Plasma rotation and its shear are key parameters influencing fusion devices. The prediction and control of plasma rotation velocity are of great significance for the stable operation and confinement improvement of future fusion reactors. External momentum injection methods are insuffcient to suppress resistive wall mode instability while achieving Q greater than 5 in International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct experimental research on intrinsic plasma rotation that does not rely on external momentum injection.To better predict the magnitude of intrinsic rotation velocity in future fusion devices, this experiment conducted a study on the scaling of residual stress and dimensionless parameters on EAST. Using the balanced neutral beam, multiple measurements of intrinsic torque were performed, providing experimental basis for the prediction of intrinsic rotation in future tokamak devices. The scaling results indicate that the core residual stress has a dependency on $\rho_*^{-1.80 \pm 1.26}$, while the scaling of edge residual stress shown a opposite trend with $\rho_*^{1.26} \pm 0.63$.This suggests that as the device size increases, the core residual stress in future large devices may increase, while the edge residual stress may decrease. The difference in scaling results between the core and edge residual stress indicates that in the edge region, there are symmetry-breaking mechanisms other than E × B flow shear dominating the generation of residual stress in the scrape-off layer (SOL).A relationship was found between intrinsic torque and $\nu_*$, revealing that core intrinsic torque depends on $\nu_*^{-0.21 \pm 0.18}$.Combining the scaling results of core intrinsic torque with gyroradius and normalized collisionality, the scaling law for core intrinsic torque is obtained as $\rho_*^{-1.39 \pm 0.71} \nu_*^{0.11 \pm 0.10}$.Using plasma parameters of ITER operation scenario 1, the core intrinsic torque in future ITER plasma is predicted to be 1.0 ±6.3 N · m, which is much smaller than predicted magnitude at DIII-D.
- tokamak /
- momentum transport /
- intrinsic rotation /
- scaling law
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