涡旋光因其具有光学轨道角动量 (orbital angular momentum, OAM) 而在近二十年倍受关注. 由于具有不同 OAM的涡旋光相互正交, 涡旋光在光通信领域展现了巨大的潜力, 为未来实现高速、大容量的光通信技术提供了潜在的解决方案. 本文旨在介绍涡旋光OAM模式解复用技术的基本原理、小型化器件加工方法和在光通信领域的新兴应用. 首先, 回顾OAM模式解复用工作原理的发展历程; 随后, 针对涡旋光OAM模式解复用, 将介绍多种典型的小型化器件制备方法; 最后探讨基于轨道角动量的涡旋光模式解复用在通信领域中的新兴应用, 并对OAM模式解复用的未来发展趋势及前景进行了深入分析和展望.Vortex beams have attracted extensive attention in recent decade due to the carried optical orbital angular momentum (OAM). Vortex beams carrying different OAM modes are orthogonal to each other, and thus have become highly promising in realizing high-capacity optical communication systems. This review is to introduce the fundamental principles of optical OAM mode demultiplexing, recent advances in the fabrication techniques and emerging applications in high-capacity optical communications. First, this review introduces the development history of the working principle of OAM mode demultiplexer. Subsequently, a variety of preparation techniques and emerging applications of OAM mode demultiplexing are discussed in detail. Finally, we provide an in-depth analysis and outlook for the future trends and prospects of the OAM mode demultiplexer.
- vortex beam /
- orbital angular momentum /
- high-capacity optical communication /
- demultiplex /
- miniaturized photonic device
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图 1 基于马赫-曾德干涉仪的OAM分选方案 (a) OAM分类器的第1阶段; (b) OAM分类器的前3个阶段, 每个灰色框代表(a)图所示的干涉仪[41]; (c) 基于柱面透镜干涉的OAM多路复用器/解复用器方案; (d) l = 0时, BER的测量值随OAM模式解复用后接收的光功率的变化规律, 正方形为单个OAM模式, 不受l = 1模式串扰, 三角形为两个OAM模式, 受l = 1 模式串扰[46]
Fig. 1. The schematic of the OAM sorter based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer: (a) The first stage of the OAM sorter; (b) the first three stages of the OAM sorter, the gray boxes in each stage represent the interferometer shown in Fig. 1(a) [41]; (c) OAM multiplexer/demultiplexer based on interference via cylindrical lens; (d) BER values measured against the received optical power after OAM demultiplexing for mode l = 0, line denoted with triangles represents two OAM modes with crosstalk because of mode l = 1, while line denoted with squares represents single OAM mode without crosstalk[46].
图 2 利用对数-极坐标转换法实现OAM模式分离的原理 (a) 对数-极坐标转换法实验装置图[50]; (b) 基于对数-极坐标变换的紧凑OAM模式解复用方案[52]; (c) 使用折射光学元件将 OAM 状态转换为横向动量状态的光路示意图[51]
Fig. 2. The principle of realizing OAM mode separation based on logarithmic-polar coordinate transformation method: (a) The schematic of the experimental setup based on log-polar coordinate transformation method [50]; (b) the scheme of compact OAM mode demultiplexer based on logarithmic-polar coordinate transformation method[52]; (c) the optical path of converting the OAM state into a transverse momentum state using refractive optical elements[51].
图 3 (a) 模式复制方案分选的光路图[58]; (b) 螺旋极坐标转换原理与对数极坐标转换原理的对比示意图; (c) 螺旋极坐标转换原理的分选光路图[59]
Fig. 3. (a) The schematic of the experimental setup of the mode sorter based on refractive beam-copying method[58]; (b) comparison between the principle of spiral-polar coordinate transformation method and the principle of the log-polar coordinate transformation method; (c) the diagram of the optical path based on spiral-polar coordinate transformation method[59].
图 4 (a) 用于HG/LG叠加态分解的多平面光转换器件[60]; (b) 准小波共形映射示意图[66]; (c) 基于光衍射神经网络的宽带、低串扰和大信道OAM模式解复用[60]
Fig. 4. (a) Multi-plane optical converter for HG/LG superposition state decomposition[60]; (b) the schematic of quasi-wavelet conformal mapping[66]; (c) low crosstalk OAM mode demultiplexer based on optical diffraction neural network[60].
图 5 (a) 光子的SAM变化转换为OAM的装置示意图[76]; (b) 基于达曼光栅进行OAM(解)复用的自由空间光通信示意图[22]; (c) 使用双光子光刻技术在少模光纤表面上制造涡旋光栅示意图[80]; (d)基于电子束刻蚀法制作的超表面流程图[81]
Fig. 5. (a) The schematic of SAM-OAM mode converter[76]; (b) the schematic of free-space optical communication based on Dammann grating for OAM (de)multiplexing[22]; (c) the details of fabricating vortex gratings on the surface of few-mode optical fibers using two-photon lithography[80]; (d) flow chart of producing metasurface based on electron beam etching[81].
图 6 (a) Pancharatnam-Berry光学元件器件的相位分布图[88]; (b) 基于使用单层超表面的太赫兹频段 OAM 复用方案的天线结构示意图[89]; (c) 携带OAM的光束的光电流测量示意图[90]
Fig. 6. (a) Phase distribution of Pancharatnam-Berry photonic device[88]; (b) the schematic of the nanoantenna of single-layer metasurface for terahertz OAM multiplexing[89]; (c) the schematic of the photocurrent measurement for optical beams carrying OAM[90]
图 7 (a)载有信息的涡旋光束的复用/解复用以及偏振复用/解复用[98]; (b)埃尔朗根天际线1.6 km远的自由空间扭曲光路径和实验装置图[103]; (c) 用于表征生成的涡旋光束的实验装置[104]; (d) OAM-SDM-WDM数据传输的实验装置[105]; (e) OAM复用光纤通信系统的实验装置, 实验装置包括发射器、OAM(解)复用器和接收器[80]
Fig. 7. (a) De/multiplexing of OAM beams carrying information and de/multiplexing of polarization [98]; (b) 1.6 km free-space link in the city of Erlangen and the corresponding experimental setup[103]; (c) experimental setup for characterizing the generated OAM beam[104]; (d) experimental setup of OAM-SDM-WDM data transmission[105]; (e) experimental setup of the optical fiber communication system for OAM multiplexing, including a transmitter, an OAM, de/multiplexer and a receiver[80].
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