Aiming at checking the conceptual design of the subcritical reactor, an experiment using activation technique was carried out on a depleted uranium shell of R19.4/30.0 cm with D-T neutrons. The 6 depleted uranium foils were activated at 90° with respect to the incident D beam in the shell, and distributions of 238U (n, γ) reaction rates, 238U (n, f) reaction rates, 238U (n, f) reaction rates and 238U (n, 2n) reaction rates were obtained, by measuring characteristic γ rays generated by corresponding uranium reactions. The relative uncertainties are 3.6%–3.7% for 238U (n, γ) reaction rates, 5.1%–5.9% for 238U (n, f) reaction rates and 238U (n, f) reaction rates, and 4.3%–4.7% for 238U (n, 2n) reaction rates. The experiment was simulated using MCNP5 code with ENDF66c library, and the calculation-to-experiment ratios are 0.972–1.034 for 238U (n, γ) reaction rates, 0.983–1.058 for 238U (n, f) reaction rates and 238U (n, f) reaction rates, and 0.979–1.019 for 238U (n, 2n) reaction rates.
- D-T neutron /
- uranium reaction rates /
- Monte Carlo simulation /
- subcritical reactor
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[1] Peng X J 2010 Journal of Southwest University of Science and Technology 25 1 (in Chinese) [彭先觉 2010 西南科技大学学报 25 1]
[2] Liu G P, Cheng H P, Shao Z 2012 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 46 272 (in Chinese) [刘国明, 程和平, 邵增 2012 原子能科学技术 46 272]
[3] Ma J M, Liu Y K 2012 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 46 437 (in Chinese) [马纪敏, 刘永康 2012 原子能科学技术 46 437]
[4] Shao Z, Cheng H P, Liu G M 2012 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 46 277 (in Chinese) [邵增, 程和平, 刘国明 2012 原子能科学技术 46 277]
[5] Shi X M, Peng X J 2010 Nuclear Power Engineering 31 5 (in Chinese) [师学明, 彭先觉 2010 核动力工程 31 5]
[6] Xu H, Yang Y W, Zhou Z W 2009 Atomic Energy Science and Technology 43 97 (in Chinese) [徐红, 杨永伟, 周志伟 2009 原子能科学技术 43 97]
[7] Akiyama M, Oka Y, Kanasugi K, Hashikura H, Kondo S 1987 Ann. Nucl. Energy 14 543
[8] Afanas'ev V V, Belevitin A G, Verzilov Y M, Romodanov V L, Khromov V V, Markovskii D V, Shatalov G E 1991 At. Energ. 71 901
[9] Yan X S, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L, Wang M, Lin J F 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 (in Chinese) [严小松, 刘荣, 鹿心鑫, 蒋励, 王玫, 林菊芳 2012 物理学报 61 102801]
[10] Yan X S, Yang Y W, Zhu T H, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L 2012 Atomic Energy Science and Technology (in Chinese) [严小松, 羊奕伟, 朱通华, 刘荣, 鹿心鑫, 蒋励 2012 原子能科学技术] (in press)
[11] Yan X S, Liu R, Lu X X, Jiang L, Wen Z W, Han Z J 2012 Chin. Phys. C 36 670
[12] X-5 Monte Carlo Team 2003 MCNP-A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version, 5 LA-UR-03-1987, Los Alamos National Laboratory
[13] Liu R, Lin L B, Wang D L, Li Y J, Jiang L, Chen S H, Wang M, Yang K 1999 Nuclear Electronics and Detection Technology 19 428 (in Chinese) [刘荣, 林理彬, 王大伦, 励义俊, 蒋励, 陈素和, 王玫, 杨可 1999 核电子学与探测技术 19 428]
[14] England T R, Rider B F 1994 Evaluation and compilation of fission product yields 1993 (Los Alamos National Laboratory) p19
[15] Nakajima K, Akai M, Suzaki T 1994 Nucl. Sci. Eng. 116 138
[16] Nakajima K, Akai M 1996 Nucl. Technol. 113 375
[17] Bergmann U C, Chawla R, Jatuff F, Murphy M F 2006 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. A 556 331
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