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Molecular dynamics simulation on the glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of polyimide/functional graphene composites

Yang Wen-Long Han Jun-Sheng Wang Yu Lin Jia-Qi He Guo-Qiang Sun Hong-Guo


Molecular dynamics simulation on the glass transition temperature and mechanical properties of polyimide/functional graphene composites

Yang Wen-Long, Han Jun-Sheng, Wang Yu, Lin Jia-Qi, He Guo-Qiang, Sun Hong-Guo
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  • Polyimide (PI) and the functional graphene modified with nano-composite models of hydroxyl,carboxyl and amino groups are realized by a multi-scale modeling method.The influences of the functional graphenes with different functional groups on the microstructure,mechanical and thermodynamic performances of polyimide-based composite models are investigated by the molecular dynamics simulation.The cell parameters,solubility parameters,elastic coefficients, Young's moduli,shear moduli,and the values of glass-transition temperature (Tg) of polyimide-based composite models are calculated with the COMPASS force field.Moreover,the interaction energies and hydrogen bonds of composites are analyzed to explore the internal mechanisms for improving mechanical and thermodynamic properties.The results demonstrate that the density of PI matrix is 1.312 g·cm-3 and the solubility parameter of PI matrix is 21.84 J1/2·cm-3/2, which are in accord with the actual PI parameters.The Young's moduli of the composites increase obviously with the increase of the interaction energy between the PI matrix and the functional graphenes with hydroxyl,carboxyl and amino groups at 298 K and 1 atm.The Young's moduli of PI and PI/graphene with carboxyl groups are respectively 3.174 GPa and 4.946 GPa and the shear moduli are respectively 1.139 GPa and 1.816 GPa.Comparing with pure PI/graphene composite,the average hydrogen bonds increase obviously after graphene has been functionalized.Because the interaction between the functional graphene and PI matrix increases,the movement of PI molecular chain needs more energy,and the rigidity of the composite is enhanced.The Tg of the composite also relates to the interaction energy.It is also found that the Tg of the nano-composite effectively decreases by the hybrid functional graphene.The Tg of pure PI is 663.57 K,while the Tg values of PI/graphene and PI/graphene with carboxyl groups nanocomposites are 559.30 K and 601.61 K,respectively.Moreover,the density and interaction energy of hydrogen bonds of the PGCOOH are 784.81 kcal/mol and 1.396 g/cm3,respectively,which are the largest among their counterparts of the composite systems.The elastic coefficients show that the PGCOOH is more uniform than that other composites.All of these indicate that the graphene with carboxyl group can greatly enhance the interaction between graphene and PI,improve the mechanical properties and adjust the Tg value of the PI matrix.The chemical modification of interaction energy in matrix is deemed to be of benefit to the improvement in composite performance,and the interaction energy calculation is considered to be an effective method of predicting the structures and performances of new composites.
      Corresponding author: Yang Wen-Long,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61372013) and Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China (Grant No. E201258).

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    Chen J, Zhao D, Jin X, Wang C, Wang D, Ge H 2014 Compos. Sci. Technol. 97 41


    Huang T, Xin Y, Li T, Nutt S, Su C, Chen H, Liu P, Lai Z 2013 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 5 4878


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    Fu Y Z, Hu S Q, Lan Y H, Liu Y Q 2010 Acta Chim. Sin. 68 809 (in Chinese) [付一政, 胡双启, 兰艳花, 刘亚青 2010 化学学报 68 809]


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    Ding M X 2006 Polyimide: Chemistry, Relationship between Structure and Properties and Materials (Beijing: Science Press) pp225, 226 (in Chinese) [丁孟贤 2006 聚酰亚胺––化学、结构与性能的关系及材料(北京: 科学出版社)第225, 226页]

  • [1]

    Hernández M, Bernal M D M, Verdejo R, Ezquerra T A, López-Manchado M A 2012 Compos. Sci. Technol. 73 40


    Yang X, Tu Y, Li L, Shang S, Tao X M 2010 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2 1707


    Gong L, Kinloch I A, Young R J, Riaz I, Jalil R,Novoselov K S 2010 Physics 22 2694


    Kuilla T, Bhadra S, Yao D, Kim N H, Bose S, Lee J H 2010 Prog. Polym. Sci. 35 1350


    Mortazavi B, Ahzi S 2013 Carbon 63 460


    Bao C, Guo Y, Song L, Kan Y, Qian X, Hu Y 2011 J. Mater. Chem. 21 13290


    Huang T, Xin Y, Li T, Nutt S, Su C, Chen H, Liu P, Lai Z 2013 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 5 4878


