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彭凡 张秀梅 刘琳 王秀明



彭凡, 张秀梅, 刘琳, 王秀明

Propagation of acoustic wave and analysis of borehole acoustic field in porous medium of heterogeneous viscous fluid

Peng Fan, Zhang Xiu-Mei, Liu Lin, Wang Xiu-Ming
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 声波在饱含流体孔隙介质中的传播特性与流体的黏滞性及孔隙介质的非均匀性密切相关. 本文在Biot理论基础上, 考虑了孔隙流体的剪切应力及孔隙结构的非均匀性, 采用含黏性流体孔隙介质中的波动理论, 研究了孔隙介质中四种体波的频散和衰减特性, 分析了慢横波对快纵波转换散射的影响, 进一步推导了孔隙地层井孔中的模式波及其声场的解析解, 研究了非均匀孔隙介质中井孔模式波和波列的特征. 研究结果表明, 含黏性流体孔隙介质中存在慢横波, 慢横波的频散很强, 其传播特征受到介质孔隙度、渗透率及孔隙流体黏度的影响. 在非均匀孔隙介质中, 与慢横波相关的剪切应力平衡过程不仅导致快纵波的频散和衰减, 还会影响井孔伪瑞利波及斯通利波的传播特征. 本文的工作完善了孔隙介质中声波传播的物理机制, 为孔隙地层井孔声波的解释与应用提供了理论指导.
    Sound field in fluid-saturated porous medium is closely related to the viscosity of fluid and the heterogeneity of porous medium. In order to improve the physical mechanism of wave propagation in porous medium and expand its application in borehole acoustic field, the shear stress of porous fluid and the heterogeneity of pore structure are considered. The wave theory in porous medium containing viscous fluid is deduced based on the Biot theory. The influence of porous medium parameters on slow shear wave is analyzed, and the dispersion and attenuation of elastic wave caused by shear stress balance in porous fluid under the influence of inhomogeneous pore structure are studied. The analytical solution of borehole acoustic field in porous medium containing viscous fluid is further derived. The phase velocity and attenuation of borehole mode waves in heterogeneous porous medium, and the waveform of borehole full wave are calculated. The influence of pore fluid viscosity on borehole full wave is analyzed. The results show that there are slow shear waves in the porous medium containing viscous fluid. The slow shear wave is characterized by low velocity and large attenuation. In heterogeneous porous medium, the balance process of shear stress related to slow shear wave not only leads to the dispersion and attenuation of fast P-wave, but also affects the propagation characteristics of borehole pseudo Rayleigh wave and Stoneley wave. In addition, the pore fluid viscosity has a great influence on the borehole Stoneley wave. The present work improves the physical mechanism of acoustic wave propagation in porous medium and provides theoretical guidance for the explanation and application of borehole acoustic waves in porous formations.
      通信作者: 张秀梅, zhangxiumei@mail.ioa.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (批准号: 11974018, 11734017)和中国科学院战略性先导科技专项 (批准号: XDA14020303)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Xiu-Mei, zhangxiumei@mail.ioa.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11974018, 11734017) and the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. XDA14020303).

    李红星, 张嘉辉, 樊嘉伟, 陶春辉, 肖昆, 黄光南, 盛书中, 宫猛 2022 物理学报 71 089101Google Scholar

    Li H X, Zhang J H, Fan J W, Tao C H, Xiao K, Huang G N, Sheng S Z, Gong M 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 089101Google Scholar


    乔厚, 何锃, 张恒堃, 彭伟才, 江雯 2019 物理学报 68 128101Google Scholar

    Qiao H, He Y, Zhang H K, Peng W C, Jiang W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 128101Google Scholar


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    Wei X C, Lu M H, Ba J, Yang H Z 2008 Chin. J. Geophys. 51 213Google Scholar


    Gao W 2016 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016 Dallas, Texas, October 16-21, 2016 pp3871–3875


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    赵延林, 曹平, 唐劲舟, 马文豪, 李树清, 王卫军 2017 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 48 168Google Scholar

