二元FeSi2是一种非常有潜力的环境友好型半导体, 但由于是线性化合物, 所以很难制备较高质量的单相. 本文从FeSi2相的基本团簇出发, 利用团簇+连接原子结构模型, 设计制备了Fe3Si8M (M=B, Cr, Ni, Co) 系三元薄膜. 研究了Fe3Si8M系三元薄膜的结构、成分和光电特性. 结果表明, 溅射态薄膜都为非晶态, 经850 ℃/4h退火后可全部转换为晶态, 引入的第三组元M不同会影响退火后的相转变和结晶质量, Cr和B为第三组元时可实现单一相, Co作为第三组元时, 薄膜以相为主表现为金属特性. B, Cr和Ni作为第三组元的样品中半导体性质都有不同程度的体现, 但相比较而言, Fe2.7Si8.4B0.9薄膜的半导体性能最为明显, 其电阻率为0.17 cm、载流子浓度为2.81020 cm-3、 迁移率为0.13 cm2/Vs,带隙宽度约为0.65 eV. 所以引入合适的第三组元可以扩展相相区, 并实现晶态三元型硅化物薄膜与二元FeSi2薄膜的半导体性能相近.FeSi2 is a promising environment-friendly semiconductor material. However it is difficult to obtain pure phase for such a line compound. To investigate the solubilities for a third alloying elements, in this work Fe3Si8M (M=B, Cr, Ni, Co) ternary alloys are designed based on the cluster-plus-glue-atom-model. Thin films are then prepared using magnetron sputtering. The as-deposited films are all amorphous and become crystallized after annealing at 850 for 4 h. It is shown that samples alloyed with third components Cr and B can reach single phase easily. However, the main phase is phase and the films tend to exhibit metallic characteristics while alloyed with Co. Of these films, the Fe2.7Si8.4B0.9 film presents the most prominent semiconductor performance, and it has a resistivity of 0.17 cm, a sheet carrier concentration of 2.81020 cm-3, a mobility of 0.13 cm2=Vs and a band-gap width of 0.65 eV. It is confirmed that doping a proper third component can expand the phase zone, exhibiting a similar semiconductor property to that of binary -FeSi2.
- -FeSi2 /
- magnetron sputtering /
- amorphous film /
- semiconductor
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[1] Bost M C, Mahan J E 1988 J. Appl. Phys. 64 2034
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[9] Sun C M, Tsang H K, Wong S P, Ke N, Hark S K 2008 J. Luminescence. 128 1841
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[18] Li X N, Nie D, Dong C 2002 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 194 47
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[20] He Z M, Platzek D, Stiewe C, Chen H Y 2007 J. Alloys Compd. 438 303
[21] Zhao X B, Chen H Y, Mller E, Drasar C 2005 Appl. Phys. A 80 1123
[22] Li S B, Li X N, Dong C, Jiang X 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 299 (in Chinese) [李胜斌, 李晓娜, 董闯, 姜辛 2010 物理学报 59 299]
[23] Dong C, Wang Q, Qiang J B, Wang Y M, Jiang N, Han G, Li Y H, Wu J, Xia J H 2007 J. Phys. D 40 R273
[24] Ken-ichiro T, Takashi S, Yoshihiro I, Fumio H 2000 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 39 789
[25] Milosavljević M, Shao G, Bibic N, Mckinty C N, Jeynes C, Homewood K P 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 791438
[26] Naito M, Ishimaru M, Hirotsu Y, Valdez J, Sickafus K E 2005 Appl. Phys. Lett. 87 241905(1)
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