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Stability of interphase between solid state electrolyte and electrode

Feng Wu-Liang Wang Fei Zhou Xing Ji Xiao Han Fu-Dong Wang Chun-Sheng


Stability of interphase between solid state electrolyte and electrode

Feng Wu-Liang, Wang Fei, Zhou Xing, Ji Xiao, Han Fu-Dong, Wang Chun-Sheng
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Compared with the lithium-ion battery based on the non-aqueous electrolyte, all-solid-state lithium battery has received much attention and been widely studied due to its superiority in both safety and energy density. The electrochemical window of solid electrolyte determines whether the electrolyte remains stable during the cycling of the high-voltage battery. Current solid electrolytes typically have narrow electrochemical windows, thereby limiting their coupling with high voltage cathodes and lithium metal anode. Therefore, the formation of the stable interphase determines the stabilities of the all-solid-state batteries. Here in this work, both the experimental and theoretical progress of the electrochemical stability window of solid-state electrolytes are summarized. Besides, the experimental achievements in improving the stability of the interphase are also mentioned. On this basis, the strategies of constructing dynamically stable interphase and preventing the lithium dendrite branch crystal from forming are put forward. The future research direction of the interphase construction in all-solid-state batteries is also presented.
      Corresponding author: Wang Fei, ; Wang Chun-Sheng,

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  • 图 1  (a) 传统固体电解质的循环扫描伏安法测试装置示意图; (b) LGPS[22], (c) LLZO[24]以及(d) Li2OHCl[31]电解质传统CV测试曲线

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic diagram of conventional cyclic scanning voltammetry device for solid-state electrolyte; CV testing curves for (b) LGPS[22], (c) LLZO[24] and Li2OHCl[31] solid-state electrolyte.

    图 2  电解质电化学窗口测试装置结构示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of the testing device for the electrochemical stability window.

    图 3  三类电解质/电极界面化学稳定性示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of chemical stability of the three kinds of electrolyte/electrode interfaces.

    图 4  (a) 氮化硼(BN)中间层稳定LATP/Li[37]与(b) LiF中间层稳定LPSCl/Li[38]界面示意图

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of the (a) LATP/Li interface stabilization by BN[37] and (b) LPSCl/Li interface stabilization by LiF[38], respectively.

    图 5  分别使用铟和固体电解质/C复合材料作为对电极和工作电极, 对Li10GeP2S12进行循环伏安(0.1 mV·s–1)测试图[62]

    Figure 5.  CV curve (0.1 mV·s–1) of Li10GeP2S12 with Indium counter electrode and solid electrolyte/C composites working electrode[62].

    图 6  (a) 活性物质循环过程中体积应变对正极界面接触的影响以及低杨氏模量中间层维持界面牢固接触示意图; (b) 负极界面锂剥离态导致间隙的产生以及加压或合金支架维持界面接触示意图.

    Figure 6.  (a) Schematic diagram of the effect of volume changes of the active materials during charge/discharge on the contact of cathode interface, and solid contact maintenance by low Young's modulus interlayer; (b) schematic diagram of the gap generated by Li stripping and solid contact maintenance by pressure or alloy frameworks.

    图 7  基于材料数据库的热力学计算 (a)相稳定性: 被研究的亚稳态γ相能量与同成分下热力学平衡相的能量差(energy above hull)是衡量γ相稳定性的重要指标之一; (b) 巨电势相图(grand potential phase diagram): 衡量相稳定性在不同环境(比如对锂电位)下的变化; (c) 界面稳定性: 两相在不同比例时的二元相图及其相应的热力学反应焓变

    Figure 7.  Schematic illustrations of thermodynamic calculations: (a) Schematic of an energy convex hull, indicating the energy above hull Ehull of a metastable γ phase and its decomposition reaction into the phase equilibria; (b) schematic of a GPPD, illustrating the evolution of phase equilibria under changing Li chemical potential mLi and an applied voltage 4; (c) mutual reaction energy versus composition of a pseudo-binary composed of LiCoO2 and Li3PS4. The star corresponds to the predicted phase equilibria with decomposition enthalpy DHD at the mixing ratio.

    表 1  各类固体电解质电化学窗口的理论计算值与报道值概括

    Table 1.  Summary of the theoretical calculations and the reported values of electrochemical windows for different solid-state electrolytes.

    1.25—2.5[15]Li-In/ LPSC/LPSC-C
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  常见固态电解质、正极材料以及界面修饰层的杨氏模量

    Table 2.  The Young’s modulus of the conventional solid-state electrolytes, cathodes and interface modification layers.

    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

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  • Received Date:  18 September 2020
  • Accepted Date:  07 November 2020
  • Available Online:  23 November 2020
  • Published Online:  20 November 2020

