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热尘埃等离子体中(2 + 1)维尘埃声孤波的传播特征

林麦麦 付颖捷 宋秋影 于腾萱 文惠珊 蒋蕾


热尘埃等离子体中(2 + 1)维尘埃声孤波的传播特征

林麦麦, 付颖捷, 宋秋影, 于腾萱, 文惠珊, 蒋蕾

Propagation characteristics of (2 + 1) dimensional dust acoustic solitary waves in hot dusty plasma

Lin Mai-Mai, Fu Ying-Jie, Song Qiu-Ying, Yu Teng-Xuan, Wen Hui-Shan, Jiang Lei
  • 研究了由尘埃颗粒、电子和非热离子所组成的非磁化热尘埃等离子体中(2 + 1)维非线性尘埃声孤波的传播特征. 首先, 利用约化摄动法推导得到了用来描述(2 + 1)维非线性尘埃声孤波的Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP)方程, 并采用行波解法进行了定性分析, 从而获得了该系统的相图及Sagdeev势方程; 然后, 利用数学软件的数值模拟分析方法讨论了等温和绝热两种状态下, 热尘埃等离子体系统中不同参数对KP方程的非线性系数、色散系数、系统相图、Sagdeev势函数及孤立波解的影响. 最终, 研究结果表明: 等温和绝热状态下, 尘埃颗粒的质量、电子和非热离子的温度、数密度及分布状态等多种系统参数对非线性尘埃声孤波的振幅、宽度及波形等传播特征均存在重要影响.
    The propagation characteristics of (2 + 1) dimensional nonlinear dust acoustic solitary wave in an unmagnetized hot dusty plasma composed of dust particles, electrons and nonthermal ions are studied in the paper. Firstly, the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation, which is used to describe the (2 + 1) dimensional nonlinear dust acoustic solitary wave, is derived by the reduced perturbation method, and the phase diagram and the Sagdeev potential equation of the system are obtained by using the traveling wave solution method. Then, the effects of different parameters in the hot dusty plasma system on the nonlinear coefficient, dispersion coefficient of the KP equation, system phase diagrams, Sagdeev potential function and the solitary wave solution in isothermal and adiabatic states are discussed by using numerical simulation and analysis method of mathematical software. Finally, the results show that the mass of dust particles, temperature, number density and distribution state of electrons and nonthermal ions have important effects on the amplitude, width and waveform of the nonlinear dust acoustic solitary wave under isothermal and adiabatic conditions.
      通信作者: 林麦麦, linmaimai1514@126.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11205124)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Lin Mai-Mai, linmaimai1514@126.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11205124)

    Rosenberg M, Kalman G 1997 Phys. Rev. E 56 7166Google Scholar


    Gill T S, Bains A S, Bedi C 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 013701Google Scholar


    El-Taibany W F, El-Bedwehy N A, El-Shamy E F 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 033703Google Scholar


    Sabry R, Moslem W M, Shukla P K 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 032302Google Scholar


    Singh K, Kaur N, Saini N S 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 063703Google Scholar


    Melandsø F, Goree J 1995 Phys. Rev. E 52 5312


    Gurnett D A, Ansher J A, Kurth W S, Granroth L J 1997 Geophys. Res. Lett. 24 3125


    Rao N N, Shukla P K, Yu M Y 1990 Planet. Space Sci. 38 543Google Scholar


    Barkan A, Merlino R L, Angelo D N 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 3563Google Scholar


    Ma J X, Liu J 1997 Phys. Plasmas 4 253Google Scholar


    Xie B S, He K F, Huang Z Q 1998 Chin. Phys. Lett. 15 892Google Scholar


    El-Taibany W F 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 093701Google Scholar


    Paul A, Mandal G, Mamun A A, Amin M R 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 104505Google Scholar


    El-Labany S K, El-Taibany W F, El-Tantawy A A, Zedan N A 2020 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 60 e202000049


    Schamel H 1986 Phys. Rep. 140 161Google Scholar


    Ghosh S, Bharuthram R, Khan M, Gupta M R 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 3602Google Scholar


    El-Taibany W F, Wadati Miki, Sabry R 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 032304


    Ghosh U N, Chatterjee P 2012 Indian J. Phys. 86 407Google Scholar


    Bliokh P V, Yaroshenko V V 1985 Sov. Astron. 29 330


    Seadawy A R, Lu D 2016 Results Phys. 6 590Google Scholar


    Bhakta S, Ghosh U, Sarkar S 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 023704Google Scholar


    Iqbal M, Seadawy A R, Lu D, Xia X 2019 Mod. Phys. Lett. A 34 1950309Google Scholar


