等离激元学连接着光子学和电子学, 在光产生、显微显示、数据存储、光集成和光子芯片、传感技术和纳米制造技术等方面展示出重要应用, 正极大地促进既拥有纳米电子学的尺寸又兼有介电光子学速度的新一代信息材料和器件的发展. 但是, 传统上绝大部分等离激元材料和器件都是基于静态的设计, 即一旦被制备, 其性能也就确定, 人们无法根据需求进行实时的主动调控. 因此, 近年来人们开始从应用需求出发, 致力于研制动态调控的等离激元材料和器件. 本文总结等离激元材料和器件的动态调控研究进展, 给出动态调控等离激元材料和器件的基本原理, 即通过动态改变材料中金属微纳结构的等效介电函数、动态调节系统外部环境、动态控制结构中的耦合效应等, 实现对等离激元材料和器件性能的实时动态控制. 在此基础上, 分别以等离激元材料、等离激元超构材料、等离激元超构表面等为例, 展示在电、光、力、温度、环境等外部作用下相关材料和器件性能的实时改变和动态控制, 期望推动发展新型亚波长光电功能材料和器件.
- 等离激元材料和器件的动态调控 /
- 等离激元超构材料 /
- 等离激元超构表面
As is well known, plasmonics bridges the gap between nanoscale electronics and dielectric photonics, and is expected to be applied to light generation, photonic integration and chips, optical sensing and nanofabrication technology. So far, most of plasmonic microstructures and nanostructures cannot dynamically tune the properties once their structures are fabricated. Therefore, developing active plasmonic materials and devices is especially desired and necessary. Recently, dynamically tunable plasmonic materials and devices have been intensively investigated with the aim of practical applications. Here in this paper, we review recent research advances in active plasmonic materials and devices. Firstly we summarize three approaches to dynamically tuning plasmonic materials and devices. The first approach is to dynamically change the effective permittivity of metallic microstructures and nanostructures. The second approach is to dynamically adjust the ambient environments of the materials and devices. The third approach is to real-time tune the coupling effects in the nanostructures. Then we take ordinary plasmonic materials, plasmonic metamaterials, and plasmonic metasurfaces for example to show how to make them dynamically tunable. With external fields (such as electrical field, light field, thermal field, and mechanical force field, etc.), various approaches have been demonstrated in dynamically tuning the physical properties of plasmonic systems in real time. We anticipate that this review will promote the further development of new-generation subwavelength materials and optoelectrionic devices with new principles and better performances.-
- dynamically tunable plasmonic materials and devices /
- active plasmonic metamaterials /
- active plasmonic metasurfaces
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图 1 动态可调等离激元材料和器件示意 (a)通过氢气调控手性光学响应的工作原理[51]; (b)通过红外纳米成像观察石墨烯中电调控等离激元[58]; (c)相变材料锗锑碲常温时为非晶相, 高温时为晶相[121]; (d)亚波长小孔后等离激元诱导的光透射动态调控[155]
Fig. 1. Schematic of active plasmonic materials and devices: (a) Working principle of hydrogen regulation to the chiroptical response[51]; (b) gate-tuning of graphene plasmons revealed by infrared nano-imaging[58]; (c) GeSbTe is amorphous at room temperature, and crystalline at high temperature[121]; (d) tunable interference of light behind subwavelength apertures[155].
图 2 动态调节传播型表面等离激元 (a)通过散射扫描近场光学显微镜对传播型和局域型石墨烯等离激元成像[57]; (b)利用液晶实现对表面等离激元的热调控[82]; (c)通过石墨烯接触调控等离激元波导的色散关系[70]; (d)用于调控表面等离激元的平面外设计的柔性超构表面[154]
Fig. 2. Dynamically tune propagating surface plasmons: (a) Imaging propagating and localized graphene plasmons by scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy[57]; (b) thermal tuning of surface plasmon polaritons using liquid crystals[82]; (c) tuning the dispersion relation of a plasmonic waveguide via graphene contact[70]; (d) out-of-plane designed soft metasurface for tunable surface plasmon polariton[154].
图 3 动态调控局域型表面等离激元 (a)借助10 nm的钯催化层和5 nm的钛缓冲剂将镁颗粒转换成氢化镁, 反之亦然[50]; (b)全光控制单个等离激元纳米天线-ITO混合结构[91]; (c)一种在近红外频段下工作的电力驱动可重构的等离激元超构材料[156]; (d)动态调节掺杂纳米晶中表面等离激元共振[67]; (e)掺杂纳米晶作为氧化还原化学反应的等离激元探头[66]
Fig. 3. Dynamically tune localized surface plasmons: (a) Switching of magnesium particles to magnesium hydride and vice versa with the aid of a 10 nm catalytic Pd layer and 5 nm Ti buffer[50]; (b) all-optical control of a single plasmonic nanoantenna-ITO hybrid[91]; (c) an electromechanically reconfigurable plasmonic metamaterial operating in the near-infrared[156]; (d) dynamically modulating the surface plasmon resonance of doped semiconductor nanocrystals[67]; (e) doped nanocrystals as plasmonic probes of redox chemistry[66].
图 4 动态调控等离激元色彩 (a)绘画作品的动态显示, 展示了黑/白显示和彩色显示之间的转换[52]; (b)利用液晶介电函数变化实现快速高对比度的电致变色开关[117]; (c)基于二氧化钒相变动态可调等离激元彩色显示[145]; (d)二维动态调控铝等离激元阵列实现全光谱响应[151]
Fig. 4. Dynamically tune plasmonic colors: (a) Dynamic display of the artwork, showing transformations between black/white printing and color printing[52]; (b) high-contrast and fast electrochromic switching enabled by the variation in permittivity of liquid crystals[117]; (c) dynamic plasmonic color generation based on phase transition of vanadium dioxide[145]; (d) two-dimensional active tuning of an aluminum plasmonic array for full-spectrum response[151].
