航天器从近地空间进入大气层过程中, 由于激波加热, 会在航天器外表面形成等离子体鞘套, 导致航天器与地面之间的无线电通信中断, 即“黑障”效应. 为了缓解“黑障”效应, 国内外学者进行了多方面的技术研究, 其中化学物质释放被认为是一种有效的方法. 以往, 主要针对卤族元素和水开展理论和实飞研究. 本文基于二氧化碳不易在高温流场中发生裂解的特性, 利用电弧和高频风洞产生等离子体流场, 主动释放二氧化碳降低等离子体电子密度. 结果表明, 在风洞等离子体中, 释放不同流量的二氧化碳可使电子密度下降1—2个量级, 为解决再入过程中黑障问题提供了一种可行方法.During the spacecraft from geospace penetrating into the atmosphere, a plasma sheath can be formed around its external surface due to shock heating which subsequently leads the radio communications between the space vehicle and ground-based stations to interrupt, i.e. the blackout problem happens. Many techniques have been developed to mitigate the blackout problem, and the attachment chemicals releasing is considered as an effective method. Previously, halogenides and water have been widely investigated both theoretically and experimentally. In this work, we report the mitigation of the reentry plasma sheath through releasing carbon dioxide, in which the electron density is reduced through different mechanisms and processes from the releasing halogenides. Controlled experiments are performed to investigate the carbon dioxide released in the arc wind tunnel and the high-frequency plasma wind tunnel. Results suggest that the electron density can be significantly reduced in the simulated plasma sheath environment, which provides a potential approach to solving the communication blackout problem encounterin the reentry process.
- plasma sheath /
- carbon dioxide /
- plasma density
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[1] Rybak J P 1970 Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratory Contractor Report AFCRL-70-0707
[2] Fuhs A 1963 AIAA/Northwestern University Fifth Biennial Gas Dynamics Symposium 379 14
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[3] Keidar M, Kim M, Boyd I D 2008 J. Spacecr. Rockets 45 445
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[4] Rybak J P, Churchill R J 1971 IEEE Tran. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 5 879
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[5] Gregoire D J, Santoru J, Schumacher R W 1992 Air Force Office Of Scientific ResearchReport HAC-REF-G8200
[6] Akey N D 1971 NASA Special Publication 252 19
[7] Gillman E D, Foster J E, Blankson I M 2010 NASA/TM-2010-216220
[8] Hodara H 1961 Proc. IRE 49 1825
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[9] Belov I F, Borovoy V Y, Gorelov V A, Kireev A Y, Korolev A S, Stepanov E A 2001 J. Spacecr. Rockets 38 249
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[10] Reynier P, Evans D 2009 J. Spacecr. Rockets 46 800
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[11] Schroeder L C, Russo F P 1968 NASA TM X-1521 1
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[13] Bernhardt P A 1987 J. Geophys. Res. A:Space Phys. 92 4617
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[14] Scales W A, Myers T J, Bernhardt P A, Ganguli G 1997 J. Geophys. Res. A: Space Phys. 102 9767
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[19] Zhang X, Cao J X, Liu Y, Yu P C, Zhang Z K 2016 AIP Adv. 6 075304
Google Scholar
[20] 欧东斌, 陈连忠, 董永晖, 林鑫, 李飞, 余西龙 实验流体力学 29 62
Ou D B, Chen, L Z, Dong Y H, Lin X, Li F, Yu X L 2015 J. Exp. Fluid Mech. 29 62 (in Chinese)
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