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王国东 程锐 王昭 周泽贤 骆夏辉 史路林 陈燕红 雷瑜 王瑜玉 杨杰



王国东, 程锐, 王昭, 周泽贤, 骆夏辉, 史路林, 陈燕红, 雷瑜, 王瑜玉, 杨杰

Target polarization effect on energy loss of O5+ ions near Bohr velocity in low density hydrogen plasma

Wang Guo-Dong, Cheng Rui, Wang Zhao, Zhou Ze-Xian, Luo Xia-Hui, Shi Lu-Lin, Chen Yan-Hong, Lei Yu, Wang Yu-Yu, Yang Jie
  • 基于HIRFL加速器装置的低能束实验平台, 实验测量了1.07 MeV(~66.9 keV/u)高电荷态O5+离子穿过中性氢气和部分电离的低密度氢等离子体靶后的能量损失, 观测到等离子体中离子能损减小的新实验现象. 分别考虑部分电离等离子体对炮弹离子的电荷屏蔽效应以及靶区原子的极化效应(Barkas修正), 重新计算了离子能损, 讨论了离子能损减小的可能物理机制. 研究结果表明: 在部分电离的低密度等离子体中, 靶区的原子极化效应将显著影响Bohr速度能区离子的能量损失过程.
    Energy loss of ions near the Bohr velocity in plasma is one of the important topics in intense heavy ion beam driven high energy density physics and inertial confinement fusion. Based on the ions-plasma interaction experimental platform at HIRFL, this work shows the new experimental energy loss results of 1.07 MeV (~66.9 keV/u) O5+ ions penetrating through a low-density partially ionized hydrogen plasma target (radio frequency plasma). The decrease of energy loss with free electron density increasing is found, which is very different from our previous result. The new experimental results are discussed by considering the theoretical models which involves the charge screening of projectiles in the partially ionized plasma and the target polarization effect-Barkas correction term. For the charge screening , the comparison between the momentum transfer under the Coulomb potential and that under the Debye potential is given, but due to the low ionization degree, the plasma screening effect seems not to be the main reason for the decrease of energy loss. For the target polarization effect , in the Bohr velocity regime, the Barkas correction term can play a key role in the ion-atom collisions. Modeling the Barkas correction term based on the proposed classical energy loss formula, the experimental data of ions in the gas target can be well fitted by the calculated values. In the partially ionized plasma, the frequent thermal electron collisions can give rise to the atomic excitation of plasma target, correspondingly the Barkas correction term changes: it decreases with the fraction of excited atoms increasing. As a result, the energy loss decreases in our experiment. In the stopping of highly charged ions in a partially ionized low-density plasma, the collisions between ions and free electrons can produce an enhanced energy loss according to previous studies. However, the target polarization effect, especially the atomic excitations, can significantly reduce the energy loss, which is observed in our experiment. Therefore, the interaction between ions and partially ionized plasma should be further studied, and the Barkas correction can be a very important term.
      通信作者: 程锐, chengrui@impcas.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: U1532263, 11505248, 11375034, 11875096)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Cheng Rui, chengrui@impcas.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1532263, 11505248, 11375034, 11875096).

    Bohr N 1913 The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 25 10Google Scholar


    Deutsch C, Maynard G, Chabot M, Gardes D, della-negra S, Bimbot R, Rivet M-F, Fleurier C, Couillaud C, Hoffmann D, Wahl H, Weyrich K, Rosmej O N, Tahir N, Jacoby J, Ogawa M, Oguri Y, Hasegawa J, Sharkov B, Mintsev V 2010 Plasma Phys. J. 3 88


    Zhao Y T, Hu Z H, Cheng R, Wang Y Y, Peng H B, Golubev A, Zhang X A, Lu X, Zhang D C, Zhou X M, Wang X, Xu G, Ren J R, Li Y F, Lei Y, Sun Y B, Zhao J T, Wang T S, Wang Y N, Xiao G Q 2012 Laser Part. Beams 30 679Google Scholar


