Electromagnetic devices made of artificially constructed metasurfaces can achieve filtering, modulation, sensing, and detection functions in the terahertz frequency band, which is essential for the applications of terahertz waves in the fields of communication and imaging. We design and prepare a flexible and transparent double spiral metasurface based on nano-printing technology, and use the metasurface to construct a rotating tunable filter, which can achieve regular tuning of the terahertz wave transmittance by rotating the metasurface. After rotating 90°, the transmittance at 0.52 THz increases from 8% to 67%, and the transmittance at 0.92 THz decreases from 68% to 3%, thus realizing active tuning with modulation depth greater than 88%. Moreover, the proposed nano-printing metasurfaces have excellent properties of ultra-thinness, flexibility, and visible light transparency, which are conducive to the miniaturization, light-weight and large-area preparation of terahertz tunable devices.
- nano-printing /
- metasurfaces /
- terahertz /
- rotary tuning /
- visible light transparency
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[1] 张振伟, 崔伟丽, 张岩, 张存林 2006 红外与毫米波学报 25 217
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[15] Wang Z G, Jin H Z, Sun X F, Li X, Xu Y, Liu G, Gong C 2020 Opt. Commun. 474 126172
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[18] Kumar P P, Sreelakshmi K, Sangeetha B, Narayan S 2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing Melmaruvathur, Inida, February 8–10, 2017 p2081
[19] Chen H, Lu W B, Liu Z G, Zhang J, Huang B H 2017 IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 65 7383
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[20] Sun H Y, Li Z, Gu C Q, Xu Q, Chen X L, Sun Y H, Lu S C, Martin F 2018 Sci. Rep. 8 076401
[21] Guo X X, Goussev V, Tournat V, Paulson J A 2019 Phys. Rev. E 99 052209
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[22] 程进, 周顺, 孙雪平, 蒲欣欣, 孙其梁, 徐英舜, 刘卫国 2020 光子学报 49 0724001
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Cheng J, Zhou S, Sun X P, Pu X X, Sun Q L, Xu Y S, Liu W G 2020 ACTA Photonica Sin. 49 0724001
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[23] 于洋, 肿帆, 江西, 褚琼琼, 祝世宁, 刘辉 2021 中国光学 14 927
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Yu Y, Zhong F, Jiang X, Chu Q Q Zhu S N, Liu H 2021 Chin. Opt. Lett. 14 927
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[24] 夏雨, 王毅, 曹群生 2021 微波学报 37 68
Xia Y, Wang Y, Cao Q S. 2021 J. Microwaves 37 68
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[26] Ni X, Kildishev A V, Shalaev V M 2013 Nat. Commun. 4 1
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[29] 柏林, 张信歌, 蒋卫祥, 崔铁军 2021 雷达学报 10 240
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Bai L, Zhang X G, Jiang W X, Cui T J 2021 J. Radars 10 240
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[30] Wang J, Wang X C, Gao X, Ning R X 2021 J. Measure. Sci. Instru. 12 362
[31] Sautter J, Staude I, Decker M, Rusak E, Neshev D N, Brener I, Kivshar Y S 2015 ACS Nano 9 4308
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[32] 李国华 2010 博士学位论文 (长沙: 国防科技大学)
Li G H 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Changsha: National University of Defense Technology) (in Chinese)
[33] 李宇涵, 邓联文, 罗衡, 贺龙辉, 贺君, 徐运超, 黄生祥 2019 物理学报 68 095201
Google Scholar
Li Y H, Deng L W, Luo H, He L H, He J, Xu Y C, Huang S X 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 095201
Google Scholar
[34] Smith D R, Vier D C, Koschny T, Soukoulis C M 2005 Phys. Rev. E 71 0036617
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