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Theoretical study on spectroscopic properties of 10 Λ-S and 26 Ω states for AlH molecule

Xing Wei Li Sheng-Zhou Sun Jin-Feng Cao Xu Zhu Zun-Lue Li Wen-Tao Li Yue-Yi Bai Chun-Xu


Theoretical study on spectroscopic properties of 10 Λ-S and 26 Ω states for AlH molecule

Xing Wei, Li Sheng-Zhou, Sun Jin-Feng, Cao Xu, Zhu Zun-Lue, Li Wen-Tao, Li Yue-Yi, Bai Chun-Xu
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • On the basis of correcting various errors caused by spin-orbit coupling effects, scalar relativity effects, core-valence correlation effects and basis set truncation, the potential energy curves of 10 Λ-S states and 26 Ω states of AlH molecule are calculated by using icMRCI + Q method. The transition dipole moments of 6 pairs of transitions between the ${\rm X}{}^1\Sigma _{{0^ + }}^ + $, $ {\rm a^3}{\Pi _{{0^ + }}} $, ${\rm a^3}{\Pi _1} $, ${\rm a^3}{\Pi _2} $, and ${\rm A^1}{\Pi _1} $ states are calculated by using the icMRCI/AV6Z* theory with the consideration of spin-orbit coupling effects. The spectral and transition data obtained here for AlH molecule are in very good agreement with the available experimental measurements. The findings are below. 1) The transition intensities are relatively strong of the Q(J″) branches for the (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4) and (1, 5) bands of the A1Π1${\rm X}{}^1\Sigma _{{0^ + }}^ + $ transition, with the increase of J″; the Einstein A coefficients and vibrational branching ratio gradually decrease, and the weighted absorption oscillator strength gradually increases of Δυ = 0 band, the Einstein A coefficient, vibrational branching ratio, and weighted absorption oscillator strength gradually increase for the Δυ ≠ 0 bands. 2) The radiation lifetimes of A1Π1(υ' = 0, 1) increases slowly as the J' increases. 3) The A1Π1(υ' = 0 and 1, J' = 1, +) →${\rm X}{}^1\Sigma _{{0^ + }}^ + $(υ'' = 0–3, J'′ = 1, –) transition of AlH molecule satisfies the criteria for laser cooling of diatomic molecules, that is, the vibrational branching ratio of the highly diagonal distribution, the extremely short radiation lifetimes of the A1Π1(υ' = 0 and 1, J' = 1, +) states, and the intermediate electronic states $ {\rm a^3}{\Pi _{{0^ + }}} $, a3Π1, and a3Π2 do not interfere with laser cooling. Therefore, based on the cyclic transition A1Π1(υ' = 0 and 1, J' = 1, +) ↔ ${\rm X}{}^1\Sigma _{{0^ + }}^ + $(υ'′ = 0–3, J'' = 1, –), we propose a feasible scheme for laser cooling of AlH molecule. When cooled, 2.541 × 104 photons can be scattered by four pump lasers used in the visible range, which are enough to cool AlH to the ultra-cold temperature, and the Doppler temperature and recoil temperature of the main transition are on the order of μK.
      Corresponding author: Xing Wei,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61275132, 11274097, 12074328), the Natural Science Foundation of Henan province, China (Grant No. 212300410233), the Natural Science Foundation of the Henan Higher Education Institutions of China (Grant No. 21A140023), and the Nanhu Scholars Program for Young Scholars of Xinyang Normal University, China.

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  • 图 1  AlH分子10个Λ-S态的势能曲线

    Figure 1.  Potential energy curves of 10 Λ-S states of the AlH molecule.

    图 2  AlH分子26个Ω态的势能曲线

    Figure 2.  Potential energy curves of 26 Ω states of the AlH molecule.

    图 3  AlH 分子 6 对跃迁的跃迁偶极矩曲线

    Figure 3.  Curves of the transition dipole moments versus internuclear separation of six-pair states of the AlH molecule.

