本文针对N型和P型碳纳米管场效应晶体管(Carbon nanotube field-effect transistor,CNTFET)开展了10 keV-X射线的总剂量效应研究。结果表明,不同类型的晶体管在辐照后均出现阈值电压漂移、跨导下降、亚阈值摆幅上升和饱和电流下降的现象;辐照过程中,施加浮空偏置的N型器件较开态偏置损伤更严重,而施加开态偏置的P型器件较浮空偏置损伤更严重;N型器件辐照后回滞宽度减小且随着沟道尺寸的增大总剂量损伤愈发严重。辐照过程中产生的陷阱电荷是造成器件参数退化的主要原因;不同类型器件在辐照过程中施加的栅极偏置会影响栅极介质层中陷阱对电子或空穴的捕获,从而使器件呈现不同的辐射损伤特征;辐照后N型器件回滞宽度减小可能是因为辐照产生的带负电陷阱电荷阻碍了水分子、OH基团和栅极介质层中陷阱对电子的捕获;此外,晶体管的沟道尺寸也会影响辐射响应,尺寸越大,辐照过程中栅极介质层中和界面处产生陷阱电荷越多,导致晶体管损伤更为严重。
- 碳纳米管场效应晶体管 /
- X射线辐照 /
- 总剂量效应
To further improve the understanding of the patterns and mechanisms of total ionizing dose (TID) radiation damage in carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNTFET), this study investigates the total dose effects of 10 keV X-ray irradiation on N-type and P-type CNTFETs. The irradiation dose rate was 200 rad(Si)/s, with cumulative doses of 100 krad(Si) for N-type devices and 90 krad(Si) for P-type devices. This paper explores the differences in TID effects between N-type and P-type CNTFETs under floating gate bias and on-state bias conditions, as well as the impact of irradiation on the hysteresis characteristics of N-type CNTFETs and the influence of channel sizes on the TID effects of N-type CNTFETs.The results indicate that both types of transistors exhibit threshold voltage shift, transconductance degradation, an increase in subthreshold swing, and a decrease in saturation current after irradiation. During the irradiation process, N-type devices under floating gate bias suffered more severe damage than those under on-state bias, while P-type devices under on-state bias experienced more significant damage than those under floating gate bias. The hysteresis width of N-type devices decreased after irradiation, and the TID damage became more severe with increasing channel dimensions.The primary cause of device parameter degradation is the trap charges generated during irradiation. The gate bias applied during irradiation affects the capture of electrons or holes by traps in the gate dielectric, resulting in different radiation damage characteristics for different types of devices. The reduction in the hysteresis width of N-type devices after irradiation may be attributed to the negatively charged trap charges generated during irradiation, which hinder the capture of electrons by water molecules, OH groups, and traps in the gate dielectric. Moreover, the channel dimensions of the transistors also influence their radiation response: larger channel dimensions result in more trap charges being generated in the gate dielectric and at the interface during irradiation, leading to more severe transistor damage. -
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