Ferroelectric negative capacitance field effect transistors(Fe-NCFETs) can break through the so-called “Boltzmann Tyranny” of traditional metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors and reduce the subthreshold swing below 60 mV/dec, which could greatly improve the on/off current ratio and short-channel effect. Consequently, the power dissipation of the device is effectively lowered. The Fe-NCFET provides a choice for the downscaling of the transistor and the continuation of Moore’s Law. In this review, the representative research progress of Fe-NCFETs in recent years is comprehensively reviewed to conduce to further study. In the first chapter, the background and significance of Fe-NCFETs are introduced. In the second chapter, the basic properties of ferroelectric materials are introduced, and then the types of ferroelectric materials are summarized. Among them, the invention of hafnium oxide-based ferroelectric materials solves the problem of compatibility between traditional ferroelectric materials and CMOS processes, making the performance of NCFETs further improved. In the third chapter, the advantages and disadvantages of Fe-NCFETs with MFS, MFIS and MFMIS structures are first summarized, then from the perspective of atomic microscopic forces the “S” relationship curve of ferroelectric materials is derived and combined with Gibbs free energy formula and L-K equation, and the intrinsic negative capacitance region in the free energy curve of the ferroelectric material is obtained. Next, the steady-state negative capacitance and transient negative capacitance in the ferroelectric capacitor are discussed from the aspects of concept and circuit characteristics; after that the working area of negative capacitance Fe-NCFET is discussed. In the fourth chapter, the significant research results of Fe-NCFETs combined with hafnium-based ferroelectrics in recent years are summarized from the perspective of two-dimensional channel materials and three-dimensional channel materials respectively. Among them, the Fe-NCFETs based on three-dimensional channel materials such as silicon, germanium-based materials, III-V compounds, and carbon nanotubes are more compatible with traditional CMOS processes. The interface between the channel and the ferroelectric layer is better, and the electrical performance is more stable. However, thereremain some problems to be solved in three-dimensional channel materials such as the limited on-state current resulting from the low effective carrier mobility of the silicon, the small on/off current ratio due to the leakage caused by the small bandgap of the germanium-based material, the poor interfacial properties between the III-V compound materials and the dielectric layer, and the ambiguous working mechanism of Fe-NCFETs based on carbon nanotube. Compared with Fe-NCFETs based on three-dimensional channel materials, the Fe-NCFETs based on two-dimensional channel materials such as transition metal chalcogenide, graphene, and black phosphorus provide the possibility for the characteristic size of the transistor to be reduced to 3 nm. However, the interface performance between the two-dimensional channel material and the gate dielectric layer is poor, since there are numerous defect states at the interface. Furthermore, the two-dimensional channel materials have poor compatibility with traditional CMOS process. Hence, it is imperative to search for new approaches to finding a balance between device characteristics. Finally, the presently existing problems and future development directions of Fe-NCFETs are summarized and prospected.
- ferroelectric negative capacitance field effect transistors /
- hafnia-based ferroelectrics /
- three-dimensional channel materials /
- two-dimensional channel materials
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图 4 有机钙钛矿A(NH4)X3家族化学和晶格结构[56] (a) 有机钙钛矿铁电体的三维化学结构组成图; (b) 铁电相MDABCO-NH4I3在293 K时的晶胞结构图, 右侧椭圆中为有机正离子的空间结构示意图, 其对称性接近于球体; (c) 铁电相MDABCO-NH4I3在463 K时的晶胞结构图
Figure 4. Chemical and crystal structures of the metal-free A(NH4) X3 family[56]: (a) Chemical structures of constituents of the metal-free 3D perovskite ferroelectrics; (b) the packing diagram of MDABCO–NH4I3 in the ferroelectric phase at 293 K. The oval to the right contains the space-fill diagram of the organic cation, showing the cationic geometry to be close to a ball; (c) the packing diagram of MDABCO–NH4I3 in the paraelectric phase at 463 K.
图 14 瞬态NC模拟结果[99] (a) 输入电压, 输出电压和铁电电容上自由电荷与时间的关系图; (b) 极化强度和自由电荷与时间的关系图; (c) 极化强度和自由电荷对时间的微分结果及其差值随时间的变化曲线; (d) 铁电电容电压的变化速度随时间的变化曲线
Figure 14. The simulation results of transient NC[99]: (a) Input voltage, output voltage, and free charge on a ferroelectric capacitor as functions of time; (b) polarization and free charge as functions of time; (c) charge density per unit time for free charge and polarization and the difference between them; (d) change in the voltage across a ferroelectric capacitor per unit time as a function of time.
