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邓东阁 武新军 左苏



邓东阁, 武新军, 左苏

Measurement of initial magnetization curve based on constant magnetic field excited by permanent magnet

Deng Dong-Ge, Wu Xin-Jun, Zuo Su
  • 现有起始磁化曲线测量系统需绕制励磁线圈和感应线圈, 在线应用受限. 为此, 本文提出了一种基于永磁恒定磁场激励的起始磁化曲线测量原理并搭建了相应测量系统. 该系统采用永磁磁化器作为激励磁源, 以对称磁化方法在圆柱棒状构件上激励出随轴向位置变化的恒定磁场作为激励磁场; 采用阵列霍尔探头测量构件表面不同提离下的轴向和法向磁感应强度; 并基于多项式外推法和磁场高斯定理外推法, 推算构件与空气分界面上的轴向和法向磁感应强度; 进一步地, 根据分界面上的磁感应强度获取构件的起始磁化曲线. 系统测量结果表明, 在永磁恒定磁场激励下, 无须励磁线圈和感应线圈即可方便地获取棒状构件的起始磁化曲线, 测量误差小于10%, 测量误差标准差小于0.01, 重复性较好. 该系统可为便捷地在线测量棒状构件起始磁化曲线提供新途径.
    The initial magnetization curve is closely related to the stress in ferromagnetic material, thus it could be used to evaluate the stress in ferromagnetic member online. However, the initial magnetization curve measurement system recommended by the technical standard IEC 60404-4 is not suitable for online application. It is inevitable to use excitation coils to generate the excitation field and induction coils to obtain the magnetic flux density, however winding coils closely and uniformly online is not easy to operate. To obtain the initial magnetization curve easily, a calculation method for initial magnetization curve under constant magnetization based on time-space transformation is put forward in this paper. The theoretical correctness of this method is validated through simulation with the constant current coil magnetization. Considering the fact that the constant magnetic field could also be provided by permanent magnets and that magnetizing ferromagnetic members online by permanent magnets are convenient to achieve, in this paper, we put forward the measuring principle of initial magnetization curve based on a constant magnetic field excited by permanent magnets further and set up the corresponding measurement system. This system employs permanent magnetizers as the excitation magnetic source, and adopts symmetric magnetization methods to produce a constant magnetic field on a cylindrical rod-shaped member. The excited constant magnetic field changes along the axial position of the member. Under this exciting field, the axial and radial magnetic flux densities at different lift-offs from the surface of the member are measured by a testing probe including Hall chip array. Then, the axial and radial magnetic flux densities at the interface between the member and air are calculated based on the extrapolation method through utilizing polynomial function fitting and the Gauss's law for magnetism. Furthermore, the axial magnetic field strength within the member is calculated from the axial magnetic flux density at the interface according to the continuity of the tangential magnetic field strength. On the other hand, the induced magnetic flux density within the member is calculated from the radial magnetic flux density at the interface on the basis of the Gauss' law for magnetism, the basic equation of magnetization curve in Rayleigh region and the law of approach to saturation. Finally, the initial magnetization curve could be measured. System measurement results show that with no excitation coils nor induction coils, the initial magnetization curve of the cylindrical rod-shaped member can be easily obtained from the axial and radial magnetic flux densities at the interface of the member under the constant magnetic field excited by permanent magnetizers. The measurement error is less than 10%, and the standard deviation of the error is less than 0.01, which shows that the measurement repeatability is good. Therefore, this proposed system could provide a new approach to measuring the initial magnetization curve of cylindrical rod-shaped members online conveniently.
      通信作者: 武新军, xinjunwu@mail.hust.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:51477059)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wu Xin-Jun, xinjunwu@mail.hust.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51477059).

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    He Y Z 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 084105 (in Chinese) [何永周 2013 物理学报 62 084105]


    Xu J, Cheng C, Wu X J, Shen G T 2012 J. Huazhong Univ. Sci. Tech. 40 12 (in Chinese) [徐江, 程丞, 武新军, 沈功田 2012 华中科技大学学报 40 12]


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  • 收稿日期:  2016-01-31
  • 修回日期:  2016-04-01
  • 刊出日期:  2016-07-05

