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Intelligent optimization design of large-scale three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration system

Lin Ji-Yan Sun Jiao-Xia Lin Shu-Yu


Intelligent optimization design of large-scale three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration system

Lin Ji-Yan, Sun Jiao-Xia, Lin Shu-Yu
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  • Large-scale three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration systems are susceptible to the influence of coupled vibration, resulting in a series of problems such as increased energy loss, small longitudinal displacement amplitude of the radiation surface, and uneven distribution of longitudinal displacement amplitude, which can seriously affect the working efficiency of ultrasonic processing system. How to effectively control the coupled vibration of large-scale three-dimensional ultrasonic transducer systems and optimize their performance has become an urgent problem in the field of power ultrasound. The research has found that some phononic crystal slots and point defect structures can suppress the lateral vibration of large-scale transducer systems, improve the uniformity of system amplitude distribution, and artificially regulate the performance of large-scale three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration systems by changing the configuration parameters of phononic crystal structures. However, excessive design parameters will inevitably increase the complexity of system design, and, currently, the optimization design of large-scale three-dimensional ultrasonic transducer systems relies on empirical trial and error methods which has low design efficiency and low success rate, and cannot guarantee the system performance. Therefore, in the study, homogeneous dislocations and point defect structures are introduced to optimize the design of large-scale three-dimensional ultrasonic vibration systems. Data analysis techniques are used to evaluate the influences of the configuration of homogeneous dislocations and point defect structures on the longitudinal displacement amplitude, amplitude distribution uniformity, radiated sound power, working bandwidth of the system’s radiation surface. And a predictive model for the performance of large-scale ultrasonic transducer system with homogeneous dislocation structure and near periodic defect structure is established, which can achieve intelligent design of large-scale power ultrasonic transducer system, improve design efficiency and success rate, and reduce the design cost.
      Corresponding author: Lin Shu-Yu,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12174240, 12364057, 12004330) and the Doctoral Research Start-up Fund, China (Grant No. 22GK26).

    周光平, 梁明军, 王家宣 2004 声学技术 2004 183Google Scholar

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    周利生 1993 声学与电子工程 1993 16

    Zhou L S 1993 Acous. Elec. Engi. 1993 16


    林书玉, 张福成 1992 声学学报 1992 451

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C 1991 J. Acous. 1992 451


    林书玉, 张福成 1991 应用声学 1991 10Google Scholar

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C 1991 Appl. Acous. 1991 10Google Scholar


    林书玉, 张福成, 郭孝武 1991 声学学报 1991 91Google Scholar

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C Guo X W 1991 J. Acous. 1991 91Google Scholar


    Lucas M, Smith A C 1997 J. Vibr. Acous. 119 410Google Scholar


    Cardoni A, Lucas M 2002 Ultrasonics 40 365Google Scholar


    Kumar R D, Rani M R, Elangovan S 2014 Appl. Mech. Mater. 592-594 859Google Scholar


    Yeon J L, Muhammad B S, Dong S P 2019 MATEC Web Conf. 257 1Google Scholar


    Adachi K, Ueha S 1990 J. Acous. Soc. Am. 87 208Google Scholar


    Thanh H N, Quang T Q, Cong L T 2017 IOP Conference Series:Materials Science and Engineering 241 1Google Scholar


    Rani M R, Prakasan K, Rudramoorthy R 2014 Int. J. Des. 5 344Google Scholar


    程存弟 1991 应用声学 10 44Google Scholar

    Chen C D 1991 Appl. Acous. 10 44Google Scholar


    林书玉, 张福成 1992 声学技术 11 24Google Scholar

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C 1992 Tech. Acous. 11 24Google Scholar


    梁召峰, 周光平, 莫喜平, 张亦慧, 李正中 2008 机械科学与技术 27 334Google Scholar

    Liang Z F, Zhou G P, Mo X P, Zhang Y H, Li Z Z 2008 Mech. Sci. Tech. 27 334Google Scholar