    El-Bedwehy N A, El-Taibany W F 2020 Phys. Plasmas 27 012107Google Scholar


    Tasnim I, Masud M M, Mamun A A 2014 J. Korean Phys. Soc. 64 987Google Scholar


    Emamuddin M, Mamun A A 2018 Phys. Plasmas 25 013708Google Scholar


    Mendoza-Briceño C A, Russel S M, Mamun A A 2000 Planet. Space Sci. 48 599Google Scholar


    王红艳, 段文山 2007 物理学报 56 3977Google Scholar

    Wang H Y, Duan W S 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3977Google Scholar


    Mamun A A, Cairns R A, Shukla P K 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 2610Google Scholar


    Cairns R A, Mamun A A, Bingham R, Bostrom R, Dendy R O, Nairn C M C, Shukla P K 1995 Geophys. Res. Lett. 22 2709Google Scholar


    Mamuna A A, Russell S M, Cesar A, Mendoza-Briceño C A, Alamb M N, Datta T K, Das A K 2000 Planet. Space Sci. 48 163Google Scholar


    Kotsarenko N Ya, Koshevaya S V, Stewart G A, Maravilla D 1998 Planet. Space Sci. 46 429Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Gurnett D A, Averkamp T F, Persoon A M, Kurth W S 2006 Planet. Space Sci. 54 957Google Scholar


    Pickett J S, Kurth W S, Gurnett D A, Huff R L, Faden J B, Averkamp T F, Píša D, Jones G H 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 6569Google Scholar


    El-Labany S K, Safi F M, Moslem W M 2007 Planet. Space Sci. 55 2192Google Scholar


    Mamun A A, Shukla P K 2011 J. Plasma Phys. 77 437Google Scholar

  • 图 1  ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}$取值不同时, 非线性系数A随参数α的变化 (a) 等温状态, $\gamma = 1$; (b) 绝热状态, $\gamma = 3$

    Fig. 1.  Nonlinear coefficient A with respect to the parameter α for different values of ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}$: (a) Isothermal state; (b) adiabatic state.

    图 2  (a)—(c) ${m_{\rm{d}}}, \;\mu, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}$取值不同时, 等温状态($\gamma = 1$)下非线性系数A随参数α的变化

    Fig. 2.  Nonlinear coefficient A with respect to the parameter α in isothermal state under the condition of different values of (a)−(c) ${m_{\rm{d}}}, \;\mu, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}$.

    图 3  (a)—(c) ${m_{\rm{d}}}, \;\mu, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}$取值不同时, 绝热状态($\gamma = 3$)下非线性系数A随参数α的变化

    Fig. 3.  Nonlinear coefficient A with respect to the parameter α in adiabatic state under the condition of different values of (a)−(c) ${m_{\rm{d}}}, \;\mu, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}$.

    图 4  色散系数B随参数${v_0}$的变化 (a), (b) 等温状态, $\gamma = 1$; (c), (d) 绝热状态, $\gamma = 3$

    Fig. 4.  Dispersion coefficient A with respect to the parameter ${v_0}$ in (a), (b) isothermal state and (c), (d) adiabatic state, respectively.

    图 5  相平面$\left( {{\phi _1}, \;\psi } \right)$及轨线分布图 (a)$ \gamma = 1 $ ; (b) $ \gamma = 3 $

    Fig. 5.  Track of phase plane: (a)$ \gamma = 1 $ ; (b) $ \gamma = 3 $.

    图 6  ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}$取不同值时, 等温状态($\gamma = 1$)下Sagdeev势$V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$${\phi _1}$的变化

    Fig. 6.  The Sagdeev potential $V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$ with respect to ${\phi _1}$ in isothermal state for different values of ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}$.

    图 7  ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}$取不同值时, 绝热状态($\gamma = 3$)下Sagdeev势$V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$${\phi _1}$的变化

    Fig. 7.  The Sagdeev potential $V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$ with respect to ${\phi _1}$ in adiabatic state for different values of ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}$.

    图 8  (a)—(d) $\alpha, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$取不同值, 等温状态($\gamma = 1$)下Sagdeev势$V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$$ {\phi _1} $的变化

    Fig. 8.  The Sagdeev potential $V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$ with respect to $ {\phi _1} $ in isothermal state under the condition of different values of (a)−(d) $\alpha, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$.

    图 9  (a)—(d) $\alpha, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$取不同值, 绝热状态($\gamma = 3$)下Sagdeev势$V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$$ {\phi _1} $的变化

    Fig. 9.  The Sagdeev potential $V\left( {{\phi _1}} \right)$ with respect to $ {\phi _1} $ in adiabatic state under the condition of different values of (a)−(d) $\alpha, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$.

    图 10  α取值不同时, 孤立波$ {\phi _1} $的波形变化 (a) 等温状态, $\gamma = 1$; (b) 绝热状态, $\gamma = 3$

    Fig. 10.  Waveform of solitary waves $ {\phi _1} $ for different values of α: (a) Isothermal state; (b) adiabatic state, respectively.