    Khuyagbaatar J, Shevelko V P, Borschevsky A, Düllmann C E, Tolstikhina I Y, Yakushev A 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 042703Google Scholar


    Betz H-D 1972 Rev. Mod. Phys. 44 465Google Scholar


    Peter T, Arnold R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett. 57 1859Google Scholar


    Cheng R, Zhou X, Wang Y, Lei Y, Chen Y, Ma X, Xiao G, Zhao Y, Ren J, Huo D, Peng H, Savin S, Gavrilin R, Roudskoy I, Golubev A 2018 Laser Part. Beams 36 98Google Scholar


    Young F C, Mosher D, Stephanakis S J, Goldstein S A, Mehlhorn T A 1982 Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 549Google Scholar


    Redmer R 1997 Phys. Rep. 282 35Google Scholar


    Peter T, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1991 Phys. Rev. A 43 1998Google Scholar


    Thorsen J 1987 Niels Bohr Collected Works (Copenhagen: Elsevier Press) pp403-408


    Barkas W H, Dyer J N, Heckman H H 1963 Phys. Rev. Lett. 11 26Google Scholar


    Sigmund P, Schinner A 2014 Eur. Phys. J. D 68 318Google Scholar


    Adamo A, Agnello M, Balestra F, Belli G, Bendiscioli G, Bertin A, Boccaccio P, Bonazzola G C, Bressani T, Bruschi M, Bussa M P, Busso L, Calvo D, Capponi M, Cicalò C, Corradini M, Costa S, D’Antone I, De Castro S, D’Isep F, Donzella A, Falomkin I V, Fava L, Feliciello A, Ferrero L, Filippini V, Galli D, Garfagnini R, Gastaldi U, Gianotti P, Grasso A, Guaraldo C, Iazzi F, Lanaro A, Lodi Rizzini E, Lombardi M, Lucherini V, Maggiora A, Marcello S, Marconi U, Maron G, Masoni A, Massa I, Minetti B, Morando M, Montagna P, Nichitiu F, Panzieri D, Pauli G, Piccinini M, Piragino G, Poli M, Pontecorvo G B, Puddu G, Ricci R A, Rossetto E, Rotondi A, Rozhdestvensky A M, Salvini P, Santi L, Sapozhnikov M G, Semprini Cesari N, Serci S, Temnikov P, Tessaro S, Tosello F, Tretyak V I, Usai G L, Vannucci L, Vedovato G, Venturelli L, Villa M, Vitale A, Zavattini G, Zenoni A, Zoccoli A, Zosi G 1993 Phys. Rev. A 47 4517Google Scholar


    Schiwietz G, Wille U, Muiño R D, Fainstein P D, Grande P L 1996 J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29 307Google Scholar


    Porter L E 2004 Advances in Quantum Chemistry (Pullman: Academic Press) pp91–119


    Pandey M K, Lin Y C, Ho Y K 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 062104Google Scholar


    Bimbot R, Geissel H, Paul H, Schinner A, Sigmund P, Wambersie A, Deluca P, Seltzer S M 2005 J. ICRU 5 44Google Scholar


    Lindhard J 1976 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 132 1Google Scholar


    Makarov D N, Matveev V I 2015 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 120 772Google Scholar


    Griffin D C 1989 Phys. Scr. T28 17Google Scholar


    Purkait M, Dhara A, Sounda S, Mandal C R 2001 J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 755Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Guo B, Cheng R, Xue F B, Chen Y H, Lei Y, Wang Y Y, Zhou Z X, Yang J, Su M G, Dong C Z 2021 Phys. Rev. A 104 022802Google Scholar


    Zhao Y T, Zhang Y N, Cheng R, He B, Liu C L, Zhou X M, Lei Y, Wang Y Y, Ren J R, Wang X, Chen Y H, Xiao G Q, Savin S M, Gavrilin R, Golubev A A, Hoffmann D H H 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 115001Google Scholar


    Schiwietz G, Grande P L 2001 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 175–177 125Google Scholar


    Matveev V I, Makarov D N 2011 JETP Lett. 94 1Google Scholar


    Chabert P, Braithwaite N 2011 Physics of Radio-Frequency Plasmas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp17–48

  • 图 1  中科院近物所的离子束与等离子体相互作用实验装置示意图

    Fig. 1.  Schematic drawing of the ion-plasma interaction setups at IMPCAS.

