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魏振宇 刘亚坤



魏振宇, 刘亚坤

Study on the Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Excited Oxygen Atom Generation in Secondary Streamer Discharge of Mixed Gases with Different Oxygen Concentrations

WEI Zhenyu, LIU Yakun
  • 流注放电被应用于消毒杀菌、臭氧生产等领域, 其中二次流注放电过程对臭氧有效生产持续时间和效率影响明显, 然而氧浓度对二次流注放电过程及目标产物产量的影响还不清楚. 为此, 开发不同氧浓度下针-板电极二次流注发展过程的流体分析模型, 解决高氧浓度下流注放电模拟的非物理分支(Branch)问题, 分析氧浓度对二次正流注光发射特性的影响, 研究不同氧浓度下的阴极转移电荷量和激发态氧原子$ \rm O(^3P) $产量, 并与实验数据进行对比. 结果表明, 氧浓度由20%增加至90%后, 二次流注放电通道电子密度平均降低90%, 电场强度变化 <10%, 单次放电持续时间缩短77%, 激发态氧原子$ \rm O(^3P) $单位能量产率上升64%, 同时放电时间缩短会使产量降低50%, 但激发态氧原子$ \rm O(^3P) $单位能量产率的提高优于单次降产量. 氧浓度增大引发氧分子二、三体吸附效应增强和电子密度下降是单次放电产量下降的原因, 电子与氧分子碰撞概率提升是单位能量产率上升的原因.
    Streamer discharge has been widely applied in fields such as sterilization, disinfection, and ozone generation. The secondary discharge process significantly affects the effective ozone production duration and efficiency. However, the mechanism by which oxygen concentration influences secondary discharge characteristics and the yield of target products remains unclear. To address this issue, we developed a fluid-based analysis model of the secondary positive streamer discharge process between needle-plate electrodes under varying oxygen concentrations. This model accounts for the radial electric field and resolves potential non-physical branching issues that may arise in discharge simulations at high oxygen concentrations. In this study, we examine the effect of oxygen concentration on the optical emission characteristics of secondary positive streamers. The optical emission intensity, cathode charge transfer, and the yield of excited-state oxygen atoms ($ \rm O(^3P) $) under different oxygen concentrations are investigated and compared with experimental data. The results indicate that when the oxygen concentration increases from 20% to 90%, the optical emission intensity of the secondary discharge decreases by approximately 0.2%. Meanwhile, the average electron density in the discharge channel decreases by 90%, the electric field intensity changes by less than 10%, and the single discharge duration shortens by 77%. Under these conditions, the proportion of $ \rm O(^3P) $ yield originating from the primary discharge increases from 20% to 38%, and the unit energy yield of excited-state oxygen atoms $ \rm O(^3P) $ rises by 64%. Although the reduced discharge duration lowers the absolute $ \rm O(^3P) $ yield by 50%, the increase in unit energy yield more than compensates for the decrease in single-discharge yield. The decrease in single-discharge yield with increasing oxygen concentration arises from enhanced two- and three-body adsorption effects of oxygen molecules, which reduce the electron density. Additionally, the increased collision probability between electrons and oxygen molecules further influences these characteristic changes.
  • 图 1  针电极施加的脉冲电压波形: (a)从0至800 ns的电压波形, (b)为表现清晰放大x轴后由0至100 ns的电压波形

    Fig. 1.  Applied voltage $ V(t) $ at the anode (needle) in the simulation: (a) the voltage waveform from $ 0 $ to $ 800\, \rm ns $ and (b) enlarged voltage waveform from $ 0 $ to $ 100\rm\, ns $.

    图 2  用于计算径向电场的包含环绕针电极与的三维模型示意图

    Fig. 2.  Overview of the calculation region of the three-dimensional model for calculating the distribution of the electric field near the anode.

    图 3  包含环绕针电极的五针模型与单针电极三维模型针尖$ z=0 $处径向电场对比

    Fig. 3.  Distribution of radial electric field along $ z=0\, \rm mm $ calculated via the three-dimensional simulation.

    图 4  进行电场抑制前后模拟出的流注对比:  (a)未进行径向电场修正, (b)进行径向电场修正后的二次流注

    Fig. 4.  Simulated secondary streamer with and without modification: (a) with modification and (b) without modification.

