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郭乐慧 田进寿 卢裕 李红伟



郭乐慧, 田进寿, 卢裕, 李红伟

Optimization of the 3-inch photomultiplier tube for the neutrino detection

Guo Le-Hui, Tian Jin-Shou, Lu Yu, Li Hong-Wei
  • 光电倍增管(PMT)作为当前中微子振荡研究的核心探测器件要求具有尽可能大的阴极有效探测面积与较小的渡越时间弥散,其时间特性直接决定了中微子的探测精度.针对高能粒子探测需求,本文优化设计了一种大阴极面超短型3-inch光电倍增管,基于Furman模型与电子轨迹追踪法展示了第一倍增极产生的二次电子向第二倍增极渡越的电子轨迹过程,据此对倍增极结构进行了局部优化;将Monte Carlo法与有限积分法相结合比较了不同分压下PMT内部电势分布对电子轨迹的影响并对优化后的大阴极面PMT的均匀性、收集效率、阴极至第一倍增极间渡越时间弥散(TTSCD1)等关键参数进行了统计与分析;利用particle-in-cell经典算法获得了此款PMT的增益特性.结果表明,优化后的大阴极面超短型PMT阴极有效探测面积较传统模型相比有效提升了30.87%,总长度仅103 mm,为目前最短的3-inch PMT设计结构;在1000 V阳极电压下,阴极顶点单光电子TTSCD1为0.75 ns,较传统3-inch PMT模型相比提升了2.73倍,平均收集效率可达96.40%;当阳极电压为1100 V时,其增益可达106以上.
    Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) widely used in neutrino detectors are critical to reconstructing the direction of the neutrino accurately. Large photocathode coverage, compact design and good time properties for single-photoelectron light are essential performances to meet the requirements for the next generation detectors. Therefore, a novel digital optical module housing 31 3-inch. diameter PMTs is developed. In order to maximize the effective photocathode area and improve the time performance, a modified PMT with a larger photocathode area and 10 dynodes is optimized with the aid of the CST Particle Studio in this paper. Based on the Monte Carlo method and finite integration theory, the main characteristics of the modified PMT, such as uniformity, collection efficiency, gain and transit-time spread, are investigated. As the earlier stages of the PMT contribute the greatest weight to the total transit time spread, the transit time spread of single-photoelectron from photocathode to the first dynode (TTSCD1) is discussed mainly in this paper. The influences of the dynodes position on collection efficiency and TTSCD1 are analyzed. The voltage ratio scheme is also optimized slightly to obtain better collection efficiency and minimum TTSCD1. By tracing the trajectories of secondary electrons from the first to the second dynode stage, dynodes are optimized for improving timing performance and secondary electrons collection efficiency. Direct collection efficiency of secondary electrons from the first dynode to the second is improved from 56.38% to 61.01%. The effective photocathode diameter of the modified PMT is increased from traditional 72 mm to 77.5 mm and the effective area of photocathode is increased by 30.87% compared with the traditional one. What is more, the length of the new PMT is reduced to 103 mm so that the available space of the multi-PMT digital optical module is increased by 63.09% compared with the traditional one containing the high-voltage power supplies, front-end and readout electronics, refrigerating equipment, etc. The simulation results show that the mean collection efficiency of the modified PMT is ~96.40% with the supply voltage of 1000 V and it changes little by changing the supply voltage from 900 V to 1300 V. The mean transit time spread from photocathode to the first dynode is ~1 ns which is better than the transit time spread of the traditional model. And the gain can reach above 106 with a supply voltage of above 1100 V.
      通信作者: 田进寿, tianjs@opt.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11475209)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Tian Jin-Shou, tianjs@opt.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11475209).

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  • [1]

    Fukuda Y, Hayakawa T, Ichihara E, et al. 1998Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 1158


    Araki T, Enomoto S, Furuno K, et al. 2005Nature 436 499


    Cao J 2014Sci. Sin.:Phys. Mech. Astron. 44 1025(in Chinese)[曹俊2014中国科学:物理学力学天文学44 1025]


    Fukuda S, Fukuda Y, Hayakawa T, et al. 2003Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 501 418


    Katz U F, Spiering C 2012Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 67 651


    Hasankiadeh Q D, Kavatsyuk O, Lohner H, Peek H, Steijger J 2013Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 725 158


    Kooijman P, Berbee E, de-Boer R, Rookhuizen H B, Heine E, Hogenbirk J, deJong M, Kok H, Korporaal A, Mos S, Mul G, Peek H, Timmer P, Werneke P, deWolf E 2011Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 626 S139


    Katz U F 20146th International Workshop on Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescopes Stockholm, Sweden, August 5-13, 2013 p38


    Aiello S, Leonora E, Ameli F, et al. 2013J. Instrum. 8 07001


    Kavatsyuk O, Dorosti-Hasankiadeh Q, Lohner H 2012Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 695 338


    Adrian-Martinez S, Ageron M, Aharonian F, et al. 2014Eur. Phys. J. C 74 3056


    Aiello S, Classen L, Giordano V, et al. 20146th International Workshop on Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescopes Stockholm, Sweden, August 5-13, 2013 p118


    Bormuth R, Classen L, Kalekin O, et al. 20146th International Workshop on Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescopes Stockholm, Sweden, August 5-13, 2013 p114


    Leskovar B, Lo C C 1975Nucl. Instrum. Meth. 123 145


    CST Particle Studio, Computer Simulation Technology Corporation https://www.cst.com/Products/CSTPS[2016-07-12]


    Hamamatsu Photonics K. K. 2007Photomultiplier Tubes Basics and Applications (3rd Ed.) (Hamamatsu:Hamamatsu Photonics K. K. Electron Tube Division) p44


    Fen K S, Lu W Z, Zhu Z H 2005Shanxi Electron. Technol. 06 43(in Chinese)[冯奎胜, 卢万铮, 朱章虎2005山西电子技术06 43]


    Tian J S, Zhao B S, Wu J J, Zhao W, Liu Y Q, Zhang J 2006Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3368(in Chinese)[田进寿, 赵宝升, 吴建军, 赵卫, 刘运全, 张杰2006物理学报55 3368]


    Furman M A, Pivi M T F 2002Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 5 124404


    Zhou R M 2015Photoelectric Emission, Secondary Electron Emission and Photomultiplier Tube (1st Ed.) (Chengdu:University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Press) p127(in Chinese)[周荣楣2015光电发射、次级电子发射与光电倍增管(第一版) (成都:电子科技大学出版社)第127页]


    Suzuki A, Mori M, Kaneyuki K, Tanimori T, Takeuchi J, Kyushimaand H, Ohashi Y 1993Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 329 299


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  • 收稿日期:  2016-07-16
  • 修回日期:  2016-08-08
  • 刊出日期:  2016-11-05

