宋雪梅 2012 新型电子薄膜材料(北京: 化学工业出版社)第28页]


    Nomura K, Ohta H, Takagi A, Kamiya T, Hirano M, Hosono H 2004 Nature 432 488


    Kim Y H, Heo J S, Kim T H, Park S, Yoon M H, Kim J, Oh M S, Yi G R, Noh Y Y, Park S K 2012 Nature 489 128


    Manyala N, DiTusa J F, Aeppli G, Young D P, Fisk Z 2000 Nature 404 581


    Pellegren J P, Sokalski V M 2015 IEEE Trans. Magn. 51 3400903


    Liu W J, Zhang H X, Shi J, Wang Z C, Song C, Wang X R, Lu S Y, Zhou X J, Gu L, Louzguine-Luzgin D M, Chen M W, Yao K F, Chen N 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 13497


    Hildebrandt E, Kurian J, Mller M M, Schroeder T, Kleebe H J, Alff L 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 112902


    Narushima S, Mizoguchi H, Shimizu K, Ueda K, Ohta H, Hirano M, Kamiya T, Hosono H 2003 Adv. Mater. 15 1409

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  • Received Date:  26 May 2017
  • Accepted Date:  20 June 2017
  • Published Online:  05 September 2017