    图 4  利用A1Π1(υ'= 0和1, J' = 1, +) ↔$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ''= 0—3, J'' = 1, –)跃迁进行激光冷却AlH分子的方案. 红色实线表示激光驱动A1Π1(υ' = 0和1, +)←$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ'' = 0—3, –)跃迁Q(1)支的激光波长(λυ'υ'')

    Figure 4.  The proposed laser cooling scheme for the AlH using A1Π1 (υ'= 0 and 1, J' = 1, +) ↔$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ''= 0–3, J'' = 1, –) transition. The red solid line indicate the wavelength (λυ'υ'') at which the laser drives the Q(1) branch of the A1Π1 (υ' = 0 and 1, +) ←$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ'' = 0–3, –) transition.

    图 5  A1Π1态的辐射寿命随转动量子数J'的分布

    Figure 5.  Distributions of the radiative lifetime varying as the J' of the A1Π1 state.

    表 1  AlH分子前3个离解极限产生的10个Λ-S态的离解关系

    Table 1.  Dissociation relationships of the 10 Λ-S states generated from the first three dissociation asymptotes of the AlH molecule.

    Al(3s23p 2Pu) + H(1s 2Sg)X1Σ+, a3Π, A1Π, 13Σ+00000
    Al(3s24s 2Sg) + H(1s 2Sg)C1Σ+, 23Σ+25217.3025291.73a)25082.402553325306.42
    Al(3s3p2 4Pg) + H(1s 2Sg)b3Σ, 15Σ, 23Π, 15Π28790.8029020.69b)28151.60
    a) E(Al, 3s24s 2Sg) = E(Al, 3s24s 2S1/2) – E(Al, 3s23p 2P3/2)/2;
    b) E(Al, 3s3p2 4Pg) = [E(Al, 3s3p2 4P1/2) +E(Al, 3s3p2 4P3/2) +E(Al, 3s3p2 4P5/2)]/3 –E(Al, 3s23p 2P3/2)/2.
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    表 2  AlH分子X1Σ+态的光谱常数

    Table 2.  Spectroscopic parameters of the X1Σ+ state of AlH molecule.

    icMRCI + Q/AV6 Z*a)00.165141667.6725.01196.3057015.70973.2353
    icMRCI + Q/56a)00.165101668.6025.03536.3087115.77993.2400
    icMRCI + Q/56+CVa)00.164211686.5523.85776.3524814.65273.1860
    icMRCI + Q/56+SRa)00.165121665.8424.99796.3075315.75683.2365
    icMRCI + Q/56 + CV + SRa)00.164231683.8623.82976.3518414.75843.1825
    实验[8]00.164741682.4429.10606.393718.6853.16 ± 0.01b)
    a)本文的结果; b)文献[13]中的值; c) B0值.
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    表 3  AlH分子a3Π, A1Π, b3Σ, 23Σ+, 23Π, C1Σ+和15Σ态的光谱常数

    Table 3.  Spectroscopic parameters of the a3Π, A1Π, b3Σ, 23Σ+, 23Π, C1Σ+, and 15Σ states of AlH.

    Λ-S态来源Te/cm–1Re/nmωe/cm–1ωexe/cm–1Be/cm–1102 αe/cm–1De/eV
    C 1Σ+势阱二本文a)43964.500.36561484.7104.045861.298360.5240530.8517
    a) 利用icMRCI + Q/56 + CV + SR理论获得的结果; b) x表示a3Π态相对于X1Σ+态的T0值;
    c) B0值; d) T0值; e) 文献[13]中的值; f) ωexe固定为0, 获得的结果.
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    表 4  AlH分子26个Ω态的离解关系

    Table 4.  Dissociation relationships of the 26 Ω states of the AlH molecule.

    原子态(Al + H)Ω态能级/cm–1
    Al(3s23p 2P1/2) +
    H(1s 2S1/2)
    0, 0+, 100
    Al(3s23p 2P3/2) +
    H(1s 2S1/2)
    2, 1(2), 0+, 0103.93112.06
    Al(3s24s 2S1/2) +
    H(1s 2S1/2)
    0+, 0, 125281.5825347.76
    Al(3s3p2 4P1/2) +
    H(1s 2S1/2)
    0, 0+, 128760.8629020.41
    Al(3s3p2 4P3/2) +
    H(1s 2S1/2)
    2, 1(2), 0+, 028812.6629066.96
    Al(3s3p2 4P5/2) +
    H(1s 2S1/2)
    3, 2(2), 1(2), 0+, 028893.1629142.78
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    表 5  利用icMRCI + Q/56 + CV + SR + SOC理论获得的19个Ω态的光谱常数

    Table 5.  Spectroscopic parameters obtained by the icMRCI + Q/56 + CV + SR + SOC calculations for the 19 Ω states.

