In the edge plasma, hydrogen and its isotopic molecule will be ionized via collisions with the energetic electrons in the plasmas. The cross section data for the electron impact non-dissociative ion of the hydrogen and its isotopic molecule, which are unavailable from the literature are calculated on the basis of Morse potential function, Franck-Condon theory and semi-classical Gryzinski method. The change of cross section with electron energy and the effect of vibrational level of ground state on the cross section are presented in the paper. The results show that the vibrational excitation plays an important role in the process of ion.
- ion /
- cross section /
- semi-classical Gryzinski method
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[1] Pigarov A Y 2002 Physica Scripta T96 77 161
[2] Celiberto R, Janev R K, Capitelli M 2001 Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 77 161
[3] Capitelli M, Celiberto R, Esposito F 2002 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol 11 A7
[4] Janev R K, Reiter D, Samm U 2003 Collision Processes in Low- Temperature Hydrogen Plasmas 1 188
[5] Matveyevt A A, Silakovt V P 1995 Plasma Sources Science and Technology 4 606
[6] Cowling I R, Fletcher J 1973 J. Phys. B: Atom. Molec. Phys. 6 665
[7] Celibero R, Cacciatore M 1990 Chemical Physics 140 209
[8] Cacciatore M, Capitelli M, Gorse C 1980 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 13 575
[9] Parikh Mihir 1975 Phys. Rev. A 12 5
[10] Cacciatore M, Capitelli M 1981 Chemical Physics 55 67
[11] Celiberto R, Cives P, Cacciatore M1990 Chemical Physics Letters 169 69
[12] Herzberg G 1950 Molecular spectra and molecular structure (United States of America: D. Van Nostrand Company) 043404-4
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