水面水下目标分辨与识别一直是被动声呐探测领域的难题. 利用一种水平阵模态域波束形成算法获得已知方位目标声源的各阶模态强度,将其与不同深度的各阶参考模态强度进行匹配,最终实现了对声源的深度估计. 仿真结果表明,该算法可以在信噪比为-10 dB的情况下,用300 Hz带宽的信号样本,实现对声源深度的有效估计. 系统分析了不同参数和不同波导条件对该方法目标深度估计性能的影响. 其中,阵元数越多,模态样本数越多,计算频段越宽,方位估计精度越高,有效阵长越长,深度估计的性能越好. 阵元间距和波导深度的变化不会影响该方法的深度估计性能,并且该方法的深度估计性能在声速剖面、海底参数等波导条件存在扰动时具有鲁棒性.Distinguishing and recognizing water targets and underwater targets has been the focus of passive sonar detection. The depth of the target is closely related to the physical characteristics of the signal. In the shallow water waveguide, the normal mode theory can be used to give a good explanation to the acoustic signal physical properties. In this paper, a new method of beam forming in horizontal array modal domain is proposed. Under the condition of predicting target azimuth, the difference in acoustic path between the horizontal array elements corresponding to the direction of the target signal can be calculated according to the azimuthal information, and the phase delay of each normal mode component of the acoustic signal can be obtained. The horizontal wave number varies with order of normal mode, so each order of the normal mode has a specific phase delay. By using the beam forming principle, when the phase of a certain order of normal mode is compensated for, the output of the superposition of the signal on each element is the modal intensity of the normal mode. After obtaining the target signal modal intensity of each order, based on the shallow water condition, the modal intensities of sound source excitation at different depths are obtained as the reference mode intensities of the sound source at corresponding depths in the shallow water waveguide by simulating on Kracken software. Then, calculating the correlation coefficient between the target signal modal intensity of each order and the reference modal intensity of the sound source at each depth, we search for the maximum value of the correlation coefficient. The reference depth corresponding to the maximum value of the correlation peak is the estimated value of the target depth calculated by the method. Based on physical causes and characteristics of the normal modes, in this paper, the influences of the parameters such as the element number of horizontal array, depth of receiving array, signal-to-noise ratio, velocity profile, waveguide depth, azimuthal estimation accuracy, effective array length and application frequency band on the performance of this method are analyzed. The simulation results show that the algorithm can estimate the depth of the sound source effectively by using the signal sample with a bandwidth of 300 Hz when the signal-to-noise ratio is -10 dB. The wider the frequency band, the longer the effective array length, and the more the array element number, the higher the accuracy of azimuth estimation will be, which will bring beneficial effects to the depth estimation with the method. In addition, the depth estimation performance of the proposed method is still robust when the waveguide conditions such as the velocity profile and the seafloor parameters are disturbed.
- normal mode wave /
- modal domain beamforming /
- depth estimation
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[25] Tian T 2009 Sonar Technology (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University Press) p67 (in Chinese) [田坦 2009 声呐技术 (哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社) 第67页]
[26] He Z Y, Zhao Y F 1981 Foundnational Theory of Acoustics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p113 (in Chinese) [何祚镛, 赵玉芳 1981 声学理论基础(北京: 国防工业出版社) 第113页]
[1] Yang K D, Ma Y L 2006 Acta Acustica 31 399 (in Chinese) [杨坤德, 马远良 2006 声学学报 31 399]
[2] Xiao C 2011 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hangzhou: Zhejiang University) (in Chinese) [肖传 2011 博士学位论文(杭州: 浙江大学)]
[3] Kim K, Seong W, Lee K 2010 IEEE J. Oceans Eng. 35 120
[4] Cargar R M, Zurk L M 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 320
[5] Premus V E, Ward J, Richmond C D 2004 IEEE Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, November 7-10, 2004 p1415
[6] Premus V E, Backman D A 2007 IEEE Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, November 4-7, 2007 p1272
[7] Dosso S E, Wilmut M J 2009 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125 717
[8] Jemmott C W, Culver R L 2011 IEEE J. Oceans Eng. 36 696
[9] Dosso S E, Wilmut M J 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 274
[10] Sun G C 2008 Ph. D. Dissertation (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University) (in Chinese) [孙国仓 2008 博士学位论文(哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)]
[11] Yu Y, Hui J Y, Chen Y, Sun G C, Teng C 2008 Acta Phys. Sin. 57 5742 (in Chinese) [余赟, 惠俊英, 赵安邦, 孙国仓, 滕超 2008 物理学报 57 5742]
[12] Yu Y, Hui J Y, Chen Y, Sun G C, Teng C 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 6335 (in Chinese) [余赟, 惠俊英, 陈阳, 孙国仓, 滕超 2009 物理学报 58 6335]
[13] Hui J Y, Sun G C, Zhao A B 2008 Acta Acustica 33 300 (in Chinese) [惠俊英, 孙国仓, 赵安邦 2008 声学学报 33 300]
[14] Yand T C 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 1218
[15] Okopal G, Loughlin P J, Cohen L 2008 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128 832
[16] Li K, Fang S L, An L 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 094303 (in Chinese) [李焜, 方世良, 安良 2012 物理学报 62 094303]
[17] Premus V E, Helfrick M N 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133 4019
[18] Zhang B H, Zhang X H, Liu J X 2011 Technical Acoustics 30 17 (in Chinese) [张本辉, 章新华, 刘家轩 2011 声学技术 30 17]
[19] Kang C Y, Zhang X H, Han D 2009 Technical Acoustics 28 90 (in Chinese) [康春玉, 章新华, 韩东 2009 声学技术 28 90]
[20] He X Y, Jiang X Z, Li Q H 2004 Acta Acustica 29 533 (in Chinese) [何心怡, 蒋兴舟, 李启虎 2004 声学学报 29 533]
[21] Wang H, Kaveh M 1985 IEEE TASSP 33 823
[22] Xu H B, Cao L, Wu D J 1993 J. Huazhong Univ. of Sci. Tech. 21 36 (in Chinese) [许海波, 曹力, 吴大进 1993 华中理工大学学报 21 36]
[23] Wang N, Huang X S 2001 Science China Series A 31 857 (in Chinese) [王宁, 黄晓圣 2001 中国科学 31 857]
[24] He Y J 2005 M. S. Thesis (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University) (in Chinese) [何永军 2005 硕士学位论文 (哈尔滨: 哈尔滨工程大学)]
[25] Tian T 2009 Sonar Technology (Harbin: Harbin Engineering University Press) p67 (in Chinese) [田坦 2009 声呐技术 (哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社) 第67页]
[26] He Z Y, Zhao Y F 1981 Foundnational Theory of Acoustics (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p113 (in Chinese) [何祚镛, 赵玉芳 1981 声学理论基础(北京: 国防工业出版社) 第113页]
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