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A high-efficiency wideband tunable polarization conversion metasurface assisted by localized surface plasmon resonances

Zhang Jian-Guo Yi Zao Kang Yong-Qiang Ren Hao Wang Wen-Yan Zhou Jing-Fan Hao Hui-Zhen Chang Hui-Dong Gao Ying-Hao Chen Ya-Hui Li Yan-Na


A high-efficiency wideband tunable polarization conversion metasurface assisted by localized surface plasmon resonances

Zhang Jian-Guo, Yi Zao, Kang Yong-Qiang, Ren Hao, Wang Wen-Yan, Zhou Jing-Fan, Hao Hui-Zhen, Chang Hui-Dong, Gao Ying-Hao, Chen Ya-Hui, Li Yan-Na
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  • Combined with the Dirac semimetals (DSMs), which is a new type of material and also called 3D graphene, a tunable wideband terahertz polarization conversion metasurface based on an anisotropic configuration is studied, in which the DSM wire array is beneficial to the regulation of Fermi energy. The results show that the metasurface can realize wideband and highly efficient polarization conversion, and has the property of half wave plate at the resonant modes. These characteristics are derived from the excitation of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) and the anisotropy of structure itself. When the incident angle changes in a range of $0^\circ $$40^\circ $, the high efficiency of wideband polarization conversion can be maintained. When it is greater than $40^\circ $, the wideband polarization conversion gradually changes into the dual-band conversion or the multi-band conversion. Furthermore, it is found that in the process of increasing the Fermi energy of AlCuFe from 65 to 140 meV, the polarization conversion ratio can be maintained at a high level, and the conversion performance changes from single-band conversion into wideband conversion, and then into wideband conversion with wider band and single-band conversion with narrower band. At the same time, by discussing the metasurface combined with the different DSM, it is concluded that the better the metallic property of DSMs, the better the wideband polarization conversion performance of the corresponding metasurface is. Finally, the numerical results are verified by the multiple interference theory based on the Fabry-Pérot-like resonance cavity.
      Corresponding author: Yi Zao, ; Li Yan-Na,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Scientific Innovation Programs of Higher Education of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2021L485), the Applied Basic Research Program of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 202103021223353), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11904216).

    Gruev V, Perkins R, York T 2010 Opt. Express 18 19087Google Scholar


    Zhao X, Boussaid F, Bermak A, Chigrinov V G 2011 Opt. Express 19 5565Google Scholar


    Beruete M, Navarro-Cía M, Sorolla M, Campillo I 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 053102Google Scholar


    Liu S, Zhang P, Liu W, Gong S, Zhong R, Zhang Y, Hu M 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 153902Google Scholar


    Takagi K, Nair S V, Watanabe R, Seto K, Kobayashi T, Tokunaga E 2017 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86 124721Google Scholar


    Grigorenko A N, Polini M, Novoselov K S 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 749Google Scholar


    Li Q, Tian Z, Zhang X, Singh R, Du L, Gu J, Han J, Zhang W 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 7082Google Scholar


    Huang W, Liang S J, Kyoseva E, Ang L K 2018 Carbon 127 187Google Scholar


    Huang W, Yin S, Zhang W, Wang K, Zhang Y, Han J 2019 New J. Phys. 21 113004Google Scholar


    Feng Y, Cao L, Zhang Y 2021 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 27 8500205


    Borisenko S, Gibson Q, Evtushinsky D, Zabolotnyy V, Büchner B, Cava R J 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 027603Google Scholar


    Liu Z K, Jiang J, Zhou B, Wang Z J, Zhang Y, Weng H M, Prabhakaran D, Mo S K, Peng H, Dudin P, Kim T, Hoesch M, Fang Z, Dai X, Shen Z X, Feng D L, Hussain Z, Chen Y L 2014 Nat. Mater. 13 677Google Scholar


    Liu Z K, Zhou B, Zhang Y, Wang Z J, Weng H M, Prabhakaran D, Mo S K, Shen Z X, Fang Z, Dai X, Hussain Z, Chen Y L 2014 Science 343 864Google Scholar


