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基于3.5 MeV射频四极质子加速器硼中子俘获治疗装置的束流整形体设计

田永顺 胡志良 童剑飞 陈俊阳 彭向阳 梁天骄


基于3.5 MeV射频四极质子加速器硼中子俘获治疗装置的束流整形体设计

田永顺, 胡志良, 童剑飞, 陈俊阳, 彭向阳, 梁天骄

Design of beam shaping assembly based on 3.5 MeV radio-frequency quadrupole proton accelerator for boron neutron capture therapy

Tian Yong-Shun, Hu Zhi-Liang, Tong Jian-Fei, Chen Jun-Yang, Peng Xiang-Yang, Liang Tian-Jiao
  • 在硼中子俘获治疗(BNCT)装置中,束流整形体(BSA)的作用是将中子源产生的快中子束流慢化至超热中子能区(0.5 eV E γ射线的成分,同时保证中子的方向性,其设计与优化是BNCT装置设计工作的核心内容之一.本文采用3.5 MeV,10 mA的质子束轰击锂靶,由核反应7Li(p,n)7Be产生的中子为源项,针对BSA的慢化体材料和结构、γ屏蔽层和热中子吸收层的厚度等参数进行蒙特卡罗模拟设计与优化.研究发现,采用Fluental和LiF两种慢化材料间隔2 cm层状堆叠的三明治BSA构型,在保证快中子剂量成分(Df/φepi),γ剂量成分(Dγ/φepi)和热中子比例φth/φepi满足IAEA-TECDOC-1223报告推荐要求的同时,在BSA出口处超热中子注量率优于单独使用Fluental和单独使用LiF的BSA设计.BSA出口处修正的Synder人头几何模型中的剂量分布计算结果显示:上述三明治构型的深度剂量分布与单独使用Fluental材料构型的结果基本相当,优于单独使用LiF构型,表明Fluental和LiF层状堆叠的三明治BSA构型是一种可行的BSA结构.
    Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is expected to be an effective method of improving the treatment results on malignant brain glioma and malignant melanoma, for which no successful treatment has been developed so far. The beam shaping assembly (BSA) of accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy (A-BNCT) consists of a moderator, a reflector, gamma and thermal neutron shielding and a collimator. The BSA moderates the fast neutron produced in target to epithermal energy range. Design of BSA is one of the key jobs in BNCT project. An optimized study was conducted to design a beam shaping assembly for BNCT facility based on 3.5 MeV 10 mA radio-frequency quadrupole proton accelerator at Dongguan Neutron Science Center. In this simulation work, the neutron produced from the 7Li (p, n) 7Be reaction by 3.5 MeV proton is adopted as a neutron source term. In order to search for an optimized beam shaping assembly for accelerator-based BNCT, Monte Carlo simulation is carried out based on the parameters of moderator material and structure, the Gamma shielding, and the thermal neutron filter in the beam shaping assembly. The beam shaping assembly in this work consists of various moderator materials, teflon as reflector, Bi as gamma shielding, 6Li as thermal neutron filter, and lithium polyethylene as collimator. After comparing the simulation results of Fluental and LiF moderator materials, the beam shaping assembly configuration based on sandwich Fluental-LiF configuration is proposed. The sandwich Fluental-LiF configuration is made up of Fluental and LiF layer by layer, like a sandwich structure, and each layer is 2 cm thick. According to the beam quality requirement of the IAEA-tecdoc-1223 report, the optimized epithermal neutron flux in air at the exit of BSA of the sandwich Fluental-LiF configuration is 9.14×108 n/(cm2·s), which is greater than those of the Fluental configuration (7.81×108 n/(cm2·s)) and LiF configuration (8.79×108 n/(cm2·s)), when the ratio of fast neutron component to gamma ray component to thermal neutron is less than the limiting value of IAEA recommendation. Subsequently, the depth distribution of the equivalent doses in the Snyder head phantom is calculated to evaluate the treatment characteristic. The simulation results show that the therapy rate of the beam shaping assembly based on the sandwich Fluental-LiF configuration is basically equal to that of the Fluental configuration and better than that of the LiF configuration, and the therapy time is less than that of the Fluental configuration. This means that the beam shaping assembly based on the sandwich Fluental-LiF configuration is one of the suitable options for our accelerator-based BNCT.
      通信作者: 梁天骄, liangtj@ihep.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号:2016YFA0401504)和广东省产学研合作项目(批准号:2015B090901048)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liang Tian-Jiao, liangtj@ihep.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2016YFA0401504) and the Project of Integration of Industry, Education, and Research of Guangdong Province, China (Grant No. 2015B090901048).

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    Locher G L 1936 Am. J. Roentgenol. 36 1


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    Sweet W H, Soloway A H, Wright R L 1962 J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 137 263


    Soloway A H, Hatanaka H, Davis M A 1967 J. Med. Chem. 10 714


    Choi J R, Clement S D, Harling O K, Zamenhof R G 1990 Basic Life Sci. 54 201


    Capoulat M E, Minsky D M, Kreiner A J 2014 Phys. Medica 30 133


    Phoenix B, Green S, Scott M C, Bennett J R J, Edgecock T R 2015 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 106 49


    Rahmani F, Shahriari M 2011 Ann. Nucl. Energy 38 404


    Cheng D W, Lu J B, Yang D, Liu Y M, Wang H D, Ma K Y 2012 Chin. Phys. C 36 905


    Minsky D M, Kreiner A J 2014 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 88 233


    Herrera M S, Gonzalez S J, Burlon A A, Minsky D M, Kreiner A J 2011 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 1870


    Xiao G, Wang Z Q, Zhang B A, Zhu J S 2006 Chinese J. Medical Physics 23 5 (in Chinese) [肖刚, 王仲奇, 张本爱, 朱建士 2006 中国医学物理学杂志 23 5]


    Yoshida F, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Zaboronok A, Matsumura A 2015 Appl. Radiat. Isot. 106 247


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    Bleuel D L 2003 Ph. D. Dissertation (Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley)


    IAEA 2001 Current Status of Neutron Capture Therapy (Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency) pp7-8


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    Pelowitz D G 2005 MCNPX User's Manual Version 250 (Los Alamos: Los Alamos National Laboratory) p1


    White D R, Griffith R V, Wilson I J 1992 J. ICRU 1 1


    Rahmani F, Shahriari M 2011 Ann. Nucl. Energy 38 404


    Lee C, Zhou X R, Harmon F, Harker Y 2000 Med. Phys. 27 192


    Coderre J A, Makar M S, Micca P L, Nawrocky M M, Liu H B, Joel D D, Slatkin D N, Amols H I 1993 Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 27 1121

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-03-02
  • 修回日期:  2018-04-02
  • 刊出日期:  2019-07-20