    $ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $00.164231683.8323.82326.3515214.73603.1732X1Σ+ (100.00)
    ${\text{a} }{}^{3}{ { {\Pi } }_{ { {0}^- } }}$15405.800.158951778.2721.87276.649642.436021.2474a3Π (100.00)
    $ {\text{a}}{}^{3}{{{\Pi }}_{{{0}^ + }}} $15405.930.158951778.6622.06506.661041.342721.2618a3Π (100.00)
    a3Π115445.970.158951777.3621.43486.633863.901311.2424a3Π (100.00)
    a3Π215486.790.158951778.7122.09806.654971.914661.2523a3Π (100.00)
    A1Π123747.160.166181414.96186.4986.86983135.8910.2660a)A1Π (100.00)
    (3) 0+第一势阱41859.960.158761735.0513.17106.7169821.32991.1105b3Σ (100.00)
    (3) 0+第二势阱43881.100.216431114.603.714410.859923Π (100.00)
    (3) 0+第三势阱43964.940.36554484.3193.567001.298490.568790.8517C1Σ+ (100.00)
    (3) 141859.960.158760.0258b3Σ (100.00)
    (4) 1第一势阱42188.070.167872943.155.962621.232013Σ+ (99.96), b3Σ (0.04)
    (4) 1第二势阱43922.580.216421114.523.716291.016923Π (100.00)
    (3) 0第一势阱43694.980.160072685.046.793881.045223Σ+ (100.00)
    (3) 0第二势阱43880.880.216431118.659.058653.707902.612541.022123Π (100.00)
    (4) 046017.030.185613275.38937.5285.1502446.74981.029123Π (99.92), 23Σ+(0.08)
    (4) 0+第一势阱44744.950.161591562.416.669561.1870C1Σ+ (100.00)
    (4) 0+第二势阱45035.320.19346674.726161.96754.90192407.501.156423Π (97.66), b3Σ(2.34)
    (4) 0+第三势阱47498.040.263771589.912.259630.8510C1Σ+ (100.00)
    (5) 1第一势阱43694.980.160072768.867.392041.322723Σ+(100.00)
    (5) 1第二势阱45041.460.193641.1556b3Σ(99.42), 23Π (0.58)
    (5) 0+46034.370.185602898.991038.215.1732285.94441.036023Π (99.98), b3Σ(0.02)
    (6) 146021.850.185773308.86970.7125.1684553.55901.037523Σ+(99.96), 23Π (0.04)
    23Π243964.280.216401119.629.702723.704111.405471.289223Π (100.00)
    ${1}{}^{5}{ {\Sigma } }_{ { {0}^- } }^-$53899.240.24737292.19340.92542.7278022.16160.056815Σ (99.99), 23Σ+ (0.01)
    $1^{5} \Sigma_{1}^-$53899.460.24734294.95748.30392.8588257.29870.066115Σ (100.00)
    ${1}{}^{5}{ {\Sigma } }_{2}^-$53899.680.24733294.67346.86412.8313349.97710.066115Σ (100.00)
    a) 势阱的深度.
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    表 6  A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $系统(0, 0)和(0, 1)带Q支的振转跃迁

    Table 6.  Rovibrational transitions of the Q branch for the (0, 0) and (0, 1) bands of the A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $system.

    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    J''(0, 0)实验[17](0, 1)实验[17]
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    表 7  A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $系统(0, 2)和(0, 3)带Q支的振转跃迁

    Table 7.  Rovibrational transitions of the Q branch for the (0, 2) and (0, 3) bands of the A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $ system.

    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    J''(0, 2)实验[17](0,3)
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    表 8  A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $系统(1, 0)和(1, 1)带Q支的振转跃迁

    Table 8.  Rovibrational transitions of the Q branch for the (1, 0) and (1, 1) bands of the A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $ system.

    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J
    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    J''(1, 0)实验[17](1, 1)实验[17]
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    表 9  A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $系统(1, 2)和(1, 3)带Q支的振转跃迁

    Table 9.  Rovibrational transitions of the Q branch for the (1, 2) and (1, 3) bands of the A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $system.