    梁召峰, 周光平, 莫喜平, 李正中 2009 工程设计学报 16 200Google Scholar

    Liang Z F, Zhou G P, Mo X P, Zhang Y H, Li Z Z 2009 Journal of Engineering Design 16 200Google Scholar


    成桢, 郭建中 2010 声学技术 29 103

    Chen Z, Guo J Z 2010 Tech. Acous. 29 103


    赵甜甜, 林书玉, 段祎林 2018 物理学报 67 024303Google Scholar

    Zhao T T, Lin S Y, Duan Y L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 024303Google Scholar


    王莎, 林书玉 2019 物理学报 68 173Google Scholar

    Wang S, Lin S Y 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 173Google Scholar


    Wang S, Lin S Y 2019 Ultrasonics 99 105954.Google Scholar


    Lin J Y, Lin S Y 2020 Crystals 10 1Google Scholar


    Zhao Y C, Zhao F, Yuan L B 2006 J. Harbin Eng. Univ. 2006 617 [赵言诚, 赵芳, 苑立波 2006 哈尔滨工程大学学报 2006 617]Google Scholar

    Zhao Y C, Zhao F, Yuan L B 2006 J. Harbin Eng. Univ. 2006 617Google Scholar


    Zhao F, Wan L B 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 2 517 [赵芳, 苑立波 2006 物理学报 2 517]Google Scholar

    Zhao F, Wan L B 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 2 517Google Scholar


    何姣 2013 博士学位论文 (昆明: 云南师范大学)

    He J 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Kunming: Yunnan Normal University


    魏琦, 程营, 刘晓峻 2011 物理学报 60 124301Google Scholar

    Wei Q, Cheng Y, Liu X J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 124301Google Scholar

  • 图 1  大尺寸三维长方体超声振动系统结构示意图及中心线位置

    Figure 1.  Structural schematic diagram and centerline position of large-dimension 3D cube ultrasonic vibration system.

    图 2  大尺寸三维超声振动系统振型图

    Figure 2.  Modal diagram of large-dimension 3D ultrasonic vibration system.

    图 3  辐射面和辐射面长度(X方向)和宽度(Y方向)上的纵向相对位移振幅分布对比图

    Figure 3.  Comparison diagram of longitudinal relative displacement amplitude distribution on the radiation surface and the length (X-direction) and width (Y-direction) of the radiation surface.

    图 4  同质位错结构 (a) 横向位错结构; (b) 纵向位错结构

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of dislocation defect: (a) Lateral dislocation structure; (b) longitudinal dislocation structure.

    图 5  同质位错结构的工具头 (a) 模型图; (b) 工具头YZ面的各部分尺寸; (c) 工具头XZ面的各部分尺寸

    Figure 5.  Tool heads with homogeneous dislocation structures: (a) Model diagram; (b) dimensions of each part of the YZ surface of the tool head; (c) dimensions of each part of the XZ surface of the tool head.

    图 6  同质位错结构的大尺寸三维超声振动系统振型图

    Figure 6.  Modal diagram of large-dimension 3D ultrasonic vibration system with homogeneous dislocation structure.

    图 7  辐射面和辐射面长度(X方向)和宽度(Y方向)上的纵向相对位移振幅分布对比图

    Figure 7.  Comparison diagram of longitudinal relative displacement amplitude distribution on the radiation surface and the length (X-direction) and width (Y-direction) of the radiation surface.

    图 8  同质位错与点缺陷结构的工具头 (a) 模型图; (b) 空气圆椎体孔的尺寸; (c) 空气圆柱体孔的尺寸

    Figure 8.  Tool heads with homogeneous dislocations and point defect structures: (a) Model diagram; (b) dimensions of air circular vertebral hole; (c) dimensions of air cylinder holes.

    图 9  同质位错与点缺陷结构的大尺寸三维超声振动系统振型图

    Figure 9.  Modal diagram of large-dimension 3D ultrasonic vibration system with homogeneous dislocations and point defect structures.