图 16 器件电容电荷量与电压的关系 (a) 电容模型; (b)
${C_{\rm{S}}} < \left| {{C_{{\rm{FE}}}}} \right|$ ; (c)${C_{\rm{S}}} < \left| {{C_{{\rm{FE}}}}} \right|$ ; (d) Fe-NCFETs[91]; (e) Fe-FET[91]Figure 16. The relationship between capacitive charge and voltage of the device: (a) Capacitance model; (b)
${C_{\rm{S}}} < \left| {{C_{{\rm{FE}}}}} \right|$ ; (c)${C_{\rm{S}}} < \left| {{C_{{\rm{FE}}}}} \right|$ (d) Fe-NCFETs[91]; (e) Fe-FETs[91].图 17 平面型硅基- HfAlO Fe-NCFETs[116] (a) 器件截面透射电子显微镜(transmission electron microscope, TEM)图; (b) 剩余极化强度与TaN中N含量的关系曲线; (c) F离子钝化作用对铁电层能带影响的示意图; (d) 不同处理作用后器件的SS与源漏电压的关系
Figure 17. Planar Silicon based HfAlO Fe-NCFETs[116]: (a) HR TEM cross-section image; (b) polarization as a function of nitrogen content of TaN; (c) schematic band diagram of HfAlO before and after F-passivation; (d) SS as a function of VDS after different treatments.
图 18 硅基NCFinFET[123] (a) 器件截面TEM图; (b) 铁电NCFinFET的栅压放大系数与栅压的关系曲线; (c) 常规FinFET和铁电NCFinFET的SS与栅压的关系曲线
Figure 18. Silicon based NC-FinFET[123]: (a) TEM cross-sectional image of NC-FinFET with TiN internal gate, HfZrO FE film and TiN gate; (b) the gate amplification coefficient as a function of VG for NC-FinFET; (c) SS as a function of VG for conventional FinFET and NC-FinFET.
图 21 Ge基- HZO NCP型晶体管[129] (a) Ge沟道器件结构示意图; (b) Ge-Sn沟道器件结构示意图; (c) Ge沟道器件转移特性曲线; (d) Ge-Sn沟道器件转移特性曲线
Figure 21. Germanium based HZO NC-pFET[129]: (a) Schematic diagram of the device with Ge channel; (b) schematic diagram of the device with Ge-Sn channel; (c) transfer characteristic curve of the device with Ge channel; (d) transfer characteristic curve of the device with Ge-Sn channel.
图 22 锗纳米线Fe-NCFETs[135] (a) 栅压扫描范围为 ±5 V时在不同扫描时间下的转移特性曲线; (b) 栅压扫描范围为 ±5 V时的回滞电压与扫描时间关系曲线; (c) 不同栅压扫描范围下的ID, Max与扫描时间关系曲线
Figure 22. Germanium nanowire NC-pFET[135]: (a) The transfer characteristic curve at different sweep times for ±5 V sweep range; (b) hysteresis versus sweep time for ±5 V sweep range; (c) maximum drain current versus sweep time for different sweep ranges.
图 23 In0.53Ga0.47As沟道Fe-NCFETs (a) 平面型器件的结构示意图[136]; (b) Fin结构器件的结构示意图平[137]; (c) 平面型器件的转移特性曲线[136]; (d) Fin结构器件的转移特性曲线[137]
Figure 23. In0.53Ga0.47As channel Fe-NCFETs: (a) Schematic diagram[136] and (c) transfer characteristic curve of planar device[136]; (b) schematic diagram[137] and (d) transfer characteristic curve of Fin device[137].
图 27 石墨烯- HfxAlyO2晶体管[154] (a) 在石墨烯/二氧化硅衬底上沉积的HfxAlyO2薄膜; (b) HfxAlyO2的相对介电常数; (c) 不同Al组分下HfxAlyO2三个相的能量差; (d) 转移特性曲线(9.5% Al)
Figure 27. Graphene-HfxAlyO2 transistor[154]: (a) HfxAlyo2 films deposited on graphene/SiO2 substrates; (b) relative dielectric constant of HfxAlyO2; (c) energy difference among three phases in HfxAlyO2 with different Al concentrations; (d) transfer characteristic curve.