    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J ''
    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    J''(1, 2)实验[17](1, 3)实验[17]
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    表 10  A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $系统(1, 4)和(1, 5)带Q支的振转跃迁

    Table 10.  Rovibrational transitions of the Q branch for the (1, 4) and (1, 5) bands of the A1Π1$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $ system.

    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    $\tilde{v} $/cm–1Aυ'J'υ''J''
    J''(1, 4)实验[17](1,5)
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    表 11  $ {{\text{a}}^{3}}{{{\Pi }}_{{{0}^ + }}} $(υ' = 0—3, J' = 0, +) –$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ'' = 0—4, J'' = 1, –)系统的振转跃迁

    Table 11.  Rovibrational transitions of the $ {{\text{a}}^{3}}{{{\Pi }}_{{{0}^ + }}} $(υ' = 0—3, J' = 0, +) –$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ'' = 0—4, J'' = 1, –) system.

    (υ', υ'')$\tilde{v} $
    (υ', υ'')$\tilde{v} $
    (0, 0)15439.351.42330.48158.952×10–9648.16(1, 0)17153.571.11180.26665.665×10–9583.38
    (0, 1)13791.561.37150.46391.081×10–8725.60(1, 1)15505.780.32720.07852.040×10–9645.38
    (0, 2)12200.350.14270.04831.437×10–9820.23(1, 2)13914.572.36360.56681.830×10–8719.18
    (0, 3)10663.800.01700.00572.237×10–10938.42(1, 3)12378.030.30470.07312.982×10–9808.46
    (0, 4)9180.200.00175.644×10–42.968×10–111090.08(1, 4)10894.420.05520.01326.968×10–10918.55
    (2, 0)18760.320.15340.02176.534×10–10533.42(3, 0)20242.839.974×10–47.907×10–53.649×10–12494.35
    (2, 1)17112.533.06260.43281.568×10–8584.78(3, 1)18595.040.35180.02791.526×10–9538.16
    (2, 2)15521.320.01240.00187.738×10–11644.73(3, 2)17003.845.95240.47193.086×10–8588.52
    (2, 3)13984.783.35090.47362.569×10–8715.57(3, 3)15467.290.85620.06795.365×10–9646.99
    (2, 4)12501.170.36620.05183.513×10–9800.49(3, 4)13983.685.00150.39653.835×10–8715.63
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    表 12  a3Π1(υ' = 0—3, J' = 1, +) –$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ'' = 0 —4, J'' = 1, –)系统的振转跃迁

    Table 12.  Rovibrational transitions of the a3Π1(υ' = 0—3, J' = 1, +) –$ {\text{X}}{}^{1}{{\Sigma }}_{{{0}^ + }}^ + $(υ'' = 0—4, J'' = 1, –) system.

    (υ', υ'')$\tilde{v} $
    (υ', υ'')$\tilde{v} $
    (0, 0)8076.521.07620.94667.420×10–81239.04(1, 0)9138.010.56960.06653.068×10–81095.11
    (0, 1)6362.810.00720.04937.977×10–101572.75(1, 1)7424.290.27400.84812.236×10–81347.89
    (0, 2)4756.623.940×10–40.00387.832×10–112103.83(1, 2)5818.100.01420.07481.887×10–91720.00
    (0, 3)3274.751.009×10–52.791×10–44.233×10–123055.84(1, 3)4336.240.00200.00964.722×10–102307.79
    (0, 4)1943.341.047×10–62.303×10–51.246×10–125149.44(1, 4)3004.821.304×10–48.994×10–46.496×10–113330.35
    (2, 0)18806.495.770×10–49.414×10–67.337×10–12532.11(3, 0)20288.570.00631.050×10–46.836×10–11493.24
    (2, 1)17158.706.53530.10669.983×10–8583.21(3, 1)18640.770.06220.00108.047×10–10536.84
    (2, 2)15567.4949.0090.79969.095×10–7642.82(3, 2)17049.576.79390.11411.051×10–7586.94
    (2, 3)14030.954.64910.07591.062×10–7713.22(3, 3)15513.0247.9920.80588.969×10–7645.08
    (2, 4)12547.340.97900.01602.797×10–8797.55(3, 4)14029.423.20350.05387.320×10–8713.29
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  • Received Date:  16 April 2023
  • Accepted Date:  19 May 2023
  • Available Online:  14 June 2023
  • Published Online:  20 August 2023

