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Crystal orientation regulation of spin-orbit torque efficiency and magnetization switching in SrRuO3 thin films

Zhao Ke-Nan Li Sheng Lu Zeng-Xing Lao Bin Zheng Xuan Li Run-Wei Wang Zhi-Ming


Crystal orientation regulation of spin-orbit torque efficiency and magnetization switching in SrRuO3 thin films

Zhao Ke-Nan, Li Sheng, Lu Zeng-Xing, Lao Bin, Zheng Xuan, Li Run-Wei, Wang Zhi-Ming
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Spintronic devices utilize the spin property of electrons for the storage, transmission, and processing of information, and they possess inherent advantages such as low power consumption and non-volatility, thus attracting widespread attention from both academia and industry. Spin-orbit torque (SOT) is an efficient method of manipulating magnetic moments through using electric current for writing, controlling the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) effect within materials to achieve the mutual conversion between charge current and spin current. Enhancing the efficiency of charge-spin conversion is a critical issue in the field of spintronics. Strontium ruthenate (SRO) in transition metal oxides (TMO) has attracted significant attention as a spin source material in SOT devices due to its large and tunable charge-to-spin conversion efficiency. However, current research on SOT control in SRO primarily focuses on utilizing substrate strain, with limited exploration of other control methods. Crystal orientation can produce various novel physical properties by affecting material symmetry and electronic structure, which is one of the important means to control the properties of TMO materials. Considering the close correlation between the SOT effect and electronic structure as well as surface states, crystal orientation is expected to affect SOT properties by adjusting the electronic band structure of TMO. This work investigates the effect of crystal orientation on the SOT performance of SrRuO3 film and develops a novel approach for SOT control. The (111)-oriented SRO/CoPt heterostructures and SOT devices are prepared by using pulse laser deposition, magnetron sputtering, and micro-nano processing techniques. Through harmonic Hall voltage(HHV) measurements, we find that the SOT efficiency reaches 0.39, and the spin Hall conductivity attains 2.19×105$\hbar $/2e Ω–1·m–1, which are 86% and 369% higher than those of the (001) orientation, respectively. Furthermore, current-driven perpendicular magnetization switching is achieved in SrRuO3(111) device at a low critical current density of 2.4×1010 A/m2, which is 37% lower than that of the (001) orientation. These results demonstrate that the crystal orientation can serve as an effective approach to significantly enhancing the comprehensive performance of SrRuO3-based SOT devices, thus providing a new idea for developing high-efficiency spintronic devices.
      Corresponding author: Li Run-Wei, ; Wang Zhi-Ming,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant Nos. 2019YFA0307800, 2017YFA0303600) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12174406, 11874367, 51931011, 52127803).

    Sasikanth M, Dmitri E N, Ian A Y 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 338Google Scholar


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    Shao Q, Li P, Liu L, Yang H, Fukami S, Razavi A, Wu H, Wang K, Freimuth F, Mokrousov Y, Stiles M D, Emori S, Hoffmann A, Åkerman J, Roy K, Wang J, Yang S, Garello K, Zhang W 2021 IEEE T. Magn. 57 800439


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    劳斌, 郑轩, 李晟, 汪志明 2023 物理学报 72 097702Google Scholar

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    Everhardt A S, DC M , Huang X, Sayed S, Gosavi T A, Tang Y, Lin C, Manipatruni S, Young I A, Datta S, Wang J, and Ramesh R 2019 Phys. Rev. Mater. 3 051201


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    Wahler M, Homonnay N, Richter T, Müller A, Eisenschmidt C, Fuhrmann B, Schmidt G 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28727Google Scholar


    Ou Y X, Wang Z, Chang C S, Nair H P, Paik H J, Reynolds N, Ralph D C, Muller D A, Schlom D G, Buhrman R A 2019 Nano Lett. 19 3663Google Scholar


    Emori S, Alaan U S, Gray M T, Sluka V, Chen Y, Kent A, Suzuki Y 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 224423Google Scholar


    Eom C B, Cava R J, Fleming R M, Phillips J M, Vandover R B, Marshall J H, Hsu J W P, Krajewski J J, Peck W F 1992 Science 258 1766Google Scholar


    Koster G, Klein L, Siemons W, Rijnders G, Dodge J S, Eom C-B, Blank D H A, Beasley M R, 2012 Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 253Google Scholar


    Wei J W, Zhong H, Liu J Z, Wang X, Meng F Q, Xu H J, Liu Y Z, Luo X, Zhang Q H, Guang Y, Feng J F, Zhang J, Yang L H, Ge C, Gu L, Jin K J, Yu G Q, Han X F 2021 Adv. Funct. Mater. 31 2100380Google Scholar


