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陈旭生 李九生



陈旭生, 李九生

Tunable terahertz absorber with multi-defect combination embedded VO2 thin film structure

Chen Xu-Sheng, Li Jiu-Sheng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 提出一种多缺陷组合嵌入VO2薄膜结构的可调太赫兹吸收器, 它由上表面金属图案层、基体和底层金属板三层结构组成, 在上表面和基体之间嵌入二氧化钒介质. 计算结果表明在f = 4.08 THz和f = 4.33 THz两频点吸收率分别为99.8%和99.9%. 通过改变外界环境温度可控制二氧化钒相变, 从而使两个频点吸收率从99.8%变化到1.0%. 改变入射角和偏振态, 计算结果表明在入射角0°—40°, 吸收器在TE和TM两种极化波下吸收率都能在98%以上. 该太赫兹波吸收器具有高吸收、动态调谐、极化不敏感等特性, 本文所设计的可调太赫兹吸收器在太赫兹波相关领域, 例如探测器、开关、动态调制器、隐身技术等方面具有很好的应用前景.
    The metamaterial absorber has the advantages of thin thickness, small size, simple structure and high absorption. As is different from the traditional metamaterial absorber, the adjustable material is used for designing the structure, which can realize the dynamic modulation of the device by changing the external factors without changing the device structure. In this paper, an adjustable terahertz absorber with multi-defect combination embedded VO2 thin film is proposed. It is composed of three layers: the upper metal pattern layer, the substrate and the bottom metal plate. Vanadium dioxide medium is sandwiched between the upper surface and the substrate. The absorption performance of the absorber composed of different defect combinations is studied, and the electric field distribution of each combination is analyzed. At the same time, the influences of defects on the absorption performance of the absorber are compared with each other and analyzed. After comprehensive analysis, the defects are combined into the final proposed structure, and the electric field distribution and surface current distribution are analyzed. The relevant parameters affecting the performance of the absorber are scanned and analyzed, and the final optimized structural parameters are obtained. The results show that the absorption rate at f = 4.08 THz and f = 4.33 THz are 99.8% and 99.9%, respectively. The phase transition of vanadium dioxide can be controlled by changing ambient temperature, so that the absorption rates of two frequency points can be changed from 99.8% to 1.0%. In addition, the surface normalized impedance of the proposed absorber is analyzed, which shows that the normalized surface impedance of the designed absorber matches the impedance of the free space well. By changing the incident angle and polarization of terahertz wave, the results show that the absorption rate of the absorber under TE and TM polarization wave both can be more than 98% with the incident angle ranging from 0° to 40°. The proposed terahertz wave absorber has the characteristics of high absorption, dynamic tuning and insensitive polarization. It has good application prospects in terahertz wave related fields such as detectors and stealth technology.
      通信作者: 李九生, jshli@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61871355, 61831012)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Li Jiu-Sheng, jshli@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61871355, 61831012)

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    Daraei O M, Safari M M, Bemani M 2019 eprint ariXiv: 1902.05254


    Ding F, Zhong S M, Bozhevolnyi S I 2018 Adv. Opt. Mater. 6 1701204Google Scholar


    Walther M, Cooke D G, Sherstan C, Hajar M, Freeman M R, Hegmann F A 2007 Phys. Rev. B 76 125408Google Scholar

  • 图 1  多缺陷组合结构可调太赫兹吸收器 (a) 单元结构三维立体图; (b) 单元俯视图

    Fig. 1.  Adjustable terahertz absorber with multiple defects: (a) Three-dimensional of unit structure; (b) top view of unit structure.

    图 2  不同组合形成的吸收器吸收曲线

    Fig. 2.  Absorption curves of the absorber formed by different combinations.

    图 3  TE模式下电场E分布图 (a) 组合一, f = 4.06 THz; (d) 组合一, f = 4.27 THz; (b) 组合二, f = 4.03 THz; (e) 组合二, f = 4.33 THz; (c) 组合三, f = 4.06 THz; (f) 组合三, f = 4.39 THz

    Fig. 3.  Electric field distribution in TE mode: (a) Combination 1, f = 4.06 THz; (d) combination 2, f = 4.27 THz; (b) combination 2, f = 4.03 THz; (e) combination 2, f = 4.33 THz; (c) combination 3, f = 4.06 THz; (f) combination 3, f = 4.39 THz.

