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郭俊媛 杨士莪 朴胜春 莫亚枭



郭俊媛, 杨士莪, 朴胜春, 莫亚枭

Direction-of-arrival estimation based on superdirective multi-pole vector sensor array for low-frequency underwater sound sources

Guo Jun-Yuan, Yang Shi-E, Piao Sheng-Chun, Mo Ya-Xiao
  • 针对水下低频声源的方位估计问题, 基于基元紧密排列的二维矢量阵, 建立了一种超指向性波束形成方法. 根据矢量基元差分运算构建各阶多极子模型, 获得了几乎与频率无关的模态函数, 并经加权计算可在低频条件下实现超指向性波束, 以解决阵列孔径对波束性能的限制. 同时, 结合输出信噪比最大准则所得波束, 分析了超指向性波束形成算法的稳定性与波导的影响程度, 探索模态阶数与阵列参数的选取原则. 通过阵列性能的仿真计算与实际阵列的测量数据表明, 该算法可在小尺寸阵列孔径下获得良好的阵列波束, 兼具了水下线型超指向性阵和环形超指向性阵的优点, 可有效实现水下低频声源的水平方位估计; 且波束性能可通过调节模态阶数与基元间距以达到最佳, 并受水下声波导多途与频散效应影响有限.
    With the advances of ship noise reduction technology, the working frequency of the passive sonar must be reduced in order to detect a target. For the conventional array, it requires a large array aperture, comparable to the wavelength, in order to achieve an acceptable angular resolution. Arrays of small physical size with high angular resolution are thus attractive for low-frequency direction-of-arrival estimation of underwater sound source. In this paper, we consider a 33 uniform rectangular array which consists of vector sensors with inter-sensor spacing much smaller than the wavelength. A broadband super-directive beamforming method is proposed for this vector sensor array, which extracts multi-pole modes of different orders from the spatial differentials of the sound field. By normalizing the amplitudes of the multi-pole modes, frequency invariant mode functions can be obtained, which are used to build the desired beam pattern, despite the Rayleigh limit on the achievable angular resolution. Vector sensors are used to replace the pressure difference operation, thus to achieve a desirable beam pattern, the order of spatial differential will be reduced. In other words, for the same array configuration, using the vector sensors provides higher directivity than using the pressure sensor. To concentrate on the sources, and to minimize all hindrances from around circumference, a suitable beam pattern is constructed as an example to analysis. To verify the algorithm, a prototype is built and tested in a water tank. Comparisons are carried out between the actually synthesized beam patterns and the theoretical ones. The experimental results show good agreement with the theoretical results, and that the directivity increases with the multi-pole mode order increasing, at the expense of lower robustness. The performances for different values of ka are also investigated, where k is the wave number and a denotes the inter-sensor spacing. Simulation results show that when the inter-sensor spacing is no more than one-sixth of the incident wave length, the error introduced by the approximations for muti-pole mode extraction can be neglected. It should be noted that this result of the inter-sensor spacing still applicable when considering array gain, showing that the array is insensitive to uncorrelated noise while preserving a relatively high array gain. Finally, the influence of the underwater acoustic waveguide on the array performance is analyzed. Simulations and experimental tests show that due to the small array aperture, the waveguide effects on the array performance are limited.
      通信作者: 朴胜春, piaoshengchun@hrbeu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国防科技重点实验室基金(批准号: 9140C200103120C2001)和国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 11234002)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Piao Sheng-Chun, piaoshengchun@hrbeu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Science and Technology Foundation of State Key Laboratory, China (Grant No. 9140C200103120C2001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11234002).