    田元仕, 郭晓涵, 戴林林, 张会云, 张玉萍 2019 中国激光 46 0614033Google Scholar

    Tian Y S, Guo X H, Dai L L, Zhang H Y, Zhang Y P 2019 Chin. J. Lasers 46 0614033Google Scholar


    Meng W L, Hou B Y, Cao Q H, Lin H M, Zhou W, Li Z X, Li D H 2020 Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 62 2703Google Scholar


    Dai L L, Zhang Y P, Zhang H Y, O’Hara J F 2019 Appl. Phys. Express 12 075003Google Scholar


    Dai L L, Zhang Y P, Guo X H, Zhao Y K, Liu S D, Zhang H Y 2018 Opt. Mater. Express 8 3238Google Scholar


    Dai L L, Zhang Y P, Zhang Y L, Liu S D, Zhang H Y 2020 Opt. Commun. 468 125802Google Scholar


    Zhang Y P, Tian Y S, Zhang Y L, Dai L L, Liu S D, Zhang Y, Zhang H Y 2020 Opt. Commun. 477 126348Google Scholar


    Yang C H, Gao Q G, Dai L L, Zhang Y L, Zhang H Y, Zhang Y P 2020 Opt. Mater. Express 10 2289Google Scholar


    Jia D L, Xu J, Yu X M 2018 Opt. Express 26 26227Google Scholar


    Seo M A, Park H R, Koo S M, Park D J, Kang J H, Suwal O K, Choi S S, Planken P C M, Park G S, Park N K, Park Q H, Kim D S 2009 Nat. Photonics 3 152Google Scholar


    Liu D J, Xiao Z Y, Ma X L, Xu K K, Tang J Y, Wang Z H 2016 Wave Motion 66 1Google Scholar


    Xu K K, Xiao Z Y, Tang J Y 2017 Plasmonics 12 1869Google Scholar


    Zhong R B, Yang L, Liang Z K, Wu Z H, Wang Y Q, Ma A C, Fang Z, Liu S G 2020 Opt. Express 28 28773Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Wang Y, Li Q Y, Zhang Y, Yan S Y, Wang C H 2021 Opt. Express 29 26865Google Scholar


    Kotov O V, Lozovik Y E 2016 Phys. Rev. B 93 235417Google Scholar


    Wang Y Q, Yi Y T, Xu D Y, Yi Z, Li Z Y, Chen X F, Jile H, Zhang J G, Zeng L C, Li G F 2021 Physica E 131 114750Google Scholar


    Liu G D, Zhai X, Meng H Y, Lin Q, Huang Y, Zhao C J, Wang L L 2018 Opt. Express 26 11471Google Scholar


    Luo J, Lin Q, Wang L L, Xia S X, Meng H Y, Zhai X 2019 Opt. Express 27 20165Google Scholar


    Meng H Y, Shang X J, Xue X X, Tang K Z, Xia S X, Zhai X, Liu Z R, Chen J H, Li H J, Wang L L 2019 Opt. Express 27 31062Google Scholar


    Timusk T, Carbotte J P, Homes C C, Basov D N, Sharapov S G 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 235121Google Scholar


    Zheng X X, Xiao Z Y, Ling X Y 2016 Opt. Quantum Electron. 48 461Google Scholar


    Zhang H J, Liu Y, Liu Z Q, Liu X S, Liu G Q, Fu G L, Wang J Q, Shen Y 2021 Opt. Express 29 70Google Scholar


    Lin R, Lu F K, He X L, Jiang Z L, Liu C, Wang S Y, Kong Y 2021 Opt. Express 29 30357Google Scholar


    Hao J M, Yuan Y, Ran L X, Jiang T, Kong J A, Chan C T, Zhou L 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 063908Google Scholar


    Li F X, Zhang L B, Zhou P H, Chen H Y, Zhao R, Zhou Y, Liang D F, Lu H P, Deng L J 2018 Appl. Phys. B 124 28


    Gandhi C, Babu P R, Senthilnathan K 2019 J. Infrared Millimeter Terahertz Waves 40 500Google Scholar


