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张利明 周寿桓 赵鸿 张昆 郝金坪 张大勇 朱辰 李尧 王雄飞 张浩彬



张利明, 周寿桓, 赵鸿, 张昆, 郝金坪, 张大勇, 朱辰, 李尧, 王雄飞, 张浩彬

780 W narrow linewidth all fiber laser

Zhang Li-Ming, Zhou Shou-Huan, Zhao Hong, Zhang Kun, Hao Jin-Ping, Zhang Da-Yong, Zhu Chen, Li Yao, Wang Xiong-Fei, Zhang Hao-Bin
  • 高功率窄线宽光纤激光器在相干探测、功率光谱合成等方面具有广泛的应用前景. 分析了高功率窄线宽光纤激光器中受激布里渊散射效应的抑制方法,以及正弦相位调制光谱展宽理论. 采用正弦相位调制技术将单频激光器的线宽展宽至2.9 GHz,通过三级放大结构对输出功率为50 mW的窄线宽种子源进行放大,实现了中心波长1064.34 nm、 线宽2.9 GHz、最大功率780 W的激光输出,光–光转换效率79%,光束质量Mx2 =1.44,My2 =1.43. 分析了相位调制前后输出功率提高的原因,认为正弦相位调制增加的纵模降低了光纤中的功率谱密度,提高了输出激光的受激布里渊散射阈值,促使相位调制后的输出功率大幅提高. 该激光器的输出功率仅受限于抽运功率,进一步提高抽运功率,有望实现更高功率的窄线宽光纤激光输出.
    High-power narrow linewidth fiber lasers are extensively applied in coherent detection and power-spectrum beam combination etc. The suppressing method of stimulated Brillouin scattering is analyzed. And the theory of sinusoidal phase modulation is analyzed also. A single frequency laser is broadened to become a 2.9 GHz linewidth seed by sinusoidal phase modulation technology. The power of the seed is then boosted from 50 mW to 780 W through a three-stage power amplifiber configuration. Central wavelength and linewidth of the laser are 1064.34 nm and 2.9 GHz respectively, with an optical-optical efficiency being 79%. And the beam quality is Mx2 =1.44 and My2 =1.43. The output powers before and after phase modulation are compared with each other. And the reason why output power increases is analyzed. The stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold is promoted by added longitudinal mode. Finally, the output power is promoted after phase modulation, so that the output power of this laser is only limited by the pump power. If the pump power is increased, the higher output power of narrow linewidth fiber laser will be achieved.

    Yusuke Koshikiya, Xinyu Fan, Fumihiko Ito 2008 Journal of Lightwave Technology 26 3287


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    Ji W, Chen S F, Fu L, Zou Z F 2012 Chinese Optics Letters 10 080601


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    Robin C, Dajani I, Zernigue C, Flores A, Pulford B, Lanari A, Naderi S 2013 Proc. of SPIE 8601 86010Z


    Qi Y F, Liu C, Zhou J, Chen W B, Dong J X, Wei Y R, Lou Q H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3942 (in Chinese)[漆云凤, 刘驰, 周军, 陈卫标, 董景星, 魏运荣, 楼祺洪 2010 物理学报 59 3942]


    Du W B, Xiao H, Wang X L, Leng J Y, Zhou P, Liu Z J 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 1996 (in Chinese) [杜文博, 肖虎, 王小林, 冷进勇, 周朴, 刘泽金 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 1996]


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Leng J Y, Du W B, Xu X J 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 044205


    Du W B, Wang X L, Han K, Zhou P, Xu X J, Shu B H 2011 Chinese Journal of Lasers 38 1105009 (in Chinese) [杜文博, 王小林, 韩凯, 周朴, 许晓军, 舒柏宏 2011 中国激光 38 1105009]


    Zeringue C, Dajani I, Naderi S, Moore G T, Robin C 2012 Optics Express 20 21196


    Gray S, Walton D, Wang J, Li M J, Chen X, Ruffin A. B, Demeritt J, Zenteno L 2006 OSA/OAA OSuB OSuB1


    Walton D, Gray S, Wang J, Li M J, Chen X, Liu A P, Zenteno L, Crowley A 2007 Proc. of SPIE 6453 645314


    Liu A P 2007 Optics Express 1 977


    Hildebrandt M, Bsche S, Weßels P, Frede M, Kracht D 2008 Optics express 16 15970


    Rothenberg J E, Thielen P A, Wickham M, Asman C P 2008 Proc. of SPIE 6873 68730O

  • [1]

    Yusuke Koshikiya, Xinyu Fan, Fumihiko Ito 2008 Journal of Lightwave Technology 26 3287


    Bondu F, Friyschel P, Man C N, Brillet A 1996 Optics Letters 21 582


    Yu C X, Augst S J, Redmond S M, Goldizen K C, Murphy D V, Sanchez A, Fan T Y 2011 Optics Letters 36 2686


    Hu X D, Ning T G, Pei L, Li J, Zhou Q 2010 Laser & Optoelectronics Progress 47 081401 (in Chinese)[胡旭东, 宁提纲, 裴丽, 李晶, 周倩 2010 激光与光电子学研究进展 47 081401]


    Ji W, Chen S F, Fu L, Zou Z F 2012 Chinese Optics Letters 10 080601


    Liu F N, Jia X J, Liu Y G, Yuan S Z, Dong X Y 2007 Chin. Phys. Lett. 24 929


    Khitrov V, Farley K, Leveille R Galipeau J, Majid I, Christensen S, Samson B, Tankala K 2010 Proc. of SPIE 7686 76860A


    Robin C, Dajani I, Zernigue C, Flores A, Pulford B, Lanari A, Naderi S 2013 Proc. of SPIE 8601 86010Z


    Qi Y F, Liu C, Zhou J, Chen W B, Dong J X, Wei Y R, Lou Q H 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 3942 (in Chinese)[漆云凤, 刘驰, 周军, 陈卫标, 董景星, 魏运荣, 楼祺洪 2010 物理学报 59 3942]


    Du W B, Xiao H, Wang X L, Leng J Y, Zhou P, Liu Z J 2011 High Power Laser and Particle Beams 23 1996 (in Chinese) [杜文博, 肖虎, 王小林, 冷进勇, 周朴, 刘泽金 2011 强激光与粒子束 23 1996]


    Wang X L, Zhou P, Leng J Y, Du W B, Xu X J 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 044205


    Du W B, Wang X L, Han K, Zhou P, Xu X J, Shu B H 2011 Chinese Journal of Lasers 38 1105009 (in Chinese) [杜文博, 王小林, 韩凯, 周朴, 许晓军, 舒柏宏 2011 中国激光 38 1105009]


    Zeringue C, Dajani I, Naderi S, Moore G T, Robin C 2012 Optics Express 20 21196


    Gray S, Walton D, Wang J, Li M J, Chen X, Ruffin A. B, Demeritt J, Zenteno L 2006 OSA/OAA OSuB OSuB1


    Walton D, Gray S, Wang J, Li M J, Chen X, Liu A P, Zenteno L, Crowley A 2007 Proc. of SPIE 6453 645314


    Liu A P 2007 Optics Express 1 977


    Hildebrandt M, Bsche S, Weßels P, Frede M, Kracht D 2008 Optics express 16 15970


    Rothenberg J E, Thielen P A, Wickham M, Asman C P 2008 Proc. of SPIE 6873 68730O

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  • 收稿日期:  2013-12-28
  • 修回日期:  2014-02-17
  • 刊出日期:  2014-07-05