图 29 实验报道的Fe-NCFETs的SS与Hysteresis关系图 (2D[30,33,108,140,144,146-148,155], Si[25,116,118,119,121,123-126], GeSn[129,130,134,156], InGaAs[136,137])
Figure 29. SS versus Hysteresis of the reported Fe-NCFETs (2D[30,33,108,140,144,146-148,155], Si[25,116,118,119,121,123-126], GeSn[129,130,134,156], InGaAs[136,137]).
表 1 实验报道的Fe-NCFETs的性能参数对比
Table 1. Performance comparison of the reported Fe-NCFETs.
MOS structure Channel materials Gate structure Ferroelectric materials tFE/nm SSmin/
(mV·dec–1)Hysteresis/V Orders
of IDSVD/V ION/IOFF Year Ref. Planar p-Si MFIS Hf0.65Zr0.35O2 30 5 — — –0.5 104 2014 [115] Planar n-Si MFIS HfAlO (Al: 6%) 10 Sub-25 0.02 4 0.2 108 2017 [116] Planar n-Si MFIS Hf0.75Zr0.25O2 10 40 Free 1 0.2 107 2018 [119] Planar n-Si MFIS Hf0.53Zr0.47O2 5 ~40 ~0.1 2 0.2 107 2019 [121] Planar n-Si MFIS HfAlO (Al: 4%) 10 Sub-30 0.02 4 0.2 108 2019 [118] FinFET n-Si MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 4 Sub-30 0.003 2 0.05 107 2018 [25] FinFET n-Si MFMIS Hf0.42Zr0.58O2 5 58 0.003 1 0.1 105 2015 [123] FinFET n-Si MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 5 Sub-60 Free — 0.1 107 2019 [125] FinFET p-Si MFMIS Hf0.42Zr0.58O2 3 34.5 0.009 2 –0.05 104 2019 [124] FinFET n-Si MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 5 Sub-60 Free — 0.1 107 2019 [125] GAA poly n-Si MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 10 26.84 0.003 4 0.1 108 2019 [126] Planar p-Ge MFMIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 6.5 43 2.34 1 –0.05 103 2016 [129] Planar p-GeSn MFMIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 6.5 40 0.41 2 –0.05 103 2016 [129] Planar p-GeSn MFMIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 6 Sub-20 < 0.01 2 –0.05 104 2017 [130] Planar p-Ge MFMIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 4.5 ~87.5 Free — –0.05 103 2019 [156] Planar p-Ge MFIS Hf0.67Zr0.33O2 7 ~125 ~0.105 — –0.5 104 2019 [134] Planar n-InGaAs MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 8 23 ~0.2 3 0.05 105 2018 [136] FinFET n-InGaAs MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 5 23 0.2 1 0.05 103 2019 [137] GAA nanotube MFMIS HfAlO(Al: 7%) 10 ~45 — — 0.05 104 2018 [138] 2D-FET MoS2 MFMIS Hf1-xZrxO2 15 Sub-60 1.2 3 0.5 105 2017 [146] 2D-FET MoS2 MFMIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 15 6.07 0.5 4 0.5 105 2017 [33] 2D-FET MoS2 MFMIS HfAlO(Al:7.3%) 10 57 0.5 4 0.5 105 2017 [108] 2D-FET MoS2 MFMIS HfZrOx 15 47 2.5 1 0.1 106 2018 [30] 2D-FET MoS2 MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 20 Sub-60 < 0.005 4 0.5 106 2018 [147] 2D-FET MoS2 MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 20 23 0.077 6 0.1 109 2017 [144] 2D-FET WSe2 MFMIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 20 14.4 0.12 2 –0.1 105 2018 [140] 2D-FET WSe2 MFIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 10 18.2 0.02 4 –0.1 104 2018 [148] 2D-FET Graphene MFS HfAlO(Al:9.5%) 5 — — — 0.1 2.75 2016 [154] 2D-FET BP MFMIS Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 20 104 0.5 — 0.1 102 2019 [155] -
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