    Gao X, Singh L, Yang W L, Zheng J J, Li H O, Zhang W L 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 6817Google Scholar


    Jiang Y N, Wang L, Wang J, Akwuruoha C N, Cao W P 2017 Opt. Express 25 27616Google Scholar


    Gao X, Han X, Cao W P, Li H O, Ma H F, Cui T J 2015 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 63 3522Google Scholar


    张建国, 田晋平, 李禄, 张丽娟 2020 量子光学学报 26 60

    Zhang J G, Tian J P, Li L, Zhang L J 2020 J. Quantum Opt. 26 60


    Zhang J G, Tian J P, Li L 2018 IEEE Photonics J 10 4800512


    张建国 2020 博士学位论文 (太原: 山西大学)

    Zhang J G 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation (Taiyuan: Shanxi University) (in Chinese)


    Meng W W, Que L C, Lv J, Zhang L W, Zhou Y, Jiang Y D 2019 Results Phys. 14 102461Google Scholar


    Grady N K, Heyes J E, Chowdhury D R, Zeng Y, Reiten M T, Azad A K, Taylor A J, Dalvit D A R, Chen H T 2013 Science 340 1304Google Scholar


    Jia Y T, Liu Y, Zhang W B, Wang J, Wang Y Z, Gong S X, Liao G S 2018 Opt. Mater. Express 8 597Google Scholar


    Zhang J G, Tian J P, Xiao S Y, Li L 2020 IEEE Access 8 46505Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (a)偏振转换超表面的三维结构示意图; (b), (c)一个周期单元顶部狄拉克半金属层的结构分解图和相应的几何参数; (d)一个周期单元的全视图与几何参数; (e)一个周期单元的底视图及几何参数; (f)偏振转换机理图

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic diagram of the three-dimensional structure of the polarization conversion metasurface; (b), (c) structural decomposition diagram of Dirac semimetals (DSMs) layer at the top of a unit cell and corresponding geometric parameters; (d) overall view of a unit cell with geometric parameters; (e) bottom view of a unit cell with geometric parameters; (f) polarization conversion mechanism diagram.

    图 2  (a), (b)相应插图中子超表面在y偏振垂直入射情形下的偏振转换效率; (c), (d)复合超表面在yx偏振垂直入射情况下的反射系数振幅和偏振转换效率以及三明治结构超表面在y偏振垂直入射情况下的偏振转换效率; (e), (f)复合超表面在y偏振垂直入射情况下的偏振方向旋转角度、相位差与振幅比. 其中, 图(d)中的插图是部分放大图, DSMs材料费米能的值为${\text{9}}0{\text{ meV}}$

    Figure 2.  (a), (b) PCR of the sub-metasurfaces in the corresponding illustrations for the normal incident wave polarized along y-axis; (c), (d) numerically simulated cross- and co-polarized reflection amplitudes and calculated PCR of the composite metasurface for the normal incident wave polarized along y- or x-axis, as well as calculated PCR of the sandwich structure metasurface for the normal incident wave polarized along y-axis; (e), (f) calculated polarization azimuth rotation angle $\eta $, relative phase $\Delta {\varphi _{xy}}$ and reflection amplitude ratio ${{{r_{xy}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{r_{xy}}} {{r_{yy}}}}} \right. } {{r_{yy}}}}$ of the composite metasurface for the normal incident wave polarized along y-axis. The inset in panel (d) indicates the partially enlarged view of the PCR for y- polarized incident wave, and the Fermi energy of DSMs is ${\text{9}}0{\text{ meV}}$.