    Zhou J, Shu X Y, Lin W N, Shao D F, Chen S H, Liu L, Yang P, Tsymbal E Y, Chen J S 2021 Adv. Mater. 33 2007114Google Scholar


    Li S, Lao B, Lu Z X, Zheng X, Zhao K N, Gong L G, Tang T, Wu K Y, Li R W, Wang Z M 2023 Phys. Rev. Mater. 7 024418Google Scholar


    Dagotto E 2005 Science 309 257Google Scholar


    Ahn C, Cavalleri A, Georges A, Ismail-Beigi S, Millis A J, Triscone J-M 2021 Nat. Mater. 20 1462Google Scholar


    Lu Z X, Yang Y J, Wen L J, Feng J T, Lao B, Zheng X, Li S, Zhao K N, Cao B S, Ren Z L, Song D S, Du H F, Guo Y Y, Zhong Z C, Hao X F, Wang Z M, Li R W 2022 NPJ Flex. Electron. 6 9Google Scholar


    Wang Z M, Zhong Z C, MckeownWalker S, Ristic Z, Ma J Z, Bruno F Y, Ricco S, Sangiovanni G, Eres G, Plumb N C, Patthey L, Shi M, Mesot J, Baumberger F, Radovic M 2017 Nano Lett. 17 2561Google Scholar


    Peng W, Park S Y, Roh C J, Mun J, Ju H, Kim J, Ko E K, Liang Z G, Hahn S, Zhang J F, Sanchez A M, Walker D, Hindmarsh S, Si L, Jo Y J, Jo Y, Kim T H, Kim C, Wang L F, Kim M Y, Lee J S, Noh T W, Lee D 2024 Nat. Phys. 20 450Google Scholar


    Hayashi M, Kim J, Yamanouchi M, Ohno H 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 144425Google Scholar


    Kim J, Sinha J, Hayashi M, Yamanouchi M, Fukami S, Suzuki T, Mitani S, Ohno H 2013 Nat. Mater. 12 240Google Scholar


    Yang M Y, Cai K M, Ju H L, Edmonds K W, Yang G, Liu S, Li B H, Zhang B, Sheng Y, Wang S G, Ji Y, Wang K Y 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 20778Google Scholar


    Liu L, Pai C F, Li Y, Tseng H W, Ralph D C, Buhrman R A 2012 Science 336 555Google Scholar


    Zhu L, Ralph D C, Buhrman R A 2021 Appl. Phys. Rev. 8 031308Google Scholar


    Garello K, Miron I M, Avci C O, Freimuth F, Mokrousov Y, Blugel S, Auffret S, Boulle O, Gaudin G, Gambardella P 2013 Nat. Nanotechnol. 8 587Google Scholar


    Jin F, Gu M Q, Ma C, Guo E J, Zhu J, Qu L L, Zhang Z X, Zhang K X, Xu L Q, Chen B B, Chen F, Gao G Y, Rondinelli J M, Wu W B 2020 Nano Lett. 20 1131Google Scholar


    Wang Z Z, Qi W H, Bi J C, Li X Y, Chen Y, Yang F, Cao Y W, Gu L, Zhang Q H, Wang H H, Zhang J D, Guo J D, Liu X R 2022 Chin. Phys. B 31 126801Google Scholar

  • 图 1  (111)-SRO/CoPt异质结构的表征结果 (a) SRO/CoPt薄膜异质结构示意图; (b) SRO薄膜表面的原位反射高能电子衍射(RHEED)图像及原子力显微镜(AFM)图像, 均方根粗糙度约为0.135 nm; (c) 在STO (111)衬底上生长的SRO薄膜的XRD $ \theta $-2$ \theta $ 扫描结果, 插图为SRO和STO的(222)峰附近范围的放大图; (d) SRO薄膜(132)峰附近的倒易空间映射结果; (e) CoPt的面外MOKE表征

    Figure 1.  SRO/CoPt heterostructure: (a) Schematic diagram of the SRO/CoPt thin film heterostructure; (b) in-situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED) image and atomic force microscopy (AFM) image of the SRO surface, the root-mean-square roughness is about 0.135 nm; (c) XRD $ \theta $-2$ \theta $ scan results of the SRO film grown on the STO (111) substrate, the inset is an enlarged view of the region near the (222) peaks of SRO and STO; (d) X-ray reciprocal space mapping (RSM) results of the SRO film; (e) out-of-plane MOKE characterization of CoPt.

