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Digital micromirror device-based fast super-resolution lattice structured light illumination microscopy

Yang Hao-Zhi Nie Meng-Jiao Ma Guang-Peng Cao Hui-Qun Lin Dan-Ying Qu Jun-Le Yu Bin


Digital micromirror device-based fast super-resolution lattice structured light illumination microscopy

Yang Hao-Zhi, Nie Meng-Jiao, Ma Guang-Peng, Cao Hui-Qun, Lin Dan-Ying, Qu Jun-Le, Yu Bin
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  • Super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) offers numerous advantages such as high temporal resolution, low photobleaching and phototoxicity, and no special requirements for fluorescent probes. It is particularly suitable for long-term SR imaging of living cells. By using two-dimensional lattice structured light serving as illumination, SR-SIM can achieve faster imaging speed and reduce phototoxicity, however, it is accompanied with system complexity increasing. To address this problem, in this work, we propose a fast SR lattice structured illumination microscopy imaging method based on a digital micromirror device (DMD), called DMD-Lattice-SIM. This method utilizes a DMD and synchronous time-sharing triggering with sCMOS to generate two-dimensional orthogonal lattice structured light. The proposed method only requires the collection of five phase-shifted raw images for SR image reconstruction, reducing the acquisition time by approximately 44.4% compared with the traditional SR-SIM method that requires nine phase-shifted raw images. In this work, we also introduce a rapid SR image reconstruction method called Lattice-JSFR-SIM, which combines the advantages of joint space and frequency reconstruction (JSFR)-SIM and Lattice-SIM. The raw images are pre-filtered in the frequency domain and then undergo SR reconstruction in the spatial domain. This approach reduces reconstruction time by approximately 55.6% compared with traditional frequency domain image reconstruction processing, within an imaging field of view of 512 pixels×512 pixels. The feasibility of the proposed method is demonstrated through experiments on cell microtubules and the observation of mitochondrial division and fusion in living cells. The findings presented in this paper hold great significance and application value for enabling real-time SR imaging of living cells.
      Corresponding author: Yu Bin,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFF0712500), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62175166, 61975131, 62235007, 62275165, 62127819), the Science and Technology Planning Project of Shenzhen, China (Grant Nos. JCYJ20200109105411133, JCYJ20220818100202005), and the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Photonics and Biophotonics, China (Grant No. ZDSYS20210623092006020).

    Gustafsson M G L 2000 J. Microsc.-Oxford 198 82Google Scholar


    Chen X, Zhong S Y, Hou Y W, Cao R J, Wang W Y, Li D, Dai Q H, Kim D, Xi P 2023 Light-Sci. Appl. 12 172Google Scholar


    Chang B J, Chou L J, Chang Y C, Chiang S Y 2009 Opt. Express 17 14710Google Scholar


    Dan D, Lei M, Yao B L, Wang W, Winterhalder M, Zumbusch A, Qi Y J, Xia L, Yan S H, Yang Y L, Gao P, Ye T, Zhao, W 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 1116Google Scholar


    Li M Q, Li Y N, Liu W H, Lal A, Jiang S, Jin D Y, Yang H P, Wang S, Zhanghao K, Xi P 2020 Appl. Phys. Lett. 116 233702Google Scholar


    Li X Y, Xie S Y, Liu W J, Jin L H, Xu Y K, Zhang L H, Hao X, Han Y B, Kuang C F, Liu X 2021 Opt. Express 29 43917Google Scholar


    Mudry E, Belkebir K, Girard J, Savatier J, Le Moal E, Nicoletti C, Allain M, Sentenac A 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 312Google Scholar


    Heintzmann R 2003 Micron 34 283Google Scholar


    Siebenmorgen J, Novikau Y, Wolleschensky R, Weisshart K, Kleppe I 2018 Introducing Lattice SIM for ZEISS Elyra 7 (Germany: Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH) pp1–7


    Zheng J J, Fang X, Wen K, Li J Y, Ma Y, Liu M, An S, Li J L, Zalevsky Z, Gao P 2022 Opt. Express 30 27951Google Scholar