    图 2  射频等离子体的(a)电子密度和(b)电子温度随馈入功率的变化

    Fig. 2.  The change of (a) electron density and (b) electron temperature with input power in RF plasma.

    图 3  80 Pa气压下, 实验测量到出射O1+离子位置随着馈入功率的增加而变化, 原始实验结果(a)经过转化后得到出射O1+离子能谱(b)

    Fig. 3.  At 80 Pa pressure, the position of the outgoing O1+ ion was measured to change with the increase of the input power, the original experimental results (a) were converted to obtain the outgoing O1+ ion energy spectrum (b).

    图 4  不同气压条件下, 离子能损随馈入功率的相对变化, 其中以离子在中性气体靶(馈入功率0 W)中的能损为归一化条件

    Fig. 4.  Under different pressure, the relative change of ion energy loss with the input power, in which the ion energy loss in the neutral gas target (input power=0 W) is the normalization condition.

    图 5  碰撞参数$ b=2{r}_{0} $${{\Delta P}_{{\rm{D}}{\rm{e}}{\rm{b}}{\rm{y}}{\rm{e}}}}/{{\Delta P}_{{\rm{C}}{\rm{o}}{\rm{u}}{\rm{l}}{\rm{o}}{\rm{m}}{\rm{b}}}}$随着Debye长度的变化趋势

    Fig. 5.  ${{\Delta P}_{{\rm{D}}{\rm{e}}{\rm{b}}{\rm{y}}{\rm{e}}}}/{{\Delta P}_{{\rm{C}}{\rm{o}}{\rm{u}}{\rm{l}}{\rm{o}}{\rm{m}}{\rm{b}}}}$ as a function of Debye length at the collision parameter $ b=2{r}_{0} $.

    图 6  中性气体靶中, 未考虑Barkas修正(红虚线)和考虑Barkas修正后(黑虚线)的离子能损计算结果与实验结果的比较

    Fig. 6.  In a neutral gas target, the calculation results of ion energy loss without Barkas correction (red dashed line) and with Barkas correction (black dashed line) are compared with the experimental results.

    图 7  不同功率下, (a)$ {H}_{\alpha } $相对光强随馈入功率的变化; (b)对应的n = 3激发态原子相对数密度随馈入功率的升高而增大

    Fig. 7.  Under different power, (a) change of $ {H}_{\alpha } $ relative light intensity with input power; (b) relative number density of excited atom n = 3 increases with the increase of input power

    图 8  相对能损的实验测量值与计算值对比

    Fig. 8.  Comparison of experimental measured and calculated values of relative energy loss.

  • [1]

    Bohr N 1913 The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 25 10Google Scholar


    Deutsch C, Maynard G, Chabot M, Gardes D, della-negra S, Bimbot R, Rivet M-F, Fleurier C, Couillaud C, Hoffmann D, Wahl H, Weyrich K, Rosmej O N, Tahir N, Jacoby J, Ogawa M, Oguri Y, Hasegawa J, Sharkov B, Mintsev V 2010 Plasma Phys. J. 3 88


    Zhao Y T, Hu Z H, Cheng R, Wang Y Y, Peng H B, Golubev A, Zhang X A, Lu X, Zhang D C, Zhou X M, Wang X, Xu G, Ren J R, Li Y F, Lei Y, Sun Y B, Zhao J T, Wang T S, Wang Y N, Xiao G Q 2012 Laser Part. Beams 30 679Google Scholar


    Khuyagbaatar J, Shevelko V P, Borschevsky A, Düllmann C E, Tolstikhina I Y, Yakushev A 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 042703Google Scholar


    Betz H-D 1972 Rev. Mod. Phys. 44 465Google Scholar


    Peter T, Arnold R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1986 Phys. Rev. Lett. 57 1859Google Scholar