    图 2  SRO/CoPt样品在纵向场HL下的谐波霍尔电压测量 (a) 样品测量的示意图, 交流电流I沿x方向施加, 外加磁场HL沿x (纵向)方向施加; (b) 施加垂直于平面的变化磁场HZ测得的反常霍尔电阻RAHE; (c) I = 1.5 mA下, 一次和(d)二次谐波霍尔电压信号随纵向场HL变化的情况; (e) SOT有效场HDL随电流密度JSRO (分流至SRO的电流密度)的变化; (f) 室温下SRO/CoPt的面外SQUID测量, 由此得出饱和磁化强度Ms

    Figure 2.  Harmonic Hall voltage measurements of the SRO/CoPt sample under a longitudinal field HL. (a) Schematic diagram of the sample measurement. The AC current I is applied along the x-direction. The external magnetic field HL is applied along the x (longitudinal) direction. (b) Anomalous Hall resistance RAHE measured by applying a magnetic field HZ perpendicular to the plane. (c) First and (d) second harmonic Hall voltage signals as a function of the longitudinal field HL at I = 1.5 mA. (e) Variation of the SOT effective field HDL with the current density JSRO (current density shunted to SRO). (f) Out-of-plane SQUID measurement of SRO/CoPt at room temperature, from which the saturation magnetization Ms is obtained.

    图 3  SRO/CoPt样品在横向场HT下的谐波霍尔电压测量 (a) 样品测量的示意图, 交流电流I沿x方向施加, 外加磁场H沿y (横向)方向施加; (b) I = 2.5 mA下, 在横向磁场HT下测得的二次谐波霍尔电压信号; (c) SOT有效场HFL随电流密度JSRO (分流至SRO的电流密度)的变化

    Figure 3.  Harmonic Hall voltage measurements of the SRO/CoPt sample under a transverse field HT: (a) Schematic diagram of the sample measurement, the AC current I is applied along the x-direction, the external magnetic field H is applied along the y (transverse) direction; (b) second harmonic Hall voltage signal measured under the transverse magnetic field HT at I = 2.5 mA; (c) variation of the SOT effective field HFL with the current density JSRO (current density shunted to SRO).

    图 4  (111)-SRO/CoPt异质结构由自旋轨道力矩(SOT)驱动的垂直磁化翻转 (a)生长了电极的Hall bar的显微镜图像及磁矩翻转测量的几何图示, 脉冲电流Iwrite用于翻转磁化状态, 而直流恒定电流IDC用于读取(上图), Iwrite(±12 mA)和 Iread(200 μA)的序列图(下); (b) 样品在不同外加磁场Hx下, Iwrite驱动的磁化翻转, RH表示霍尔电阻的变化

    Figure 4.  Perpendicular magnetization switching driven by spin-orbit torque (SOT) in the [111]-SRO/CoPt sample: (a) Microscope image of the Hall bar with electrodes and a schematic diagram of the magnetization switching measurement geometry. Pulsed current Iwrite is used to switch the magnetization state, while DC constant current IDC is used to read (Top), sequence diagram of Iwrite (±12 mA) and Iread (200 μA) (Below); (b) the magnetization of the sample driven by Iwrite switching under different applied magnetic fields Hx, RH indicates the change in Hall resistance.

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    Sasikanth M, Dmitri E N, Ian A Y 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 338Google Scholar


    Dieny B, Prejbeanu I L, Garello K, Gambardella P, Freitas P, Lehndorff R, Raberg W, Ebels U, Demokritov S O, Akerman J, Deac A, Pirro P, Adelmann C, Anane A, Chumak A V, Hirohata A, Mangin S, Valenzuela S O, Cengiz Onbaşlı M, d’Aquino M, Prenat G, Finocchio G, Lopez-Diaz L, Chantrell R, Chubykalo-Fesenko O, Bortolotti P 2020 Nat. Electron. 3 446Google Scholar


    Manchon A, Železný J, M. Miron I, Jungwirth T, Sinova J, Thiaville A, Garello K, Gambardella P 2019 Rev. Mod. Phys. 91 035004Google Scholar


    Miron I M, Garello K, Gaudin G, Zermatten P-J, Costache M V, Auffret S, Bandiera S, Rodmacq B, Schuhl A, Gambardella P 2011 Nature 476 189Google Scholar


    Shao Q, Li P, Liu L, Yang H, Fukami S, Razavi A, Wu H, Wang K, Freimuth F, Mokrousov Y, Stiles M D, Emori S, Hoffmann A, Åkerman J, Roy K, Wang J, Yang S, Garello K, Zhang W 2021 IEEE T. Magn. 57 800439


    Chen H, Yi D 2021 APL Mater. 9 060908Google Scholar


    劳斌, 郑轩, 李晟, 汪志明 2023 物理学报 72 097702Google Scholar

    Lao B, Zheng X, Li S, Wang Z M 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 097702Google Scholar


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    Everhardt A S, DC M , Huang X, Sayed S, Gosavi T A, Tang Y, Lin C, Manipatruni S, Young I A, Datta S, Wang J, and Ramesh R 2019 Phys. Rev. Mater. 3 051201


