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张袆柔 曾晓淇 李家星 任怡茂 吴伟雄



张袆柔, 曾晓淇, 李家星, 任怡茂, 吴伟雄

Electrochemical-Thermal-Mechanical Overcharge Model at the Particle Scale for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Zhang Hui-Rou, Zeng Xiao-Qi, Li Jia-Xing, Ren Yi-Mao, Wu Wei-Xiong
  • 锂离子电池过充时,负极超过最大嵌锂浓度会发生表面析锂,而正极则处于贫锂状态导致颗粒内部应力升高,从而引发严重的寿命和安全问题.本文基于单层电芯颗粒尺度,建立了NCM正极和石墨负极颗粒尺度下的三维电化学-力-热耦合过充模型,能够准确地反映充电过程中析锂和应力-应变规律.基于此,分析了充电倍率和负极颗粒半径设计参数对负极表面析锂的影响,结果表明:高倍率下析锂的触发电压较低,而低倍率下由于极化和温度较低的影响,过充至4.8V时析锂浓度较高;此外,相较于大粒径颗粒,小颗粒表面呈现最大锂离子浓度高、析锂过电位低、平均冯米塞斯应力大,更容易发生析锂.在应力方面,探究了正极颗粒空间分布和热效应的影响,定义了接触深度因子Jr,发现颗粒的接触深度与接触界面区域的应力成反比关系;而且,随着充电倍率增加,温度相关电化学参数显著变化,在计算颗粒层面应力时不能忽略.相关结果可为优化电池设计和充电管理策略提供理论依据和指导。
    During overcharging of lithium-ion batteries, lithium plating can occur on the anode surface when the maximum lithium intercalation concentration is exceeded, while the cathode is in a lithium-poor state. This situation can lead to significant issues related to battery lifespan and safety. In this paper, the geometric structure of the positive electrode particles is generated based on tomography data, while the negative electrode particles are represented by spheres of different sizes. Using the homogenization method, the carbon filler, binder and electrolyte are regarded as a single porous conductive adhesive domain. Based on the main mechanism of lithium-ion battery overcharge, a coupled three-dimensional electrochemical - mechanical - thermal overcharge model at the particle scale is developed for NCM cathode and graphite anode. The coupled mathematical model consists of four parts, namely the electrochemical model, the lithium plating model, the thermal model and the stress-strain model. In terms of lithium precipitation, the particle radius parameter and charging rates are investigated. The results show that the lithium plating concentration of the particles near the separator is higher, following the "principle of proximity" - the sequence of lithium deintercalation is related to the migration path. The surface of anode particles with small particle size is more prone to lithium precipitation due to the high maximum lithium ion concentration on the surface of the particles, the low surface lithium precipitation overpotential, and the high average Von Mises stress. At high charging rate, fast charge transfer and ion diffusion rates result in a low voltage at the anode triggering lithium precipitation. At a low rate, polarization and low temperature result in more lithium precipitation on the surface of the anode particles. In terms of stress, the spatial distribution between particles and thermal effects are investigated. The ratio of the distance from the contact surface to the center of the particle to the particle radius is calculated and defined as the contact depth (Jr), in order to better describe the law of particle contact stress. It is shown that the contact depth between particles is inversely proportional to the stress at the contact area. When the heat generation effect is considered, the temperature of the battery rises faster with the increase of the charging rate. The electrochemical parameters related to temperature and the lithium concentration diffusion gradient increase significantly, and the influence of temperature on the particle stress is also more significant. The relevant results can provide theoretical basis and guidance for designing battery and optimizing charge strategies.
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