    Zhao Y L, Cao P, Tang J Z, Ma W H, Li S Q, Wang W J 2017 J. Cent. South Univ. (Sci. Technol.) 48 168Google Scholar


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    Müller T M, Sahay P N 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 2785Google Scholar


    Müller T M, Sahay P N 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 026329


    胡恒山, 王克协 2001 地球物理学报 44 135Google Scholar

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    Bourbie T, Coussy O, Zinszner B, Junger M C 1992 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91 3080Google Scholar


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    Cui Z W, Liu J X, Wang K X 2005 J. Jilin Univ. (Sci. Ed.) 43 803


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  • 图 1  四种体波的相速度与衰减 (a) 快纵波; (b) 快横波; (c) 慢纵波; (d) 慢横波

    Fig. 1.  Phase velocity and attenuation of four kinds of body waves: (a) Fast P-wave; (b) fast S-wave; (c) slow P-wave; (d) slow S-wave.

    图 2  慢横波的相速度与衰减随孔隙介质参数的变化  (a) 孔隙度; (b) 渗透率; (c) 流体黏度

    Fig. 2.  Variation of phase velocity and attenuation of slow shear wave with porous media parameters: (a) Porosity; (b) permeability; (c) fluid viscosity.

    图 3  均匀及不同非均匀孔隙介质中快纵波的相速度与衰减

    Fig. 3.  The phase velocity and attenuation of fast P wave in homogeneous porous medium and different inhomogeneous porous media

    图 4  k(ω)的归一化幅值与相位

    Fig. 4.  Normalized amplitude and phase of $ k(\omega ) $.

    图 5  非均匀孔隙介质地层井孔模型

    Fig. 5.  Borehole model of heterogeneous porous media formation.

    图 6  模式波的相速度与衰减 (a) 斯通利波; (b) 一阶伪瑞利波; (c) 二阶伪瑞利波

    Fig. 6.  Phase velocity and attenuation of mode waves: (a) Stoneley wave; (b) the first order pseudo Rayleigh wave; (c) the second order pseudo Rayleigh wave.

    图 7  全波波形 (a) 源距为4 m时的单道波形; (b) 8道阵列全波波形

    Fig. 7.  Full wave waveform: (a) Single channel waveform at source distance of 4 m; (b) 8-channel array full wave waveform.

    图 8  低频斯通利波测井(a)及常规单极子测井(b)的全波波形

    Fig. 8.  Full wave waveform of low-frequency Stoneley wave logging (a) and conventional monopole logging (b).

    图 9  斯通利波的相速度与衰减随孔隙流体黏度的变化

    Fig. 9.  Phase velocity and attenuation of Stoneley wave changing with pore fluid viscosity.

    表 1  孔隙介质参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of porous media.

    ${\rho _{\rm{s}}}$/(kg·m–3)${\rho _{\rm{f}}}$/(kg·m–3)$ {k_0} $/D$ \eta $/%${\mu _{\rm{f}}}$/(Pa·s)$ {S^\infty } $${K_{\rm{f}}}$/GPa$ {K_0} $/GPa${K_{\rm{s}}}$/GPa$ {\mu _0} $/GPa${\mu _{\rm{s}}}$/GPa
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  水在不同温度下的黏度

    Table 2.  Viscosity of water at different temperatures.

    黏度/(10–3 Pa·s)1.000.550.21
    下载: 导出CSV
  • [1]

    李红星, 张嘉辉, 樊嘉伟, 陶春辉, 肖昆, 黄光南, 盛书中, 宫猛 2022 物理学报 71 089101Google Scholar

    Li H X, Zhang J H, Fan J W, Tao C H, Xiao K, Huang G N, Sheng S Z, Gong M 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 089101Google Scholar


    乔厚, 何锃, 张恒堃, 彭伟才, 江雯 2019 物理学报 68 128101Google Scholar

    Qiao H, He Y, Zhang H K, Peng W C, Jiang W 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 128101Google Scholar


    Benoit G, Heinkélé C, Gourdon E 2013 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134 4782Google Scholar