    Huang X S, Fan J C, Li L J, Liu H S, Wu R L, Wu Y, Wei L S, Mao H, Lal A, Xi P, Tang L Q, Zhang Y F, Liu Y M, Tan S, Chen L Y 2018 Nat. Biotechnol. 36 451Google Scholar


    Zhao W S, Zhao S Q, Li L J, Huang X S, Xing S J, Zhang Y L, Qiu G H, Han Z Q, Shang Y X, Sun D E, Shan C Y, Wu R L, Gu L S, Zhang S W, Chen R W, Xiao J, Mo Y Q, Wang J Y, Ji W, Chen X, Ding B Q, Liu Y M, Mao H, Song B L, Tan J B, Liu J, Li H Y, Chen L Y 2022 Nat. Biotechnol. 40 606Google Scholar


    Wen G, Li S M, Wang L B, Chen X H, Sun Z L, Liang Y, Jin X, Xing Y F, Jiu Y M, Tang Y G, Li H 2021 Light-Sci. Appl. 10 70Google Scholar


    Tu S J, Liu Q L, Liu X, Liu W J, Zhang Z M, Luo T J, Kuang C F, Liu X, Hao X 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 1567Google Scholar


    Dan D, Wang Z J, Zhou X, Lei M, Zhao T Y, Qian J, Yu X H, Yan S H, Min J W, Bianco P, Yao B L 2021 IEEE Photonics J. 13 3900411Google Scholar


    Wang Z J, Zhao T Y, Hao H W, Cai Y N, Feng K, Yun X, Liang Y S, Wang S W, Sun Y J, Bianco P R, Oh K, Lei M 2022 Adv. Photonics 4 026003Google Scholar


    Wang Z J, Zhao T Y, Cai Y A, Zhang J X, Hao H W, Liang Y S, Wang S W, Sun Y J, Chen T S, Bianco P R, Oh K, Lei M 2023 The Innovation 4 100425Google Scholar


    Wen G, Li S M, Liang Y, Wang L B, Zhang J, Chen X H, Jin X, Chen C, Tang Y G, Li H 2023 PhotoniX 4 19Google Scholar


    Müller M, Mönkemöller V, Hennig S, Hübner W, Huser T 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 10980Google Scholar


    Zhou L L, Yu B, Huang L L, Cao H Q, Lin D Y, Jing Y Y, Wali F, Qu J L 2022 ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 5 18742Google Scholar


    Descloux A, Grussmayer K S, Radenovic A 2019 Nat. Methods 16 918Google Scholar

  • 图 1  DMD-Lattice-SIM系统光路示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of DMD-Lattice-SIM system.

    图 2  产生晶格结构光照明的原理示意图 (a) 数据采集卡的控制信号; (b) DMD加载第一张模板时相机采集的模拟数据; (c) DMD加载第二张模板时相机采集的模拟数据; (d) 相机在一次曝光时间内采集的模拟数据; (e)—(g) 图(b)—(d)的傅里叶频谱

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the principle of generating lattice structured illumination: (a) Control signal of the data acquisition board; (b) analog data collected by the camera when the DMD loads the first template; (c) analog data collected by the camera when the DMD loads the second template; (d) analog data collected by the camera within one exposure time; (e)–(g) frequency spectra of panel (b)–(d).

    图 3  Lattice-JSFR-SIM重构过程

    Figure 3.  Lattice-JSFR-SIM reconstruction process.

    图 4  模拟数据重构结果 (a) 真实图像; (b) 宽场图像; (c) fairSIM超分辨重构图像; (d) Lattice-SIM超分辨重构图像; (e) Lattice-JSFR-SIM超分辨重构图像; (f) 图(b)—(e)中曲线的切面强度分布

    Figure 4.  Reconstructed results of the simulated data: (a) Ground truth; (b) wide-field image; (c) fairSIM super-resolution reconstructed image; (d) Lattice-SIM super-resolution reconstructed image; (e) Lattice-JSFR-SIM super-resolution reconstructed image; (f) intensity distribution of the profile in panel (b)–(e).