    图 10  辐射面和辐射面长度(X方向)和宽度(Y方向)上的纵向相对位移振幅分布对比图

    Figure 10.  Comparison diagram of longitudinal relative displacement amplitude distribution on the radiation surface and the length (X-direction) and width (Y-direction) of the radiation surface.

    图 11  h对系统性能的影响

    Figure 11.  Influence of the parameter of h on the performance of the system.

    图 14  r3对系统性能的影响

    Figure 14.  Influence of the parameter of r3 on the performance of the system.

    图 12  w对系统性能的影响

    Figure 12.  Influence of the parameter of w on the performance of the system.

    图 13  h1对系统性能的影响

    Figure 13.  Influence of the parameter of h1 on the performance of the system.

    图 15  频率f的预测值和实测值的对比及相对误差

    Figure 15.  Comparison and relative error between predicted and measured values of frequency f.

    图 16  x位移的预测值和实测值的对比及相对误差

    Figure 16.  Comparison and relative error between predicted and measured values of x displacement.

    图 17  y位移的预测值和实测值的对比及相对误差

    Figure 17.  Comparison and relative error between predicted and measured values of y displacement.

    图 18  x均匀度的预测值和实测值的对比及相对误差

    Figure 18.  Comparison and relative error between predicted and measured values of x uniformity.

    图 19  y均匀度的预测值和实测值的对比及相对误差

    Figure 19.  Comparison and relative error between predicted and measured values of y uniformity.

    图 20  加工的两套系统的实物图

    Figure 20.  Two sets of processed physical systems.

    图 21  未优化系统的输入电阻抗与谐振频率的测量与对比 (a) 测量过程; (b) 测量结果; (c) 仿真导纳曲线图

    Figure 21.  Measurement and comparison of input impedance and resonant frequency of unoptimized systems: (a) Measurement process; (b) measurement results; (c) simulation admittance curve.

    图 22  优化后系统的输入电阻抗与谐振频率的测量与对比 (a) 测量过程; (b) 测量结果; (c) 仿真导纳曲线图

    Figure 22.  Measurement and comparison of input impedance and resonant frequency of the optimized system: (a) Measurement process; (b) measurement results; (c) simulation admittance curve.

    图 23  振幅分布的测量 (a) 测量过程; (b) 未优化系统的测量结果; (c) 优化后系统的测量结果

    Figure 23.  Measurement of amplitude distribution: (a) Measurement process; (b) measurement results of non-optimized systems; (c) measurement results of the optimized system.

    图 24  加工的两套系统的辐射面位移振幅对比图

    Figure 24.  Displacement amplitude comparison diagram of the radiation surface of the two systems processed.

    表 1  系统的材料和结构参数表

    Table 1.  Material and structural parameter table of the system.

    部件 材料属性 形状 大端半径(长)/mm 小端半径(宽)/mm 高度/mm
    换能器前盖板 Aluminum 6063-T83 等截面圆柱 25 25 56
    换能器压电陶瓷片(两片) PZT-4 等截面圆环 25 25 6
    换能器后盖板 Aluminum 6063-T83 等截面圆柱 25 25 56
    复合变幅杆圆柱部分 Aluminum 6063-T83 等截面圆柱 25 25 77
    复合变幅杆圆锥部分 Aluminum 6063-T83 圆锥 25 20 45
    工具头 Aluminum 6063-T83 长方体 180 106 111
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    周光平, 梁明军, 王家宣 2004 声学技术 2004 183Google Scholar