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    Li K S, Gao J, Ju X D, Sun H F 2018 J. Geophys. Eng. 15 2266Google Scholar


    杨博, 章成广, 蔡明, 甘泉, 蔡德洋, 朱雷 2019 地球物理学进展 34 1127Google Scholar

    Yang B, Zhang C G, Cai M, Gan Q, Cai D Y, Zhu L 2019 Progress in Geophysics 34 1127Google Scholar


    Qi Q M, Fu L Y, Deng J X, Cao J X 2021 Geophysics 86 1Google Scholar


    Winkler K W 1985 J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 90 6793Google Scholar


    Gist G A 1991 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 90 2370Google Scholar


    邓继新, 史謌, 俞军 2003 北京大学学报(自然科学版) 39 835Google Scholar

    Deng J X, Shi X, Yu J 2003 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis 39 835Google Scholar


    Feng J X, Teng Q Z, He X H, Qing L B, Li Y 2018 Comput. Mater. Sci. 144 181Google Scholar


    陈培元, 杨辉廷, 贾兆扬 2018 中国海上油气 30 31Google Scholar

    Chen P Y, Yang H T, Jia Z Y 2018 Chin. Offshore Oil Gas 30 31Google Scholar


    Liu Q R, Katsube N 1990 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 88 1045Google Scholar


    魏修成, 卢明辉, 巴晶, 杨慧珠 2008 地球物理学报 51 213Google Scholar

    Wei X C, Lu M H, Ba J, Yang H Z 2008 Chin. J. Geophys. 51 213Google Scholar


    Gao W 2016 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2016 Dallas, Texas, October 16-21, 2016 pp3871–3875


    Sahay P N 2008 Geophysics 73 N19Google Scholar


    Ciz R, Gurevich B, Markov M 2006 Geophys. J. Int. 165 957Google Scholar


    Müller T M, Gurevich B 2005 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 117 2732Google Scholar


    Mavko G, Nur A 1975 J. Geophys. Res. 80 1444Google Scholar


    Dvorkin J, Nur A 1993 Geophysics 58 524Google Scholar


    崔志文, 刘金霞, 王春霞, 王克协 2010 物理学报 59 8655Google Scholar

    Cui Z W, Liu J X, Wang C X, Wang K X 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8655Google Scholar


    Berryman J G, Wang H F 2000 Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 37 63Google Scholar


    赵延林, 曹平, 唐劲舟, 马文豪, 李树清, 王卫军 2017 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 48 168Google Scholar

    Zhao Y L, Cao P, Tang J Z, Ma W H, Li S Q, Wang W J 2017 J. Cent. South Univ. (Sci. Technol.) 48 168Google Scholar


    邵婕, 唐杰, 孙成禹 2016 地球物理学进展 31 334Google Scholar

    Shao J, Tang J, Sun C Y 2016 Progr. Geophys. 31 334Google Scholar


    Müller T M, Sahay P N 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 2785Google Scholar


    Müller T M, Sahay P N 2011 Phys. Rev. E 84 026329


    胡恒山, 王克协 2001 地球物理学报 44 135Google Scholar

    Hu H S, Wang K X 2001 Chin. J. Geophys. 44 135Google Scholar


    卢明辉, 巴晶, 杨慧珠 2009 工程力学 26 36

    Lu M H, Ba J, Yang H Z 2009 Eng. Mech. 26 36


    Zhang X M, Müller T M 2019 Geophysics 84 WA1Google Scholar


    Bourbie T, Coussy O, Zinszner B, Junger M C 1992 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 91 3080Google Scholar


    Müller T M, Sahay P N 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 168Google Scholar


    崔志文, 刘金霞, 王克协 2005 吉林大学学报(理学版) 43 803

    Cui Z W, Liu J X, Wang K X 2005 J. Jilin Univ. (Sci. Ed.) 43 803


    Markova I, Ronquillo J G, Markov M, Gurevich B 2014 Geophys. J. Int. 196 1082Google Scholar

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