    图 4  多缺陷组合TE模式下电场E和电流A分布图 (a) f = 4.08 THz, 电场分布; (b) f = 4.33 THz, 电场分布; (c) f = 4.08 THz, 电流分布; (d) f = 4.33 THz, 电流分布

    Fig. 4.  Electric field and current distribution in TE mode with multiple defects: (a) f = 4.08 THz, electric field distribution; (b) f = 4.33 THz, electric field distribution; (c) f = 4.08 THz, current distribution; (d) f = 4.33 THz, current distribution.

    图 5  结构参数改变对应的吸收率曲线 (a) 缺陷十字架距离中心距离R; (b) 缺陷圆环缺陷宽度W; (c) 中心圆环宽度D

    Fig. 5.  Absorption curves corresponding to the change of structural parameters: (a) Defect cross distance from center R; (b) defect ring width W; (c) center ring width D.

    图 6  VO2的电导率随温度的变化

    Fig. 6.  Changes of VO2 conductivity with temperature.

    图 7  (a) 不同温度下吸收器的吸收率; (b) 吸收器的归一化表面阻抗

    Fig. 7.  (a) Absorption of the absorber at different tempera-tures; (b) normalized surface impedance of the absorber.

    图 8  太赫兹吸收谱 (a) TE模式; (b) TM模式

    Fig. 8.  Terahertz absorption spectrum: (a) TE mode; (b) TM mode.

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    Karaaslan M, Bakır M, Akgol O, Unal E 2017 Opto-Electronics Rev. 25 318Google Scholar


    Chen C, Sheng Y, Wang J 2017 Opt. Commun. 406 145Google Scholar


    Landy N I, Bingham C M, Tyler T, Jokerst N M 2009 Phys. Rev. B 79 125104Google Scholar


    Wan C, Ho Y, Nunez-Sanchez S, Chen L F, Lopez-Garcia M, Pugh J R, Zhu B F, Selvaraj P, Mallick T K, Sundaram S, Cryan J M 2016 Nano. Energy. 26 392Google Scholar


    Lin K, Chen H, Lai Y, Yu C, Lee Y, Su P, Yen Y T, Chen B 2017 Nano. Energy. 37 61Google Scholar


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    Lu Y, Dong W, Chen Z, Pors A, Wang Z, Bozhevolnyi S I 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 30650Google Scholar


    Tan F, Li T, Wang N, Lai S K, Tsoi C C, Yu W, Zhang X 2016 Sci. rep. 6 33049Google Scholar


    Landy N I, Sajuyigbe S, Mock J J, Smith D R, Padilla W 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 207402Google Scholar


    李爱云, 刘凤收, 王猛, 王岳平, 杨其利 2019 激光杂志 40 28Google Scholar

    Li A Y, Liu F S, Wang M, Wang Y P, Yang Q L 2019 Laser. J. 40 28Google Scholar


    Grzeskiewicz B, Sierakowski A, Marczewski J, Pałka N, Wolarz E 2018 Opt-electronics. Rev. 26 329Google Scholar


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    Mohanty A, Acharya O P, Appasani B, Mohapatra S K 2018 Photonic. Nanostruct. 32 74Google Scholar


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    Biabanifard M, Abrishamian M S 2018 Appl. Phys. A 124 826Google Scholar


    Wang L S, Ding C L, Xia D Y, Ding X Y, Wang Y 2019 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 479 012038Google Scholar


    Daraei O M, Safari M M, Bemani M 2019 eprint ariXiv: 1902.05254


    Ding F, Zhong S M, Bozhevolnyi S I 2018 Adv. Opt. Mater. 6 1701204Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-07
  • 修回日期:  2019-11-05
  • 刊出日期:  2020-01-20