    图 11  (a)—(d) ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$取不同值时, 等温状态($\gamma = 1$)下孤立波$ {\phi _1} $的波形变化

    Fig. 11.  Waveform of solitary waves $ {\phi _1} $ in isothermal state under the condition of different values of (a)−(d) ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$.

    图 12  (a)—(d) ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$取不同值时, 绝热状态($\gamma = 3$)下孤立波$ {\phi _1} $的波形变化

    Fig. 12.  Waveform of solitary waves $ {\phi _1} $ in adiabatic state under the condition of different values of (a)−(d) ${\sigma _{\rm{d}}}, \;{\sigma _{\rm{i}}}, \;\mu, \;{m_{\rm{d}}}$.

  • [1]

    Rosenberg M, Kalman G 1997 Phys. Rev. E 56 7166Google Scholar


    Gill T S, Bains A S, Bedi C 2010 Phys. Plasmas 17 013701Google Scholar


    El-Taibany W F, El-Bedwehy N A, El-Shamy E F 2011 Phys. Plasmas 18 033703Google Scholar


    Sabry R, Moslem W M, Shukla P K 2009 Phys. Plasmas 16 032302Google Scholar


    Singh K, Kaur N, Saini N S 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 063703Google Scholar


    Melandsø F, Goree J 1995 Phys. Rev. E 52 5312


    Gurnett D A, Ansher J A, Kurth W S, Granroth L J 1997 Geophys. Res. Lett. 24 3125


    Rao N N, Shukla P K, Yu M Y 1990 Planet. Space Sci. 38 543Google Scholar


    Barkan A, Merlino R L, Angelo D N 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 3563Google Scholar


    Ma J X, Liu J 1997 Phys. Plasmas 4 253Google Scholar


    Xie B S, He K F, Huang Z Q 1998 Chin. Phys. Lett. 15 892Google Scholar


    El-Taibany W F 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 093701Google Scholar


    Paul A, Mandal G, Mamun A A, Amin M R 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 104505Google Scholar


    El-Labany S K, El-Taibany W F, El-Tantawy A A, Zedan N A 2020 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 60 e202000049


    Schamel H 1986 Phys. Rep. 140 161Google Scholar


    Ghosh S, Bharuthram R, Khan M, Gupta M R 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 3602Google Scholar


    El-Taibany W F, Wadati Miki, Sabry R 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 032304


    Ghosh U N, Chatterjee P 2012 Indian J. Phys. 86 407Google Scholar


    Bliokh P V, Yaroshenko V V 1985 Sov. Astron. 29 330


    Seadawy A R, Lu D 2016 Results Phys. 6 590Google Scholar


    Bhakta S, Ghosh U, Sarkar S 2017 Phys. Plasmas 24 023704Google Scholar


    Iqbal M, Seadawy A R, Lu D, Xia X 2019 Mod. Phys. Lett. A 34 1950309Google Scholar


    El-Bedwehy N A, El-Taibany W F 2020 Phys. Plasmas 27 012107Google Scholar


    Tasnim I, Masud M M, Mamun A A 2014 J. Korean Phys. Soc. 64 987Google Scholar


    Emamuddin M, Mamun A A 2018 Phys. Plasmas 25 013708Google Scholar


    Mendoza-Briceño C A, Russel S M, Mamun A A 2000 Planet. Space Sci. 48 599Google Scholar


    王红艳, 段文山 2007 物理学报 56 3977Google Scholar

    Wang H Y, Duan W S 2007 Acta Phys. Sin. 56 3977Google Scholar


    Mamun A A, Cairns R A, Shukla P K 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 2610Google Scholar


    Cairns R A, Mamun A A, Bingham R, Bostrom R, Dendy R O, Nairn C M C, Shukla P K 1995 Geophys. Res. Lett. 22 2709Google Scholar


    Mamuna A A, Russell S M, Cesar A, Mendoza-Briceño C A, Alamb M N, Datta T K, Das A K 2000 Planet. Space Sci. 48 163Google Scholar


    Kotsarenko N Ya, Koshevaya S V, Stewart G A, Maravilla D 1998 Planet. Space Sci. 46 429Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Gurnett D A, Averkamp T F, Persoon A M, Kurth W S 2006 Planet. Space Sci. 54 957Google Scholar


    Pickett J S, Kurth W S, Gurnett D A, Huff R L, Faden J B, Averkamp T F, Píša D, Jones G H 2015 J. Geophys. Res. Space Phys. 120 6569Google Scholar


    El-Labany S K, Safi F M, Moslem W M 2007 Planet. Space Sci. 55 2192Google Scholar


    Mamun A A, Shukla P K 2011 J. Plasma Phys. 77 437Google Scholar

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