图 5 动态可调纳米天线 (a)利用二氢化钇与氢气反应实现纳米天线开关[49]; (b)在SmNiO3薄膜上设计等离激元超构表面实现对红外反射率的窄带调控[168]; (c)石墨烯复合等离激元天线的宽带电调控[69]; (d)超薄非线性超构表面中的动态超快可调慢光效应[19]
Fig. 5. Active plamsonic nanoantennas: (a) Switchable nanoantennas by the interaction of yttrium dihydride with hydrogen[49]; (b) narrowband tuning of infrared reflectivity in devices consisting of plasmonic metasurfaces patterned on SmNiO3 thin films[168]; (c) broad electrical tuning of graphene-loaded plasmonic antennas[69]; (d) an actively ultrafast tunable giant slow-light effect in ultrathin nonlinear metasurfaces[19].
图 6 等离激元调制器 (a)钛酸钡薄膜等离激元干涉仪中电光调制[169]; (b)通过二氧化钒相变调控表面等离激元传播方向[144]; (c)基于锗锑碲相变动态控制表面等离激元波导[125]; (d)利用光致变色分子实现非易失性等离激元开关[111]
Fig. 6. Plamsonic modulators: (a) Electrooptic modulation in thin film barium titanate plasmonic interferometers[169]; (b) active directional switching of surface plasmon polaritons using the phase transition of vanadium dioxide[144]; (c) active control of surface plasmon waveguides based on the phase transition of GeSbTe[125]; (d) a nonvolatile plasmonic switch employing photochromic molecules[111].
图 7 动态可调负折射率 (a)超构材料中可调磁响应[81]; (b)基于相变材料可调负折射率超构材料[123]
Fig. 7. Dynamically tunable negative refractive index: (a) Tunable magnetic response of metamaterials[81]; (b) tunable negative index metamaterials based on phase-change materials[123], reprinted with permission from Ref. [123] © The Optical Society.
图 8 动态可调吸收 (a)石墨烯纳米盘阵列实现动态可调吸收增强[60]; (b)通过相变空间层实现可开关的超材料吸收器/发射器[141]; (c)基于相变材料锗锑碲超薄等离激元超构材料实现动态热辐射调控[132]
Fig. 8. Dynamically tune optical absorption: (a) Active tunable absorption enhancement with graphene nanodisk arrays[60]; (b) switchable wavelength-selective and diffuse metamaterial absorber/emitter with a phase transition spacer layer[141]; (c) dynamic thermal emission control based on ultrathin plasmonic metamaterials including phase-changing material GST[132].
图 9 动态可调偏振态 (a)自由可调宽带太赫兹波偏振旋转器[161]; (b)石墨烯电极驱动的宽带可调液晶太赫兹波片[87]; (c)非线性各向异性超构材料实现超快产生与转换光的偏振态[171]; (d)利用二氧化钒相变动态转换光的偏振态[146]
Fig. 9. Dynamically tune the polarization states of light: (a) Feely tunable broadband polarization rotator for terahertz waves[161]; (b) broadband tunable liquid crystal terahertz waveplates driven with porous graphene electrodes[87]; (c) ultrafast synthesis and switching of light polarization in nonlinear anisotropic metamaterials[171]; (d) dynamically switching the polarization state of light based on the phase transition of vanadium dioxide[146].
图 10 动态可调手性 (a)动态调控非线性超构材料中手性[95]; (b)非手性相变超构材料实现超快调节圆二色性[127]; (c)可重构的三维等离激元超构分子[163]
Fig. 10. Dynamically tunable chirality: (a) Active control of chirality in nonlinear metamaterials[95]; (b) achiral phase change metamaterials for ultrafast tuning of giant circular conversion dichroism[127]; (c) reconfigurable 3D plasmonic metamolecules[163].
图 11 动态可调异常反射和折射 (a)基于相变材料的可调反射阵列[124]; (b)电调控导电氧化物超构表面[97]; (c)可拉伸衬底上的可调超构表面[148]
Fig. 11. Dynamically tunable anomaly reflection and refraction: (a) Phase change material based tunable reflectarray[124], reprinted with permission from Ref.[124] © The Optical Society; (b) gate-tunable conducting oxide metasurfaces[97]; (c) tunable metasurface on a stretchable substrate[148].
图 12 动态可调透镜 (a)基于径向偏振光照射的复合纳米环的在近场和远场之间的动态可调的等离激元透镜[142]; (b)基于相变材料的平面透镜调控光的相前[126]
Fig. 12. Active plasmonic metalenses: (a) dynamically tunable plasmonic lens between the near and far fields based on composite nanorings illuminated with radially polarized light[142]; (b) engineering the phase front of light with phase-change material based planar lenses[126].
图 13 动态可调偏振态 (a)基于石墨烯纳米结构动态可调的宽带中红外偏振变换器[59]; (b)通过光调控实现光偏振态转换的可重构超构表面[119]
Fig. 13. Dynamically tune the polarization states of light: (a) Dynamically tunable broadband mid-infrared cross polarization converter based on graphene nanostructures[59]; (b) reconfigurable metasurfaces that enable light polarization control by light[119].
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