采用磁控溅射技术沉积制铝/贫铀/铝(Al/DU/Al)、金/贫铀/金(Au/DU/Au) "三明治" 薄膜样品. 利用高分辨扫描电镜、 X射线衍射仪、X射线光电子能谱仪、 扫描俄歇微探针对Al/DU/Al, Au/DU/Au样品的Al/DU, Au/DU界面行为进行表征与研究. 结果表明: 沉积态DU层以柱状晶生长; Al/DU界面扩散明显, 物理扩散过程中伴随着Al, DU化学反应形成Al2U, Al3U金属化合物; 金属化合物的形成导致界面处Al 2p电子结合能向高能端移动, U 4f电子向低能端移动; 微量O在Al/DU界面处以Al2O3及铀氧化物形式存在; DU镀层中以铀氧化形式存在; 沉积态的Au/DU界面扩散为简单的物理扩散, 团簇效应导致Au/DU界面处Al 2p, U 4f电子结合能均向高能端移动; 在Au/DU界面及DU镀层中, 微量O以铀氧化物形式存在; Al/DU界面扩散强于Au/DU; 相同厚度的Al, Au保护镀层, Al镀层保护效果优于Au镀层.Aluminum/depleted uranium/aluminum (Al/DU/Al) and gold/depleted uranium/gold (Au/DU/Au) "sandwich structure" films are deposited by magnetron sputtering. Diffusions of Al/DU and Au/DU interface of these samples are investigated by high resolution scanning electronic microscope, X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectrometer and scanning auger microprobe. The results show that deposited DU layer is of columnar grain. Significant diffusion takes place at Al/DU interface. Intermetallic compounds of Al2U and Al3U are formed at Al/DU interface by chemical reaction between Al and DU which induces chemical shift toward high binding energy of Al 2p and toward low binding energy of U 4f. Microdosages of O exist in Al over-layers as Al2O3, in Al/DU interface as Al2O3 and oxidation of uranium, and in DU layers as oxidation of uranium respectively. Just simple physical diffusion takes place at Au/DU interface. Binding energies of Au 4f and U 4f shift toward high-energy tail induced by cluster effect at the Au/DU interface. Microdosages of O exist at Au/DU interface and in DU layers as oxidation of uranium. Diffusion at the Al/DU interface is more obvious than at Au/DU surface. Under the condition of the same thickness valuses Al over-layer is more effective than Au over layer to protect uranium layer from oxidging.
- Al/DU interface /
- Au/DU interface /
- magnetron sputtering /
- diffusion at interface
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[19] Fujimori S I, Saito Y, Yamaki K I, Okane T, Sato N, Komatsubara T, Suzuki S, Sato S 1998 J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 88 631
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[24] Zhou W, Liu K Z, Yang J R, Xiao H, Jiang C L, Lu L 2005 At. Enegy Sci. Technol. 39 151 (in Chinese) [周韦, 刘柯钊, 杨江荣, 肖红, 蒋春丽, 陆雷 2005 原子能科学技术 39 151]
[25] Yi T M, Xing P F, Tang Y J, Zhang L, Zheng F C, Xie J, Li C Y, Yang M S 2010 At. Enegy Sci. Technol. 44 869 (in Chinese) [易泰民, 邢丕峰, 唐永建, 张林, 郑凤成, 谢军, 李朝阳, 杨蒙生 2010 原子能科学技术 44 869]
[1] Ellis W P 1976 Surf. Sci. 61 37
[2] Allen G C, Wild R K 1974 J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. 5 493
[3] Nornes S B, Mesenheimer R G 1976 Surf. Sci. 88 191
[4] Xiong B T, Meng D Q, Xue W D, Zhu Z H, Jiang G, Wang H Y 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1617 (in Chinese) [熊必涛, 蒙大桥, 薛卫东, 朱正和, 蒋刚, 王红艳 2003 物理学报 52 1617]
[5] Dini J W, Johnson H R 1976 Sandia Laboratory Report SAND-76-8023
[6] Weirick L J 1979 Sandia Laboratory Report SAND-79-0478
[7] Weirick L J, Douglass D L 1976 Corrosion 32 209
[8] Egert C M, Scott D G 1987 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 5 2724
[9] Chang F C, Levy M, Jackman B 1991 Surf. Coat. Technol. 48 31
[10] Wilkens H L, Gunther J, Mauldin M P, Nikroo A, Wall J R, Harding D R, Lund L D 2006 Fusion Sci. Technol. 49 846
[11] Blobaum K, Stadermann M, Fair J, Teslich N, Wall M, Foreman R, Hein N, Streckert H, Nikroo A 2012 20th Target Fabrication Meeting New Mexico, USA, May 20-24, 2012
[12] Tan M Q, Tao X M, Xu X J, Cai J Q 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 3142 (in Chinese) [谭明秋, 陶向明, 徐小军, 蔡建秋 2003 物理学报 52 3142]
[13] Schein J, Jones O, Rosen M, Dewald E, Glenzer S, Gunther J, Hannel B, Landen O, Suter L, Wallace R 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 175003
[14] Sandberg R L, Allred D D, Bissell L J, Johnson J E, Turley R S 2003 8th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation San Francisco, USA, August 25-29, 2004 p796
[15] Allred D D, Squiresb M B, Turley R S, Cashc W, Shipleyc A 2002 SPIE (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2002) 4782 29
[16] Yi T M, Xing P F, Du K, Zheng F C, Yang M S, Xie J, Li C Y 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 088103 (in Chinese) [易泰民, 邢丕峰, 杜凯, 郑凤成, 杨蒙生, 谢军, 李朝阳 2012 物理学报 61 088103]
[17] Bautista L B, Hänke T, Getzlaff M, Wiesendanger R, Opahle I, Koepernik K, Richter M 2004 Phys. Rev. B 70 113401
[18] Thomas M F, Beesley A M, Bouchenoire L, Brown S D, Thompson P, Herring A D F, Lander G H, Langridge S, Stirling W G, Ward R C C, Zochowski S W 2004 J. Alloys Compd. 369 14
[19] Fujimori S I, Saito Y, Yamaki K I, Okane T, Sato N, Komatsubara T, Suzuki S, Sato S 1998 J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 88 631
[20] Gouder T, Colmenares C A, Naegele J R 1995 Surf. Sci. 342 299
[21] Gouder T 1997 Surf. Sci. 382 26
[22] Lü X C, Xian X B, Zhang Y B, Wang X L 2002 At. Enegy Sci. Technol. 36 202 (in Chinese) [吕学超, 鲜晓斌, 张永彬, 汪小琳 2002 原子能科学技术 36 202]
[23] Luo L Z, Liu K Z, Yang J R, Xiao H 2009 At. Enegy Sci. Technol. 43 395 (in Chinese) [罗丽珠, 刘柯钊, 杨江荣, 肖红 2009 原子能科学技术 43 395]
[24] Zhou W, Liu K Z, Yang J R, Xiao H, Jiang C L, Lu L 2005 At. Enegy Sci. Technol. 39 151 (in Chinese) [周韦, 刘柯钊, 杨江荣, 肖红, 蒋春丽, 陆雷 2005 原子能科学技术 39 151]
[25] Yi T M, Xing P F, Tang Y J, Zhang L, Zheng F C, Xie J, Li C Y, Yang M S 2010 At. Enegy Sci. Technol. 44 869 (in Chinese) [易泰民, 邢丕峰, 唐永建, 张林, 郑凤成, 谢军, 李朝阳, 杨蒙生 2010 原子能科学技术 44 869]
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