    图 3  两种子超表面谐振模式处的电场分量Ez分布, 电流I流向以及等效感应电场E、磁场H示意图. 第1行和第2行分别对应于图2(a)图2(b)中的子超表面. 第1列和第3列是顶层DSMs阵列中的Ez分布, 第2列和第4列是底层金属板中的Ez分布. 第1列和第2列是v偏振入射波对应的Ez分布, 第3列和第4列是u偏振入射波对应的Ez分布. 第5列是等效感应电场E与等效感应磁场H的组合图. 其他参数与图2一致

    Figure 3.  Distributions of electric field Ez, flow direction of current I, and diagrams of the equivalent induced electric and magnetic fields at the resonant modes for the two sub-metasurfaces. The images from the 1st and 2nd rows correspond to the sub-metasurface in Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b), respectively. The images from the 1st and 3rd columns show Ez distributions along the DSMs array at the top layer, and the 2nd and 4th columns show those on the metal ground at the bottom layer. The 1st and 2nd columns show those for the v-polarized incident wave, and the 3rd and 4th columns show those for the u-polarized incident wave. The 5th column shows the combinational diagrams of the equivalent induced electric field and equivalent induced magnetic field. Here, the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

    图 4  复合超表面谐振模式处的电场分量Ez分布, 电流I流向以及等效感应电场E、磁场H示意图. 第1列和第3列是顶层DSMs阵列中的Ez分布, 第2列和第4列是底层金属板中的Ez分布. 第1列和第2列是v偏振入射波对应的Ez分布, 第3列和第4列是u偏振入射波对应的Ez分布. 第5列是等效感应电场E与等效感应磁场H的组合图. 其他参数与图2一致

    Figure 4.  Distributions of electric field Ez, flow direction of current I, and diagrams of the equivalent induced electric and magnetic fields at the resonant modes for the composite metasurface. The images from the 1st and 3rd columns show Ez distributions along the DSMs array at the top layer, and the 2nd and 4th columns show those on the metal ground at the bottom layer. The 1st and 2nd columns show those for the v-polarized incident wave, and the 3rd and 4th columns show those for the u-polarized incident wave. The 5th column shows the combinational diagrams of the equivalent induced electric field and equivalent induced magnetic field. Here, the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

    图 5  (a)当入射角$\chi $$0^\circ $时, 偏振转换效率对偏振角$\varPsi $的依赖性; (b), (c)当偏振角$\varPsi $$0^\circ $时, 偏振转换效率对入射角$\chi $的依赖性(b)入射波为TE波; (c)入射波为TM波. 其他参数与图2一致

    Figure 5.  (a) Dependence of PCR on the polarization angle $\varPsi $ when the incident angle $\chi $ is equal to $0^\circ $. Dependence of PCR on the incident angle $\chi $ for (b) TE wave and (c) TM wave when the polarization angle $\varPsi $ is $0^\circ $. Here, the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

    图 6  (a)相应于y偏振垂直入射波的偏振转换效率对狄拉克半金属AlCuFe的费米能与入射波频率的依赖关系; 不同费米能和频率下, 狄拉克半金属AlCuFe的相对介电常数的实部(a1)和虚部(a2); (b)相应于y偏振垂直入射波的偏振转换效率对不同类型狄拉克半金属与入射波频率的依赖关系; 不同类型狄拉克半金属的相对介电常数的实部(b1)和虚部(b2). 其他参数与图2一致

    Figure 6.  (a) Dependence of PCRy on the Fermi level EF of AlCuFe and incident wave frequency for the normal incident wave polarized along y-axis; The real (a1) and imaginary (a2) parts of the relative permittivity of AlCuFe at different Fermi level EF and different frequency. (b) Dependence of PCRy on the different DSMs and incident wave frequency for the normal incident wave polarized along y-axis; The real (b1) and imaginary (b2) parts of the relative permittivity of the different DSMs and incident wave frequency. Here, the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

    图 7  (a)沿y轴方向偏振的入射波在类法布里-珀罗谐振腔中的多重反射和透射过程, 其中$\tilde r$$\tilde t$分别表示不同界面处的反射系数和透射系数, $\gamma $是入射角, $\alpha $是折射角. 偏振方向沿y轴且垂直入射情形下, 去耦合结构对应的部分散射参数的振幅(b)和相位(c), 以及结合狄拉克半金属AlCuFe的复合超表面对应的偏振转换效率的数值模拟与理论计算结果(d). 其他参数与图2一致