    Chen D, Zhu H, Liu T 2010 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2 3702


    Huang T, Lu R, Su C, Wang H, Guo Z, Liu P, Huang Z, Chen H, Li T 2012 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 4 2699


    Awasthi A P, Lagoudas D C, Hammerand D C 2009 Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 17 015002


    Boukhvalov D W, Katsnelson M I 2009 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 344205


    Ha H W, Choudhury A, Kamal T, Kim D H, Park S Y 2012 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 4 4623


    Luong N D, Hippi U, Korhonen J T, Soininen A J, Ruokolainen J, Johansson L, S, Nam J D, Sinh L H, Seppälä J 2011 Polymer 52 5237


    Mortazavi B, Ahzi S 2013 Carbon 63 460


    Yoonessi M, Shi Y, Scheiman D A, Lebron-Colon M, Tigelaar D M, Weiss R A, Meador M A 2012 ACS Nano 6 7644


    Park O K, Kim S G, You N H, Ku B C, Hui D, Lee J H 2014 Compos. Part B: Eng. 56 365


    Kim H, Kobayashi S, AbdurRahim M A, Zhang M J,Khusainova A, Hillmyer M A, Abdala A A, Macosko C W 2011 Polymer 52 1837


    Tripathi S N, Saini P, Gupta D, Choudhary V 2013 J.Mater. Sci. 48 6223


    Liang J, Yi H, Long Z, Yan W, Ma Y, Guo T, Chen Y 2009 Adv. Funct. Mater. 19 2297


    Vadukumpully S, Paul J, Mahanta N, Valiyaveettil S 2011 Carbon 49 198


    Wang J Y, Yang S Y, Huang Y L, Tien H W, Chin W K, Ma C C M 2011 J. Mater. Chem. 21 13569


    Park O K, Hwang J Y, Goh M, Lee J H, Ku B C, You N H 2013 Macromolecules 46 3505


    Wang J, Li L, Wei Z D (in Chinese) [王俊, 李莉, 魏子栋 2016 物理化学学报 32 321]


    Hu J, Ruan X, Jiang Z, Chen Y 2009 Nano Lett. 9 2730


    Medhekar N V, Ramasubramaniam A, Ruoff R S, Shenoy V B 2010 ACS Nano 4 2300


    Rissanou A N, Harmandaris V 2014 Soft Matter 10 2876


    Rissanou A N, Harmandaris V 2013 J. Nanopart. Res. 5 1


    Lin J Q, Li X K, Yang W L, Sun H G, Xie Z B, Xiu H J, Lei Q Q 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 126202 (in Chinese) [林家齐, 李晓康, 杨文龙, 孙洪国, 谢志滨, 修翰江, 雷清泉 2015 物理学报 64 126202]


    Compton O C, Cranford S W, Putz K W, An Z, Brinson L C, Buehler M J, Nguyen S T 2011 ACS Nano 6 2008


    Sheng Y Z, Hua Y, Li J Y, Miao S 2013 Chem. Res. Chin. U. 29 788


    Chen J, Zhao D, Jin X, Wang C, Wang D, Ge H 2014 Compos. Sci. Technol. 97 41


    Huang T, Xin Y, Li T, Nutt S, Su C, Chen H, Liu P, Lai Z 2013 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 5 4878


    Zhang C, Hao R, Liao H, Hou Y 2013 Nano Energy 2 88


    Fu Y Z, Hu S Q, Lan Y H, Liu Y Q 2010 Acta Chim. Sin. 68 809 (in Chinese) [付一政, 胡双启, 兰艳花, 刘亚青 2010 化学学报 68 809]


    Zhou G D, Duan L Y 2008 Basic of Structural Chemistry (4th Ed.) (Beijing: Peking University Press) p324 (in Chinese) [周公度, 段连运 2008 结构化学基础 (第4版) (北京: 北京大学出版社) 第324页]


    Chen Z L 2007 Theory and Practice of Molecular Simulation (Beijing: Chemical Industry Press) p110 [陈正隆 2007分子模拟的理论与实践(北京: 化学工业出版社) 第110–112页]


    Ding M X 2006 Polyimide: Chemistry, Relationship between Structure and Properties and Materials (Beijing: Science Press) pp225, 226 (in Chinese) [丁孟贤 2006 聚酰亚胺––化学、结构与性能的关系及材料(北京: 科学出版社)第225, 226页]

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  • Received Date:  20 May 2017
  • Accepted Date:  20 August 2017
  • Published Online:  05 November 2017

