Diamondene has received the attention of scientists recently because of its brilliant physical properties. But, owing to the limitations of current technology, defects are indispensable during the production of diamondene. In this work, the effect of boundary cracks on the tensile properties and damage mechanism of diamondene are investigated by using molecular dynamics method. The results show that the crack leads the tensile properties of diamondene to be weakened, and the elastic modulus, cracking strain, and cracking stress of diamondene containing a boundary crack to become less than those of diamondene without cracks. As for the failure mode, the damage of crack-free diamondene starts near the mobile end, while the damage of diamondene with a boundary crack starts at the crack tip. After the cracking strain has been reached, the crack will form a penetration rupture without further loading and the crack-free diamondene completely loses its load-bearing capacity. However, in diamondene with a boundary crack, the load still needs adding, and the crack will form a penetration crack after the cracking strain has been reached through several extensions. Furthermore, the tensile properties of diamondene with a boundary crackare strongly dependent on temperature, and decrease significantly when the temperature increases. Changes in the location, length and direction of cracks can cause the tensile properties and damage mechanism of the crack-containing diamondene to change.
- diamondene /
- boundary cracks /
- mechanical characteristics /
- damage mechanism
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图 2 三种模型在10 K温度下的单轴拉伸曲线图 (a) 无裂缝金刚石烯, (b) 含边界裂缝金刚石烯和(c)双层石墨烯的拉伸过程应力-应变和VPEA-应变曲线; (d) 三者的起裂应变与起裂应力对比
Figure 2. Plots of the three models during stretching at 10 K: Stress-strain and VPEA-strain curves during stretching of pristine diamondene (a), diamondene with a boundary crack (b) and bilayer graphene with a boundary crack (c); (d) cracking strain versus cracking stress for the three.
图 8 不同温度下以0.001 nm位移增量进行含边界裂缝金刚石烯的单轴拉伸过程曲线图 (a) 应力-应变曲线; (b) 势能随弛豫时间变化曲线; (c) 起裂应变随温度变化曲线; (d) 起裂应力随温度变化曲线
Figure 8. Plots of uniaxial stretching processes with a boundary crack in diamondene at different temperatures in 0.001 nm displacement increases: (a) Stress-strain curve; (b) potential energy with relaxation time; (c) cracking strain with temperature; (d) cracking stress with temperature.
[1] Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos S V, Grigorieva I V, Firsov A A 2004 Science 306 666
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[2] Miao T, Yeom S, Wang P, Standley B, Bockrath M 2014 Nano Lett. 14 2982
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[3] Zhao J, Zhang G Y, Shi D X 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 057701
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[4] Xu L Q, Wei N, Zheng Y P 2012 J. Mater. Chem. 22 1435
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[5] Jiang J W, Leng J T, Li J X, Guo Z R, Chang T C, Guo X M, Zhang T Y 2017 Carbon 118 370
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[6] Cai K, Luo J, Ling Y R, Wan J, Qin Q H 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 35157
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[7] 吴玉程 2019 材料热处理学报 5 16
Wu Y C 2019 Trans. Mater. Heat Treat 5 16
[8] Barboza A P M, Guimaraes M H D, Massote D V P, Campos L C, Barbosa N N M, Cancado L G, Lacerda R G, Chacham H, Mazzoni M S C, Neves B R A 2011 Adv. Mater. 23 3014
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[9] Pakornchote T, Ektarawong A, Alling B, Pinsook U, Tancharakorn S, Busayaporn W, Bovornratanaraks T 2019 Carbon 146 468
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[12] Wang L, Cai K, Wei S Y, Xie Y M 2018 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20 21136
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[13] Wang L, Cai K, Xie Y M, Qin Q H 2019 Nanotechnology 30 075702
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[14] Wang L, Li D H, Shi J, Cai K 2020 Comput. Mater. Sci. 173 109459
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[15] Martins L G P, Matos M J S, Paschoal A R, Freire P T C, Andrade N F, A A L, Kong J, Neves B R A, de Oliveira A B, Mazzoni M S C, Filho A G S, Cançado L G 2017 Nat. Commun. 8 96
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[16] Gao Y, Cao T F, Cellini F, Berger C, de Heer W A, Tosatti E, Riedo E, Bongiorno A 2018 Nat. Nanotechnol. 13 133
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[17] 辛浩, 韩强, 姚小虎 2008 物理学报 57 4391
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[22] 王磊, 张冉冉, 方炜 2019 物理学报 68 064210
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Wang L, Zhang R R, Fang W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 064210
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[23] Li Y B, Sinitskii A, Tour J M 2008 Nat. Mater. 7 966
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[24] Stuart S J, Tutein A B, Harrison J A 2000 J. Chem. Phys. 112 6472
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