    图 5  固定细胞微管实验结果 (a) 宽场图像; (b) 超分辨图像; (c) 图(a)中所选区域的放大; (d) 图(b)中所选区域的放大图; (e) 图(a)的去相关分辨率估计; (f) 图(b)的去相关分辨率估计; (g) 图(c)和图(d)中划线位置的切面强度分布

    Figure 5.  Experimental results of fixed cell microtubules: (a) Wide-field image; (b) super-resolution image; (c) magnification of the selected area in panel (a); (d) magnification of the selected area in panel (b); (e) corresponding decorrelation analysis of panel (a), C.c., cross-correlation; (f) corresponding decorrelation analysis of panel (b); (g) intensity distribution of the profile at the line position in panel (c) and (d).

    图 6  BSC-1活细胞线粒体动态实验结果 (a) 宽场图像; (b) 超分辨图像; (c) 图(a)的去相关分辨率估计; (d) 图(b)的去相关分辨率估计; (e) 图(b)中所选区域放大图, 时间间隔为0.5 s; (f) 图(b)中所选区域放大图, 时间间隔为0.05 s

    Figure 6.  Experimental results of BSC-1 live cell mitochondria dynamics: (a) Wide-field image; (b) super-resolution image; (c) corresponding decorrelation analysis of panel (a); (d) corresponding decorrelation analysis of panel (b); (e) magnification of the selected area in panel (b) with a time interval of 0.5 s; (f) magnification of the selected area in panel (b) with a time interval of 0.05 s.

    表 1  不同照明图案的SIM对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of SIM with different illumination patterns.

    名称 照明图案 特点 优缺点
    blind-SIM 散斑 使用散斑照明代替传统条纹照明 不需要求解照明图案参数, 简化了图像重构过程; 但需要采集较多的原始图像进行迭代重建, 成像速度慢
    Lattice SIM for ZEISS Elyra 7 正方晶格、
    物理光栅产生晶格, 振镜产生相移, 并且结合解卷积算法重构 成像速度和成像对比度高, 实现了60 nm的空间分辨率
    Lattice-SIM 正方晶格 物理光栅产生晶格, SLM产生相移 成像视场大, 但系统复杂, 速度慢
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  不同重构算法的SIM对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of reconstruction algorithms.

    名称 类别 特点 优缺点
    Hessian-SIM 迭代 利用生物结构的连续性进行重建 减少了重构伪影, 光毒性低、成像速度快、
    分辨率高, 但参数设置敏感
    Sparse-SIM 迭代 将生物结构的稀疏性加入到
    分辨率高, 但需要人为控制重构参数设置
    HiFi-SIM 频域 利用点扩散函数改造方法优化频谱 图像伪影少、光学层切能力高、保真度高、参数设置不敏感
    SP-SIM 空域 无需估计光照模式的频率和相位 重构速度比传统算法快约5.4倍, 但在重构过程中
    丢失了低频分量, 导致图像对比度低
    SDR-SIM 空域 利用数学中函数的级数展开的概念 重构速度比传统算法快约7倍, 但没有考虑离焦背景的问题
    JSFR-SIM 空频域混合 首先在频域预滤波, 然后进行空域重构 图像重建速度高、背景荧光和周期性计算伪影低,
    direct-SIM 空频域混合 首先进行空域重构, 然后进行频域频谱优化 无需估计结构光条纹参数、分辨率高、伪影低、
    样本要求低, 但对条纹对比度和相移精确度要求较高
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    表 3  算法运行速度对比

    Table 3.  Comparison of algorithm running speed.

    Input image size/
    Output image size/
    Lattice-SIM/ms Lattice-JSFR-SIM/ms
    256×256 512×512 6.4 137.9±6.3 44.9±2.4 4.3±3.7
    512×512 1024×1024 12.7 751.0±26.1 333.6±14.0 17.6±4.2
    1024×1024 2048×2048 31.3 3007.2±58.8 1749.8±22.9 75.8±6.3
    DownLoad: CSV
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    Gustafsson M G L 2000 J. Microsc.-Oxford 198 82Google Scholar


    Chen X, Zhong S Y, Hou Y W, Cao R J, Wang W Y, Li D, Dai Q H, Kim D, Xi P 2023 Light-Sci. Appl. 12 172Google Scholar