    Wang H L, Meng K Y, Zhang P X, Hou J T, Finley J, Han J H, Yang F Y, Liu L Q 2019 Appl. Phys. Lett. 114 232406Google Scholar


    Liu L, Qin Q, Lin W N, Li C J, Xie Q D, He S K, Shu X Y, Zhou C H, Lim Z, Yu J H, Lu W L, Li M S, Yan X B, Pennycook S J, Chen J S 2019 Nat. Nanotechnol. 14 939Google Scholar


    Wahler M, Homonnay N, Richter T, Müller A, Eisenschmidt C, Fuhrmann B, Schmidt G 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 28727Google Scholar


    Ou Y X, Wang Z, Chang C S, Nair H P, Paik H J, Reynolds N, Ralph D C, Muller D A, Schlom D G, Buhrman R A 2019 Nano Lett. 19 3663Google Scholar


    Emori S, Alaan U S, Gray M T, Sluka V, Chen Y, Kent A, Suzuki Y 2016 Phys. Rev. B 94 224423Google Scholar


    Eom C B, Cava R J, Fleming R M, Phillips J M, Vandover R B, Marshall J H, Hsu J W P, Krajewski J J, Peck W F 1992 Science 258 1766Google Scholar


    Koster G, Klein L, Siemons W, Rijnders G, Dodge J S, Eom C-B, Blank D H A, Beasley M R, 2012 Rev. Mod. Phys. 84 253Google Scholar


    Wei J W, Zhong H, Liu J Z, Wang X, Meng F Q, Xu H J, Liu Y Z, Luo X, Zhang Q H, Guang Y, Feng J F, Zhang J, Yang L H, Ge C, Gu L, Jin K J, Yu G Q, Han X F 2021 Adv. Funct. Mater. 31 2100380Google Scholar


    Zhou J, Shu X Y, Lin W N, Shao D F, Chen S H, Liu L, Yang P, Tsymbal E Y, Chen J S 2021 Adv. Mater. 33 2007114Google Scholar


    Li S, Lao B, Lu Z X, Zheng X, Zhao K N, Gong L G, Tang T, Wu K Y, Li R W, Wang Z M 2023 Phys. Rev. Mater. 7 024418Google Scholar


    Dagotto E 2005 Science 309 257Google Scholar


    Ahn C, Cavalleri A, Georges A, Ismail-Beigi S, Millis A J, Triscone J-M 2021 Nat. Mater. 20 1462Google Scholar


    Lu Z X, Yang Y J, Wen L J, Feng J T, Lao B, Zheng X, Li S, Zhao K N, Cao B S, Ren Z L, Song D S, Du H F, Guo Y Y, Zhong Z C, Hao X F, Wang Z M, Li R W 2022 NPJ Flex. Electron. 6 9Google Scholar


    Wang Z M, Zhong Z C, MckeownWalker S, Ristic Z, Ma J Z, Bruno F Y, Ricco S, Sangiovanni G, Eres G, Plumb N C, Patthey L, Shi M, Mesot J, Baumberger F, Radovic M 2017 Nano Lett. 17 2561Google Scholar


    Peng W, Park S Y, Roh C J, Mun J, Ju H, Kim J, Ko E K, Liang Z G, Hahn S, Zhang J F, Sanchez A M, Walker D, Hindmarsh S, Si L, Jo Y J, Jo Y, Kim T H, Kim C, Wang L F, Kim M Y, Lee J S, Noh T W, Lee D 2024 Nat. Phys. 20 450Google Scholar


    Hayashi M, Kim J, Yamanouchi M, Ohno H 2014 Phys. Rev. B 89 144425Google Scholar


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    Yang M Y, Cai K M, Ju H L, Edmonds K W, Yang G, Liu S, Li B H, Zhang B, Sheng Y, Wang S G, Ji Y, Wang K Y 2016 Sci. Rep. 6 20778Google Scholar


    Liu L, Pai C F, Li Y, Tseng H W, Ralph D C, Buhrman R A 2012 Science 336 555Google Scholar


    Zhu L, Ralph D C, Buhrman R A 2021 Appl. Phys. Rev. 8 031308Google Scholar


    Garello K, Miron I M, Avci C O, Freimuth F, Mokrousov Y, Blugel S, Auffret S, Boulle O, Gaudin G, Gambardella P 2013 Nat. Nanotechnol. 8 587Google Scholar


    Jin F, Gu M Q, Ma C, Guo E J, Zhu J, Qu L L, Zhang Z X, Zhang K X, Xu L Q, Chen B B, Chen F, Gao G Y, Rondinelli J M, Wu W B 2020 Nano Lett. 20 1131Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  15 March 2024
  • Accepted Date:  27 March 2024
  • Available Online:  10 April 2024
  • Published Online:  05 June 2024

