Based on an effective single cluster growth algorithm, bond percolation on square lattice with the nearest neighbors, the next nearest neighbors, up to the 5th nearest neighbors are investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The bond percolation thresholds for more than 20 lattices are deduced, and the correlations between percolation threshold
$p_{\rm c}$ and lattice structures are discussed in depth. By introducing the index$\xi = \displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{i} z_{i} r_{i}^{2} / i$ to remove the degeneracy, it is found that the thresholds follow a power law$p_{\rm c} \propto \xi^{-\gamma}$ , with$\gamma \approx 1$ , where$z_{i}$ is the ith neighborhood coordination number, and$r_{i}$ is the distance between sites in the i-th coordination zone and the central site.-
- percolation /
- single cluster growth algorithm /
- Monte Carlo simulation
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图 2 SQ-1, 2格子键渗流在不同占据概率p下
$s^{\tau-2}P_{\geqslant s}$ 随$ s^{\sigma} $ 的变化曲线, 其中$ \tau = 187/91 $ ,$ \sigma = 36/91 $ . 插图表示主图中所示结果线性部分的斜率随占据概率p的变化关系Figure 2. Plot of
$s^{\tau-2}P_{\geqslant s}$ vs.$ s^{\sigma} $ with$ \tau = 187/91 $ and$ \sigma = 36/91 $ for the bond percolation of the$\text{SQ-}1, 2$ lattice under different values of p. The inset indicates the slope of the linear portions of the curves shown in the main figure as a function of p.图 3 SQ-1, 2格子键渗流在不同占据概率p下
$s^{\tau-2}P_{\geqslant s}$ 随$s^{-\varOmega}$ 的变化曲线, 其中$ \tau = 187/91 $ ,$\varOmega = 72/91$ Figure 3. Plot of
$s^{\tau-2}P_{\geqslant s}$ vs.$s^{-\varOmega}$ with$ \tau = 187/91 $ and$ \varOmega = 72/91 $ for the bond percolation of the$\text{SQ-}1, 2$ lattice under different values of p.表 1 含复杂近邻格点的二维正方格子的键渗流阈值
Table 1. Bond percolation thresholds of square lattice with complex neighborhoods.
格点模型 总配
位数 z标量
参数ξ键渗流阈值 $p_{\rm c}$ SQ-1, 2,
SQ-2, 58 8 0.2503683(7) $\text{SQ-}1, 3$ 8 9.33 0.2214989(9) $\text{SQ-}1, 5$ 8 10.4 0.1972557(13) $\text{SQ-}4$ 8 10 0.1937380(10) SQ-1, 2, 3,
SQ-2, 3, 512 13.33 0.1522201(9) $\text{SQ-}1, 2, 5$ 12 14.4 0.1380527(7) $\text{SQ-}1, 4$ 12 14 0.1362105(5) $\text{SQ-}2, 4$ 12 14 0.1345500(10) $\text{SQ-}1, 3, 5$ 12 15.73 0.1342972(8) $\text{SQ-}3, 4$ 12 15.33 0.1309686(14) $\text{SQ-}4, 5$ 12 16.4 0.1247135(15) $\text{SQ-}1, 2, 4$ 16 18 0.1059928(8) $\text{SQ-}1, 2, 3, 5$ 16 19.73 0.1032173(7) $\text{SQ-}1, 3, 4$ 16 19.33 0.1027026(6) $\text{SQ-}2, 3, 4$ 16 19.33 0.1011488(8) $\text{SQ-}1, 4, 5$ 16 20.4 0.0978026(14) $\text{SQ-}2, 4, 5$ 16 20.4 0.0967349(11) $\text{SQ-}3, 4, 5$ 16 21.73 0.0954613(7) $\text{SQ-}1, 2, 3, 4$ 20 23.33 0.0841507(7) $\text{SQ-}1, 2, 4, 5$ 20 24.4 0.0804649(9) $\text{SQ-}1, 3, 4, 5$ 20 25.73 0.0790839(9) $\text{SQ-}2, 3, 4, 5$ 20 25.73 0.0780764(6) $\text{SQ-}1, 2, 3, 4, 5$ 24 29.73 0.0671855(5) 表 2 正方格子不同近邻格点的相关参数
Table 2. Parameters of different nearest neighbors on square lattice.
第 i 近邻 距中心格点
距离的平方 $r_{i}^{2}$第i近邻
格点数 $z_{i}$总配位数 z 1 1 4 4 2 2 4 8 3 4 4 12 4 5 8 20 5 8 4 24 -
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