Microinverters have been widely used in distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems in recent years due to their modularity and flexibility. However, the current development of microinverter topologies faces significant challenges, such as low voltage gain and limited reliability. To address these problems, this paper proposes an Enhanced Switched-Inductor quasi-Z-Source inverter (ESL-qZSI) based on Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistor (GaN HEMT). The proposed inverter introduces a novel topology that integrates an auxiliary boost unit with a switched-inductor quasi-Z-source network. This topology significantly enhances the voltage gain under low shoot-through duty ratios and reduces the voltage stress across the switching devices. Additionally, the use of GaN HEMT as power switching components increases the switching frequency from the conventional 10 kHz to 100 kHz, in which a specialized negative turn-off gate driver circuit is proposed to adapt the characteristics of the GaN HEMT and to ensure reliable switching operation. This increase in frequency reduces the size of passive components, such as inductors. Experimental results show that the proposed inverter achieves a boost factor of 5.75 at a shoot-through duty ratio of 0.2, which indicates a 15% improvement and a 91% improvement greater than the results of the conventional switched-inductor-capacitor quasi-Z-source inverter (SLC-qZSI) and the conventional switched-inductor Z-source inverter (SL-ZSI), respectively. These results confirm that the proposed inverter enhances the voltage gain of existing topologies. Besides, compared with SLC-qZSI, the proposed inverter could obtain a higher efficiency of 90.5%, which exhibites the advantage of efficiency. In conclusion, the proposed ESL-qZSI with GaN HEMT provides a promising solution for high-efficiency and compact microinverter systems in photovoltaic applications.
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