    Cheng R, Zhou X, Wang Y, Lei Y, Chen Y, Ma X, Xiao G, Zhao Y, Ren J, Huo D, Peng H, Savin S, Gavrilin R, Roudskoy I, Golubev A 2018 Laser Part. Beams 36 98Google Scholar


    Young F C, Mosher D, Stephanakis S J, Goldstein S A, Mehlhorn T A 1982 Phys. Rev. Lett. 49 549Google Scholar


    Redmer R 1997 Phys. Rep. 282 35Google Scholar


    Peter T, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 1991 Phys. Rev. A 43 1998Google Scholar


    Thorsen J 1987 Niels Bohr Collected Works (Copenhagen: Elsevier Press) pp403-408


    Barkas W H, Dyer J N, Heckman H H 1963 Phys. Rev. Lett. 11 26Google Scholar


    Sigmund P, Schinner A 2014 Eur. Phys. J. D 68 318Google Scholar


    Adamo A, Agnello M, Balestra F, Belli G, Bendiscioli G, Bertin A, Boccaccio P, Bonazzola G C, Bressani T, Bruschi M, Bussa M P, Busso L, Calvo D, Capponi M, Cicalò C, Corradini M, Costa S, D’Antone I, De Castro S, D’Isep F, Donzella A, Falomkin I V, Fava L, Feliciello A, Ferrero L, Filippini V, Galli D, Garfagnini R, Gastaldi U, Gianotti P, Grasso A, Guaraldo C, Iazzi F, Lanaro A, Lodi Rizzini E, Lombardi M, Lucherini V, Maggiora A, Marcello S, Marconi U, Maron G, Masoni A, Massa I, Minetti B, Morando M, Montagna P, Nichitiu F, Panzieri D, Pauli G, Piccinini M, Piragino G, Poli M, Pontecorvo G B, Puddu G, Ricci R A, Rossetto E, Rotondi A, Rozhdestvensky A M, Salvini P, Santi L, Sapozhnikov M G, Semprini Cesari N, Serci S, Temnikov P, Tessaro S, Tosello F, Tretyak V I, Usai G L, Vannucci L, Vedovato G, Venturelli L, Villa M, Vitale A, Zavattini G, Zenoni A, Zoccoli A, Zosi G 1993 Phys. Rev. A 47 4517Google Scholar


    Schiwietz G, Wille U, Muiño R D, Fainstein P D, Grande P L 1996 J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 29 307Google Scholar


    Porter L E 2004 Advances in Quantum Chemistry (Pullman: Academic Press) pp91–119


    Pandey M K, Lin Y C, Ho Y K 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 062104Google Scholar


    Bimbot R, Geissel H, Paul H, Schinner A, Sigmund P, Wambersie A, Deluca P, Seltzer S M 2005 J. ICRU 5 44Google Scholar


    Lindhard J 1976 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 132 1Google Scholar


    Makarov D N, Matveev V I 2015 J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 120 772Google Scholar


    Griffin D C 1989 Phys. Scr. T28 17Google Scholar


    Purkait M, Dhara A, Sounda S, Mandal C R 2001 J. Phys. B At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 34 755Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Guo B, Cheng R, Xue F B, Chen Y H, Lei Y, Wang Y Y, Zhou Z X, Yang J, Su M G, Dong C Z 2021 Phys. Rev. A 104 022802Google Scholar


    Zhao Y T, Zhang Y N, Cheng R, He B, Liu C L, Zhou X M, Lei Y, Wang Y Y, Ren J R, Wang X, Chen Y H, Xiao G Q, Savin S M, Gavrilin R, Golubev A A, Hoffmann D H H 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 115001Google Scholar


    Schiwietz G, Grande P L 2001 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 175–177 125Google Scholar


    Matveev V I, Makarov D N 2011 JETP Lett. 94 1Google Scholar


    Chabert P, Braithwaite N 2011 Physics of Radio-Frequency Plasmas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp17–48

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  • 收稿日期:  2022-09-27
  • 修回日期:  2022-10-29
  • 上网日期:  2022-12-17
  • 刊出日期:  2023-02-20