    Yang S E 2012 Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Hong Kong SAR, China, May 13-18, 2012 p336


    Wang D Z, Shang E C 2013 Underwater Acoustics (Beijing: Science Press) pp545-549 (in Chinese) [汪徳昭, 尚尔昌 2013 水声学 (北京:科学出版社) 第 545-549 页]


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    Griffiths J W R, Griffiths H D, Cowan C F N, Eiges R, Rafik T 1994 Oceans 94/OSATES Conference on Oceans Engineering for Todays Technology and Tomorrows Preservation Brest, France, Sep. 13-16, 1994 p223


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    Ma Y L, Yang Y X, He Z Y, Yang K D, Sun C, Wang Y M 2013 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 60 203


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    Sena E D, Hacihabiboglu H, Cvetkovic Z 2012 IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 20 162


    Zhang T W, Yang K D, Ma Y L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 124301


    Shi J, Yang D S, Shi S G 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 124302 (in Chinese) [时洁, 杨德森, 时胜国 2012 物理学报 61 124302]


    Shi J, Yang D S, Shi S G, Zhu Z R 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 124302 (in Chinese) [时洁, 杨德森, 时胜国, 朱中锐 2016 物理学报 65 024302]


    Sun G Q, Li Q H 2004 Acta Acust. 29 491 (in Chinese) [孙贵青, 李启虎 2004 声学学报 29 491]


    Guo J Y, Yang S E, Piao S C 2015 170th Metting Acoustical Society of America Jacksonville, Florida, United States, Nov. 2-6, 2015 p1737


    Zou N, Nehorai A 2009 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 57 3041


    Gur B 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 3463


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  • [1]

    Yang S E 2012 Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition Hong Kong SAR, China, May 13-18, 2012 p336


    Wang D Z, Shang E C 2013 Underwater Acoustics (Beijing: Science Press) pp545-549 (in Chinese) [汪徳昭, 尚尔昌 2013 水声学 (北京:科学出版社) 第 545-549 页]


    Wang Y, Yang Y X, Ma Y L, He Z Y 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136 1712


    Parsons A T 1987 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 82 179


    Olson H F 1946 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 17 192


    Uzsoky M, Solymar L 1956 Acta Phys. 6 185


    Morris M L, Jensen M A, Wallance J W 2005 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 53 2850


    Teutsch H, Kellermann W 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 2724


    Teutsch H 2007 Modal Array Signal Processing: Principles and Applications of Acoustic Wavefield Decomposition (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) pp33-113


    Elko G W 2004 Differential Microphone Arrays (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) pp33-94


    Thompson S C 2003 Hearing J. 56 14


    Chung K, Zeng F G, Acker K N 2006 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120 2216


    Benesty J, Souden M, Huang Yiteng 2012 IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 20 699


    Benesty J, Chen J 2012 Study and Design of Differential Microphone Arrays (Berlin: Springer-Verlag) pp41-94


    Griffiths J W R, Griffiths H D, Cowan C F N, Eiges R, Rafik T 1994 Oceans 94/OSATES Conference on Oceans Engineering for Todays Technology and Tomorrows Preservation Brest, France, Sep. 13-16, 1994 p223


    Meyer J 2001 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 109 185


    Ma Y L, Yang Y X, He Z Y, Yang K D, Sun C, Wang Y M 2013 IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 60 203


    Elko G W 1999 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 105 1098


    Buck M 2002 Eur. T. Telecommun. 13 115


    Abhayapala T D, Gupta A 2010 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127 EL227


    Sena E D, Hacihabiboglu H, Cvetkovic Z 2012 IEEE Trans. Audio Speech Lang. Process. 20 162


    Zhang T W, Yang K D, Ma Y L 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 124301


    Shi J, Yang D S, Shi S G 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 124302 (in Chinese) [时洁, 杨德森, 时胜国 2012 物理学报 61 124302]


    Shi J, Yang D S, Shi S G, Zhu Z R 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 124302 (in Chinese) [时洁, 杨德森, 时胜国, 朱中锐 2016 物理学报 65 024302]


    Sun G Q, Li Q H 2004 Acta Acust. 29 491 (in Chinese) [孙贵青, 李启虎 2004 声学学报 29 491]


    Guo J Y, Yang S E, Piao S C 2015 170th Metting Acoustical Society of America Jacksonville, Florida, United States, Nov. 2-6, 2015 p1737


    Zou N, Nehorai A 2009 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 57 3041


    Gur B 2014 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135 3463


    Nehorai A, Paldi E 1994 IEEE Trans. Signal Process. 42 2481


    Smith K B, Vincent A, Leijen V 2007 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122 370

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-01-12
  • 修回日期:  2016-04-22
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