    图 5  模拟的大气压条件下$ 0\sim\rm60\, ns $时间段ICCD相机拍摄的图像的流注发展过程

    Fig. 5.  Simulated emission ICCD figure of the secondary streamer under 20% $ \rm O_2 $ concentration from $ 0\sim60\rm\, ns $.

    图 6  实验获得的大气压条件下$ 0\sim\rm60\, ns $时间段ICCD相机图像的流注发展过程[12]

    Fig. 6.  Emission ICCD figure of the secondary streamer under 20% $ \rm O_2 $ concentration from $ 0\sim60\rm\, ns $ in the experiment[12]

    图 7  不同氧浓度下模拟与实验获得的阴极转移电荷量对比

    Fig. 7.  Comparison between the transferred charge calculated in the simulation and measured in the experiment.

    图 8  积分坐标系之间的关系: (a)轴对称坐标系与视线方向坐标系s, (b)圆柱对称Abel坐标系

    Fig. 8.  Relationship between integral coordinate systems: (a) Axisymmetric coordinate system with line-of-sight direction coordinate system s and (b) Cylindrically symmetric Abel coordinate system

    图 9  使用Abel及时间积分(快门时间2 ns)前后, 计算的发光强度对比

    Fig. 9.  Comparison of calculated luminous intensity before and after using Abel and time integration (gate time 2 ns).

    图 10  不同氧浓度下计算得出的二级流注的发射强度示意图

    Fig. 10.  The calculated 2D emission intensity of the secondary streamer under different oxygen concentrations.

    图 11  不同氧浓度下计算与实验得出的二次流注的发射总强度对比

    Fig. 11.  Comparison of calculated and experimentally derived total emission intensities for secondary streamer at different oxygen concentrations.

    图 12  不同氧浓度下二次流注过程$ t=100\rm\, ns $时的$ \mathrm{O(^3 P)} $密度分布

    Fig. 12.  Spatial distribution of $ \mathrm{O(^3 P)} $ at $ t=100\rm\, ns $ during secondary streamer at different oxygen concentrations.

    图 13  不同氧浓度下二次流注过程$ t=100\rm\, ns $时对称轴$ r=0\rm\, mm $上的$ \mathrm{O(^3 P)} $密度

    Fig. 13.  Density of $ \mathrm{O(^3 P)} $ on the axis of symmetry $ r=0\rm\, mm $ at $ t=100\rm\, ns $ for secondary streamer process at different oxygen concentrations.

    图 14  不同氧浓度下计算与实验得出的二次流注的产出$ \rm O(^3 P) $总量与每单位能量产率对比

    Fig. 14.  Comparison between the simulation and measurement results for (a) total number of measured $ \rm O_3 $ and simulated $ \rm O(^3 P) $ molecules and (b) measured $ \rm O_3 $ and simulated $ \rm O(^3 P) $ yields.

    图 15  不同氧浓度下计算与实验得出的放电能量对比

    Fig. 15.  Comparison of the discharge energy calculated in the simulation and measured in the experiment presented in reference[4].

    图 16  (a) 不同的$ \rm O_2 $浓度下产生的$ \rm O(^3 P) $总量随时间变化, (b) 计算出的不同$ \rm O_2 $浓度下一次流注产生的$ \rm O(^3 P) $产量与总产量比值

    Fig. 16.  Dependence of the total amount of $ \rm O(^3 P) $ produced on the time at various $ \rm O_2 $ concentrations and (b) fraction of $ \rm O(^3 P) $ produced by the primary streamer to the total amount of $ \rm O(^3 P) $ production.

    图 17  不同的$ \rm O_2 $浓度下 (a) $ E/N $(实线)和电子密度(虚线), (b)对称轴上$ z=3\rm\, mm $处的$ \rm O(^3 P) $密度随时间变化

    Fig. 17.  Time dependencies of (a) $ E/N $ (indicated by the solid line) and the electron density (indicated by the dashed line), and (b) $ \rm O(^3 P) $ density at $ z=3\rm\, mm $ on the symmetric axis under various $ \rm O_2 $ concentrations.

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