Acoustic metamaterials have opened up unprecedented possibilities for wave manipulation, and can be utilized to realize many novel and fascinating physical phenomena, such as acoustic self-collimation, cloaking, asymmetric transmission, and negative refraction. In this review, we explore the fundamental physics of acoustic metamaterials and introduce several exciting developments, including the realization of unconventional effective parameters, acoustic metasurface, total sound absorption, high-resolution imaging, parity-time-symmetric materials, and topological acoustics. Acoustic metamatetials with negative effective parameters that are not observed in nature expand acoustic properties of natural materials. Acoustic metasurfaces can exhibit wavefront-shaping capabilities, with thickness being much smaller than the wavelength. The precisely designed matematerials provide the new possibility of steering waves on a subwavelength scale, which can be used for acoustic high-resolution imaging beyond the diffraction limit. The metamaterial absorbers can achieve total sound absorption at low frequencies and exhibit broadband absorption spectrum. Moreover, structure designs guided by the topological physics further broaden the whole field of acoustic metamaterials. Phononic crystals have become aflexible platform for studying new physics and exotic phenomenarelated to topological phases. Finally, we conclude the developments of acoustic metamaterials, discuss the technical challenges, and introduce potential applications in this emerging field.
- acoustic metamaterials /
- phononic crystals /
- topological acoustics /
- high-resolution imaging
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图 1 弹性模量ρ和体弹性模量K的参数空间图 (a) 负质量密度超构材料, ρ < 0, K > 0; (b) 天然材料, ρ > 0, K > 0; (c) 双负超构材料, ρ < 0, K < 0; (d) 负体弹性模量超构材料, ρ > 0, K < 0
Figure 1. Parameter space for mass density ρ and bulk modulus K: (a) Metamaterials with negative effective mass density, ρ < 0, K > 0; (b) natural materials, ρ > 0, K > 0; (c) double-negative metamaterials, ρ < 0, K < 0; (d) metamaterials with negative effective bulk modulus, ρ > 0, K < 0
图 3 声学超构表面的三种典型形式及其物理效应 (a)反射型超构表面; (b)透射型超构表面; (c)吸收型超构表面;(d)自弯曲波束调控; (e)声学全息成像; (f)低频完美吸声体
Figure 3. Three typical forms of acoustic metasurfaces and their physical effects: (a) Reflective metasurfaces; (b) transmissive metasurfaces; (c) absorbing metasurfaces; (d) the self-bending beam; (e) acoustic holographic imaging; (f) perfect sound absorber at low frequency
图 6 (a)引入环流的声学陈绝缘体及其投影能带; (b)基于模式杂化的声学拓扑绝缘体结构及其投影能带; (c)引入滑移对称性的三维拓扑声子晶体及其投影能带
Figure 6. (a) Acoustic topological Chern insulator by incorporating the circulating flow and its projected energy band; (b) acoustic topological insulator based on hybridized modes and its projected energy band; (c) three-dimensional topological acoustic crystals with glide symmetry and its projected energy band.
[1] Liu Z Y, Zhang X X, Mao Y W, Zhu Y Y, Yang Z, Chan C T, Sheng P 2000 Science 289 1734Google Scholar
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