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Tri-band terahertz sensing and slow light based on graphene artificial microstructure

Chegn Yuxuan Xu Hui Yu Hongfei Huang Linqin Gu Zhichao Chen Yufeng He Longhui Chen Zhiquan Hou Hailiang


Tri-band terahertz sensing and slow light based on graphene artificial microstructure

Chegn Yuxuan, Xu Hui, Yu Hongfei, Huang Linqin, Gu Zhichao, Chen Yufeng, He Longhui, Chen Zhiquan, Hou Hailiang
科大讯飞翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In this paper, a monolayer graphene-based tunable triple-band terahertz plasmons device with superior sensing and slow light performance. A very obvious dual PIT phenomenon was obtained by adjusting the device structure. Then, the transmission curves and electric field distributions of the long and short graphene bands at the three transmission windows are analyzed, to further investigate the mechanism of the light and dark modes of this structure(Fig. 3). Afterward, By comparing the Coupled-Mode Theory(CMT) theoretical data with the Finite difference time domain(FDTD) simulation data, it can be found that they show a high degree of agreement(Fig. 4). In addition, by analyzing the magnitude of the effective refractive indices of the real and imaginary parts at different Fermi energy levels. It can be found that it has a linear relationship with the Fermi energy level(Fig. 5). Research findings the phase of the electromagnetic wave fluctuates strongly when it is at the transmission window. Along with the increase of the Fermi energy level, the peak frequency of the group refractive index peak value also increases. When the Fermi energy level is at 1.1eV, the peak value of the group refractive index reaches 327.1(Fig. 6). In order to study the sensing effect of this device in more depth, a variety of different refractive indices of the medium are to be tested in this paper(Fig. 7). Based on the results it can be seen that the device has excellent sensing performance. Its sensitivity and Figure of Merit(FOM) reach up to 1.442 THz/RIU and 39.6921, respectively(Table 1). And by having superior performance compared to other sensors of the same type(Table 2). The structure compared with the traditional structure is capable of regulating the Fermi energy levels very conveniently by applying a voltage, to modulate the resonant frequency of the dual PIT. This study hopes to add a theoretical basis and provide a design reference for potential applications in fields such as slow light technology and sensing.
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