    Chang B J, Chou L J, Chang Y C, Chiang S Y 2009 Opt. Express 17 14710Google Scholar


    Dan D, Lei M, Yao B L, Wang W, Winterhalder M, Zumbusch A, Qi Y J, Xia L, Yan S H, Yang Y L, Gao P, Ye T, Zhao, W 2013 Sci. Rep. 3 1116Google Scholar


    Li M Q, Li Y N, Liu W H, Lal A, Jiang S, Jin D Y, Yang H P, Wang S, Zhanghao K, Xi P 2020 Appl. Phys. Lett. 116 233702Google Scholar


    Li X Y, Xie S Y, Liu W J, Jin L H, Xu Y K, Zhang L H, Hao X, Han Y B, Kuang C F, Liu X 2021 Opt. Express 29 43917Google Scholar


    Mudry E, Belkebir K, Girard J, Savatier J, Le Moal E, Nicoletti C, Allain M, Sentenac A 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 312Google Scholar


    Heintzmann R 2003 Micron 34 283Google Scholar


    Siebenmorgen J, Novikau Y, Wolleschensky R, Weisshart K, Kleppe I 2018 Introducing Lattice SIM for ZEISS Elyra 7 (Germany: Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH) pp1–7


    Zheng J J, Fang X, Wen K, Li J Y, Ma Y, Liu M, An S, Li J L, Zalevsky Z, Gao P 2022 Opt. Express 30 27951Google Scholar


    Huang X S, Fan J C, Li L J, Liu H S, Wu R L, Wu Y, Wei L S, Mao H, Lal A, Xi P, Tang L Q, Zhang Y F, Liu Y M, Tan S, Chen L Y 2018 Nat. Biotechnol. 36 451Google Scholar


    Zhao W S, Zhao S Q, Li L J, Huang X S, Xing S J, Zhang Y L, Qiu G H, Han Z Q, Shang Y X, Sun D E, Shan C Y, Wu R L, Gu L S, Zhang S W, Chen R W, Xiao J, Mo Y Q, Wang J Y, Ji W, Chen X, Ding B Q, Liu Y M, Mao H, Song B L, Tan J B, Liu J, Li H Y, Chen L Y 2022 Nat. Biotechnol. 40 606Google Scholar


    Wen G, Li S M, Wang L B, Chen X H, Sun Z L, Liang Y, Jin X, Xing Y F, Jiu Y M, Tang Y G, Li H 2021 Light-Sci. Appl. 10 70Google Scholar


    Tu S J, Liu Q L, Liu X, Liu W J, Zhang Z M, Luo T J, Kuang C F, Liu X, Hao X 2020 Opt. Lett. 45 1567Google Scholar


    Dan D, Wang Z J, Zhou X, Lei M, Zhao T Y, Qian J, Yu X H, Yan S H, Min J W, Bianco P, Yao B L 2021 IEEE Photonics J. 13 3900411Google Scholar


    Wang Z J, Zhao T Y, Hao H W, Cai Y N, Feng K, Yun X, Liang Y S, Wang S W, Sun Y J, Bianco P R, Oh K, Lei M 2022 Adv. Photonics 4 026003Google Scholar


    Wang Z J, Zhao T Y, Cai Y A, Zhang J X, Hao H W, Liang Y S, Wang S W, Sun Y J, Chen T S, Bianco P R, Oh K, Lei M 2023 The Innovation 4 100425Google Scholar


    Wen G, Li S M, Liang Y, Wang L B, Zhang J, Chen X H, Jin X, Chen C, Tang Y G, Li H 2023 PhotoniX 4 19Google Scholar


    Müller M, Mönkemöller V, Hennig S, Hübner W, Huser T 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 10980Google Scholar


    Zhou L L, Yu B, Huang L L, Cao H Q, Lin D Y, Jing Y Y, Wali F, Qu J L 2022 ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 5 18742Google Scholar


    Descloux A, Grussmayer K S, Radenovic A 2019 Nat. Methods 16 918Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  31 January 2024
  • Accepted Date:  27 February 2024
  • Available Online:  12 March 2024
  • Published Online:  05 May 2024