    Figure 7.  (a) Multiple reflection and transmission processes in a Fabry-Pérot-like resonance cavity for the incident wave polarized along y-axis, where $\tilde r$ and $\tilde t$ are respectively the reflection and transmission coefficients at different interfaces, $\gamma $ represents incident angle, $\alpha $ represents refractional angle. The amplitude (b) and phase (c) of the partial scattering parameters corresponding to the decoupling structure, as well as the numerically simulated and theoretically calculated PCR (d) corresponding to the composite metasurface combined with AlCuFe in the case of normal incident wave polarized along y-axis. Here, the other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

  • [1]

    Gruev V, Perkins R, York T 2010 Opt. Express 18 19087Google Scholar


    Zhao X, Boussaid F, Bermak A, Chigrinov V G 2011 Opt. Express 19 5565Google Scholar


    Beruete M, Navarro-Cía M, Sorolla M, Campillo I 2008 J. Appl. Phys. 103 053102Google Scholar


    Liu S, Zhang P, Liu W, Gong S, Zhong R, Zhang Y, Hu M 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 153902Google Scholar


    Takagi K, Nair S V, Watanabe R, Seto K, Kobayashi T, Tokunaga E 2017 J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86 124721Google Scholar


    Grigorenko A N, Polini M, Novoselov K S 2012 Nat. Photonics 6 749Google Scholar


    Li Q, Tian Z, Zhang X, Singh R, Du L, Gu J, Han J, Zhang W 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 7082Google Scholar


    Huang W, Liang S J, Kyoseva E, Ang L K 2018 Carbon 127 187Google Scholar


    Huang W, Yin S, Zhang W, Wang K, Zhang Y, Han J 2019 New J. Phys. 21 113004Google Scholar


    Feng Y, Cao L, Zhang Y 2021 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 27 8500205


    Borisenko S, Gibson Q, Evtushinsky D, Zabolotnyy V, Büchner B, Cava R J 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 027603Google Scholar


    Liu Z K, Jiang J, Zhou B, Wang Z J, Zhang Y, Weng H M, Prabhakaran D, Mo S K, Peng H, Dudin P, Kim T, Hoesch M, Fang Z, Dai X, Shen Z X, Feng D L, Hussain Z, Chen Y L 2014 Nat. Mater. 13 677Google Scholar


    Liu Z K, Zhou B, Zhang Y, Wang Z J, Weng H M, Prabhakaran D, Mo S K, Shen Z X, Fang Z, Dai X, Hussain Z, Chen Y L 2014 Science 343 864Google Scholar


    田元仕, 郭晓涵, 戴林林, 张会云, 张玉萍 2019 中国激光 46 0614033Google Scholar

    Tian Y S, Guo X H, Dai L L, Zhang H Y, Zhang Y P 2019 Chin. J. Lasers 46 0614033Google Scholar


    Meng W L, Hou B Y, Cao Q H, Lin H M, Zhou W, Li Z X, Li D H 2020 Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 62 2703Google Scholar


    Dai L L, Zhang Y P, Zhang H Y, O’Hara J F 2019 Appl. Phys. Express 12 075003Google Scholar


    Dai L L, Zhang Y P, Guo X H, Zhao Y K, Liu S D, Zhang H Y 2018 Opt. Mater. Express 8 3238Google Scholar


    Dai L L, Zhang Y P, Zhang Y L, Liu S D, Zhang H Y 2020 Opt. Commun. 468 125802Google Scholar


    Zhang Y P, Tian Y S, Zhang Y L, Dai L L, Liu S D, Zhang Y, Zhang H Y 2020 Opt. Commun. 477 126348Google Scholar


    Yang C H, Gao Q G, Dai L L, Zhang Y L, Zhang H Y, Zhang Y P 2020 Opt. Mater. Express 10 2289Google Scholar


    Jia D L, Xu J, Yu X M 2018 Opt. Express 26 26227Google Scholar


    Seo M A, Park H R, Koo S M, Park D J, Kang J H, Suwal O K, Choi S S, Planken P C M, Park G S, Park N K, Park Q H, Kim D S 2009 Nat. Photonics 3 152Google Scholar


    Liu D J, Xiao Z Y, Ma X L, Xu K K, Tang J Y, Wang Z H 2016 Wave Motion 66 1Google Scholar


