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双沟槽SiC MOSFET总剂量效应研究

朱文璐 郭红霞 李洋帆 马武英 张凤祁 白如雪 钟向丽 李济芳 曹彦辉 琚安安


双沟槽SiC MOSFET总剂量效应研究

朱文璐, 郭红霞, 李洋帆, 马武英, 张凤祁, 白如雪, 钟向丽, 李济芳, 曹彦辉, 琚安安

Research on Total Ionizing Dose Effect of double-trench SiC MOSFET

Zhu Wen-Lu, Guo Hong-Xia, Li Yang-Fan, Ma Wu-Ying, Zhang Feng-Qi, Bai Ru-Xue, Zhong Xiang Li, Li Ji-Fang, Cao Yan-Hui, Ju An-An
  • 本文对第四代双沟槽型碳化硅场效应晶体管开展了不同栅极偏置电压下的60Co-γ辐照试验,并在辐照后进行了室温退火试验。实验结果表明辐照后器件的阈值电压负向漂移,且在正向栅极偏压下电学性能退化尤为明显。通过分析器件的1/f噪声特性发现,在不同栅极偏置条件下辐照后器件的漏极电流噪声归一化功率谱密度升高了4~9个数量级,这表明辐照后器件内部缺陷密度显著增加。对辐照后器件进行了24、48和168小时的室温退火实验,退火后器件阈值电压有所升高,表明器件的电学性能在室温下可以部分恢复,主要因为辐照产生的浅氧化物陷阱电荷在室温下退火,而深氧化物陷阱电荷和界面陷阱电荷在室温难以恢复。结合TCAD仿真模拟进一步分析器件总剂量效应微观机制,结果表明辐照在氧化层中诱生的大量氧化物陷阱电荷造成栅极氧化层中靠近沟道一侧的电场强度增大,导致器件的阈值电压负向漂移,影响器件性能。
    In this article, the impact of 60Co-γ ray irradiation on double trench SiC metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) was investigated under different condiation. First, the effect of the total ionizing dose(TID) on the electrical performance of the device at different gate bias voltages was carried out. The results indicate that at 150 krad (Si) irradiation dose, the threshold voltage of the device after irradiation decreases by 3.28 V and 2.36 V for gate voltages of +5 V and -5 V bias, respectively, whereas the threshold voltage of the device after irradiation decreases by only 1.36 V for a gate voltage of 0 V bias. The threshold voltage of the device after irradiation drifts in the negative direction, and the degradation of the electrical performance is especially obvious under the positive gate bias. This is attributed to the increase in the number of charges trapped in the oxide layer. Meanwhile, room temperature annealing experiments were performed on the irradiated devices for 24, 48 and 168 hours. The shallow oxide trap charges generated by irradiation annealed at room temperature, while the deep oxide trap charges and interface trap charges were difficult to recover at room temperature, resulting in an increase in the threshold voltage of the devices after annealing, indicating that the electrical properties of the devices could be partially recovered after annealing at room temperature. In order to characterise the effect of 60Co-γ ray irradiation on the interfacial state defect density of the devices, low frequency noise (1/f) tests were performed at different doses and different gate bias voltages. The 1/f low frequency noise test revealed that, under different bias voltages, the presence of oxide trap charges induced inside the oxide layer of the device after irradiation and the interfacial trap charges generated at the SiO2/SiC interface increased the irradiated defect density inside the device. This resulted in an increase of 4-9 orders of magnitude in the normalized power spectral density of the drain current noise of the irradiated device.To further obtain the irradiation damage mechanism of the device, a numerical simulation study was carried out using the TCAD simulation tool, and the results revealed that a large number of oxide trap charges induced by irradiation in the oxide layer cause an increase in the electric field strength in the gate oxide layer close to the trench side, which leads to a negative drift of the threshold voltage of the device and affects the performance of the device. The results of this paper can provide important theoretical references for the radiation effect mechanism and radiation reinforcement design of double trench SiC MOSFET devices.
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