    Zhou G P, Liang M J, Wang J X 2004 Tech. Acous. 2004 183Google Scholar


    Mori E, Itoh K, Imamura A 1995 J. Acous. Soc. Jpn. 51 455Google Scholar


    Lin S 1995 Appl. Acous. 44 249Google Scholar


    Ren S C 1983 Acta Acus. 1 152Google Scholar


    Lin S 2009 IEEE Trans. Ultra. Ferr. Freq Cont. 56 1990.Google Scholar


    俞宏沛 1994 声学与电子工程 1994 9

    Yu H P 1994 Acous. Elec. Engi. 1994 9


    周利生 1993 声学与电子工程 1993 28

    Zhou L S 1993 Acous. Elec. Engi. 1993 28


    周利生 1993 声学与电子工程 1993 16

    Zhou L S 1993 Acous. Elec. Engi. 1993 16


    林书玉, 张福成 1992 声学学报 1992 451

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C 1991 J. Acous. 1992 451


    林书玉, 张福成 1991 应用声学 1991 10Google Scholar

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C 1991 Appl. Acous. 1991 10Google Scholar


    林书玉, 张福成, 郭孝武 1991 声学学报 1991 91Google Scholar

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C Guo X W 1991 J. Acous. 1991 91Google Scholar


    Lucas M, Smith A C 1997 J. Vibr. Acous. 119 410Google Scholar


    Cardoni A, Lucas M 2002 Ultrasonics 40 365Google Scholar


    Kumar R D, Rani M R, Elangovan S 2014 Appl. Mech. Mater. 592-594 859Google Scholar


    Yeon J L, Muhammad B S, Dong S P 2019 MATEC Web Conf. 257 1Google Scholar


    Adachi K, Ueha S 1990 J. Acous. Soc. Am. 87 208Google Scholar


    Thanh H N, Quang T Q, Cong L T 2017 IOP Conference Series:Materials Science and Engineering 241 1Google Scholar


    Rani M R, Prakasan K, Rudramoorthy R 2014 Int. J. Des. 5 344Google Scholar


    程存弟 1991 应用声学 10 44Google Scholar

    Chen C D 1991 Appl. Acous. 10 44Google Scholar


    林书玉, 张福成 1992 声学技术 11 24Google Scholar

    Lin S Y, Zhang F C 1992 Tech. Acous. 11 24Google Scholar


    梁召峰, 周光平, 莫喜平, 张亦慧, 李正中 2008 机械科学与技术 27 334Google Scholar

    Liang Z F, Zhou G P, Mo X P, Zhang Y H, Li Z Z 2008 Mech. Sci. Tech. 27 334Google Scholar


    梁召峰, 周光平, 莫喜平, 李正中 2009 工程设计学报 16 200Google Scholar

    Liang Z F, Zhou G P, Mo X P, Zhang Y H, Li Z Z 2009 Journal of Engineering Design 16 200Google Scholar


    成桢, 郭建中 2010 声学技术 29 103

    Chen Z, Guo J Z 2010 Tech. Acous. 29 103


    赵甜甜, 林书玉, 段祎林 2018 物理学报 67 024303Google Scholar

    Zhao T T, Lin S Y, Duan Y L 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 024303Google Scholar


    王莎, 林书玉 2019 物理学报 68 173Google Scholar

    Wang S, Lin S Y 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 173Google Scholar


    Wang S, Lin S Y 2019 Ultrasonics 99 105954.Google Scholar


    Lin J Y, Lin S Y 2020 Crystals 10 1Google Scholar


    Zhao Y C, Zhao F, Yuan L B 2006 J. Harbin Eng. Univ. 2006 617 [赵言诚, 赵芳, 苑立波 2006 哈尔滨工程大学学报 2006 617]Google Scholar

    Zhao Y C, Zhao F, Yuan L B 2006 J. Harbin Eng. Univ. 2006 617Google Scholar


    Zhao F, Wan L B 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 2 517 [赵芳, 苑立波 2006 物理学报 2 517]Google Scholar

    Zhao F, Wan L B 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 2 517Google Scholar


    何姣 2013 博士学位论文 (昆明: 云南师范大学)

    He J 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Kunming: Yunnan Normal University


    魏琦, 程营, 刘晓峻 2011 物理学报 60 124301Google Scholar

    Wei Q, Cheng Y, Liu X J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 124301Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  02 January 2024
  • Accepted Date:  26 January 2024
  • Available Online:  30 January 2024
  • Published Online:  20 April 2024