    Xu K K, Xiao Z Y, Tang J Y 2017 Plasmonics 12 1869Google Scholar


    Zhong R B, Yang L, Liang Z K, Wu Z H, Wang Y Q, Ma A C, Fang Z, Liu S G 2020 Opt. Express 28 28773Google Scholar


    Wang Y, Wang Y, Li Q Y, Zhang Y, Yan S Y, Wang C H 2021 Opt. Express 29 26865Google Scholar


    Kotov O V, Lozovik Y E 2016 Phys. Rev. B 93 235417Google Scholar


    Wang Y Q, Yi Y T, Xu D Y, Yi Z, Li Z Y, Chen X F, Jile H, Zhang J G, Zeng L C, Li G F 2021 Physica E 131 114750Google Scholar


    Liu G D, Zhai X, Meng H Y, Lin Q, Huang Y, Zhao C J, Wang L L 2018 Opt. Express 26 11471Google Scholar


    Luo J, Lin Q, Wang L L, Xia S X, Meng H Y, Zhai X 2019 Opt. Express 27 20165Google Scholar


    Meng H Y, Shang X J, Xue X X, Tang K Z, Xia S X, Zhai X, Liu Z R, Chen J H, Li H J, Wang L L 2019 Opt. Express 27 31062Google Scholar


    Timusk T, Carbotte J P, Homes C C, Basov D N, Sharapov S G 2013 Phys. Rev. B 87 235121Google Scholar


    Zheng X X, Xiao Z Y, Ling X Y 2016 Opt. Quantum Electron. 48 461Google Scholar


    Zhang H J, Liu Y, Liu Z Q, Liu X S, Liu G Q, Fu G L, Wang J Q, Shen Y 2021 Opt. Express 29 70Google Scholar


    Lin R, Lu F K, He X L, Jiang Z L, Liu C, Wang S Y, Kong Y 2021 Opt. Express 29 30357Google Scholar


    Hao J M, Yuan Y, Ran L X, Jiang T, Kong J A, Chan C T, Zhou L 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 063908Google Scholar


    Li F X, Zhang L B, Zhou P H, Chen H Y, Zhao R, Zhou Y, Liang D F, Lu H P, Deng L J 2018 Appl. Phys. B 124 28


    Gandhi C, Babu P R, Senthilnathan K 2019 J. Infrared Millimeter Terahertz Waves 40 500Google Scholar


    Gao X, Singh L, Yang W L, Zheng J J, Li H O, Zhang W L 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 6817Google Scholar


    Jiang Y N, Wang L, Wang J, Akwuruoha C N, Cao W P 2017 Opt. Express 25 27616Google Scholar


    Gao X, Han X, Cao W P, Li H O, Ma H F, Cui T J 2015 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 63 3522Google Scholar


    张建国, 田晋平, 李禄, 张丽娟 2020 量子光学学报 26 60

    Zhang J G, Tian J P, Li L, Zhang L J 2020 J. Quantum Opt. 26 60


    Zhang J G, Tian J P, Li L 2018 IEEE Photonics J 10 4800512


    张建国 2020 博士学位论文 (太原: 山西大学)

    Zhang J G 2020 Ph. D. Dissertation (Taiyuan: Shanxi University) (in Chinese)


    Meng W W, Que L C, Lv J, Zhang L W, Zhou Y, Jiang Y D 2019 Results Phys. 14 102461Google Scholar


    Grady N K, Heyes J E, Chowdhury D R, Zeng Y, Reiten M T, Azad A K, Taylor A J, Dalvit D A R, Chen H T 2013 Science 340 1304Google Scholar


    Jia Y T, Liu Y, Zhang W B, Wang J, Wang Y Z, Gong S X, Liao G S 2018 Opt. Mater. Express 8 597Google Scholar


    Zhang J G, Tian J P, Xiao S Y, Li L 2020 IEEE Access 8 46505Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  17 February 2022
  • Accepted Date:  07 March 2022
  • Available Online:  11 June 2022
  • Published Online:  20 June 2022

