Floquet engineering based on the strong light-matter interaction is expected to drive quantum materials into nonequilibrium states on an ultrafast timescale, thereby engineering their electronic structure and physical properties, and achieving novel physical effects which have no counterpart in equilibrium states. In recent years, Floquet engineering has attracted a lot of research interest, and there have been numerous rich theoretical predictions. In addition, important experimental research progress has also been made in several representative materials such as topological insulators, graphene, and black phosphorus. Herein, we briefly introduce the important theoretical and experimental progress in this field, and prospect the research future, experimental challenges, and development directions.
- Floquet engineering /
- light-matter interaction /
- nonequilibrium states /
- topological materials /
- two-dimensional materials
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图 2 (a)弗洛凯调控诱导的拓扑相变[7]; (b)在周期光场驱动前后的转角石墨烯平带电子结构[47]; (c)交换作用强度变化随时间的演化曲线[44]; (d)弗洛凯调控调节材料磁性的示意图[48]
Fig. 2. (a) Floquet engineering induced topological phase transition[7]; (b) flat band of twisted graphene before and after light driving[47]; (c) the evolution of exchange strength with time[44]; (d) a schematic for manipulating magnetic properties of materials by Floquet engineering[48].
图 3 (a)单层WS2中观测到的能谷选择的光学斯塔克效应[49]; (b) MnPS3中观测到的弗洛凯调控对于光学非线性系数的调控[52]; (c)石墨烯中观测到光诱导的反常霍尔效应[53]; (d)石墨烯-铝约瑟夫森结中在微波激发下的复制隧穿谱[54]
Fig. 3. (a) Observation of valley selective optical stark effect in monolayer WS2[49]; (b) manipulation of optical nonlinear coefficients in MnPS3 by Floquet engineering[52]; (c) observation of light-induced anomalous Hall effect in graphene[53]; (d) replica tunneling spectrum under the excitation of microwaves in graphene-aluminum Josephson junction[54].
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Fig. 4. (a) TrARPES spectra of Floquet engineering in topological insulator Bi2Se3[58,59]; (b) sub-cycle resolved TrARPES spectra of topological insulator Bi2Te3 to show the formation of Floquet sidebands[60]; (c) TrARPES spectra of Floquet engineering in a semiconductor black phosphorus[61].
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