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侯海燕 姚慧 李志坚 聂一行



侯海燕, 姚慧, 李志坚, 聂一行

Valley and spin polarization manipulated by electric field in magnetic silicene superlattice

Hou Hai-Yan, Yao Hui, Li Zhi-Jian, Nie Yi-Hang
  • 研究了基于硅烯的静电势超晶格、铁磁超晶格、反铁磁超晶格中谷极化、自旋极化以及赝自旋极化的输运性质,分析了铁磁交换场、反铁磁交换场以及化学势对输运性质的影响,讨论了电场对谷极化、自旋极化以及赝自旋极化的调控作用.结果表明:当3种超晶格的晶格数达到10以上时,在硅烯超晶格中很容易实现100%的谷极化、自旋极化和赝自旋极化,而且通过调节超晶格上的外加电场可以使极化方向发生翻转,从而在硅烯超晶格中实现外电场对谷自由度、自旋自由度以及赝自旋自由度的操控.
    Silicene is a close relative of graphene with a honeycomb lattice structure. However, silicene is unlike the strictly two-dimensional graphene and it has a buckled structure, i.e., the A and B atoms form two sublattice planes with a small vertical separation distance in between. Thus a perpendicular electric field applied to silicene can induce a staggered sublattice potential and different onsite energies in the A and B sublattices. As a result, silicene has a large spin-orbit gap compared with graphene. In addition, the mass of Dirac electrons in silicone is controllable by an external electric field, which leads to several controllable polarized transports in the silicene junction, including valley-, spin-and pseudospin-polarization transport. However, in a single silicone junction the manipulations of polarizations are not ideal. In this work, we consider several silicene-based superlattices in order to effectively control the properties of polarization transport. Using the transfer matrix method, we study valley-, spin-and pseudospin-polarization transport in silicene-based electrostatic potential, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic superlattices. The effects of ferromagnetic exchange field, antiferromagnetic exchange field and chemical potential on transport properties are analyzed and the roles of electrostatic field in regulating valley-, spin-and pseudospin-polarization are discussed. The ferromagnetic superlattices result in spin-dependent chemical potential in ferromagnetic regime, while Dirac-like mass depends on the antiferromagnetic exchange field and spin. For electrostatic potential superlattice, the pseudospin-polarization occurs and there is no spin-polarixation nor valley-polarization. The peaks of both the pseudospin conductances are completely separated from each other and the pseudospin is completely polarized in the wide range of the zero field for both sides. For ferromagnetic superlattice, the ferromagnetic exchange field and chemical potential lead to the concurrences of spin-and valley-polarizations. The spin-and valley-polarizations can realize a sudden reversal from -1 to +1 by adjusting the electric field. For antiferromagnetic superlattice, the similar properties of spin-and valley-polarizations are observed. Comparing with the ferromagnetic superlattice, only the polarization order is different when the same change is made in the electric field. These results indicate that when the number of lattices in the superlattice is more than 10, the valley-, spin-and pseudospin-polarization reach 100% easily in silicene-based superlattice. The polarization direction can be reversed by adjusting the electric field, which is helpful in manipulating the freedom degrees of valley, spin and pseudospin in silicene superlattice.
      通信作者: 聂一行, nieyh@sxu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11274208)和山西省1331工程(批准号:201542030)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Nie Yi-Hang, nieyh@sxu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11274208) and the Shanxi 1331 Project, China (Grant No. 201542030).

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-01-11
  • 修回日期:  2018-02-02
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