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郑齐文 崔江维 王汉宁 周航 余徳昭 魏莹 苏丹丹



郑齐文, 崔江维, 王汉宁, 周航, 余徳昭, 魏莹, 苏丹丹

Dose-rate sensitivity of deep sub-micro complementary metal oxide semiconductor process

Zheng Qi-Wen, Cui Jiang-Wei, Wang Han-Ning, Zhou Hang, Yu De-Zhao, Wei Ying, Su Dan-Dan
  • 对0.18 m互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)工艺的N型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(NMOSFET)及静态随机存储器(SRAM)开展了不同剂量率下的电离总剂量辐照试验研究. 结果表明: 在相同累积剂量, SRAM的低剂量率辐照损伤要略大于高剂量率辐照的损伤, 并且低剂量率辐照损伤要远大于高剂量率辐照加与低剂量率辐照时间相同的室温退火后的损伤. 虽然NMOSFET 低剂量率辐照损伤略小于高剂量率辐照损伤, 但室温退火后, 高剂量率辐照损伤同样要远小于低剂量率辐照损伤. 研究结果表明0.18 m CMOS工艺器件的辐射损伤不是时间相关效应. 利用数值模拟的方法提出了解释CMOS器件剂量率效应的理论模型.
    Enhancing low dose rate sensitivity (ELDRS) in bipolar device is a major problem of liner circuit radiation hardness prediction for space application. ELDRS is usually attributed to space-charge effect. A key element is the difference in transport rate between holes and protons in SiO2. Interface-trap formation at high dose rate is reduced due to positive charge buildup in the Si/SiO2 interfacial region (due to the trapping of holes and/or protons) which reduces the flow rates of subsequent holes and protons (relative to the low-dose-rate case) from the bulk of the oxide to the Si/SiO2 interface. Generally speaking, the dose rate of metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) device is time dependent when annealing of radiation-induced charge is taken into account. The degradation of MOS device induced by the low dose rate irradiation is the same as that by high dose rate when annealing of radiation-induced charge is taken into account. However, radiation response of new generation MOS device is dominated by charge buildup in shallow trench isolation (STI) rather than gate oxide as older generation device. Unlike gate oxides, which are routinely grown by thermal oxidation, field oxides are produced using a wide variety of deposition techniques. As a result, they are typically thick (100 nm), soft to ionizing radiation, and electric field is far less than that of gate oxide, which is similar to the passivation layer of bipolar device and may lead to ELDRS. Therefore, dose-rate sensitivities of n-type metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (NMOSFET) and static random access memory (SRAM) manufactured by 0.18 m complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process are explored experimentally and theoretically in this paper. Radiation-induced leakages in NMOSFET and SRAM are examined each as a function of dose rate. Under the worst-case bias, the degradation of NMOSFET is more severe under the low dose rate irradiation than under the high dose rate irradiation and anneal. Moreover, radiation-induced standby current rising in SRAM is more severe under the low dose rate irradiation than under the high dose rate irradiation even when anneal is not considered. The above experimental results reveal that the dose-rate sensitivity of deep sub-micron CMOS process is not related to time-dependent effects of CMOS devices. Mathematical description of the combination between enhanced low dose-rate sensitivity and timedependent effects as applied to radiation-induced leakage in NMOSFET is developed. It has been numerically found that non time-dependent effect of deep sub-micron CMOS device arises due to the competition between enhanced low dose-rate sensitivity in bottom of STI and time-dependent effect at the top of STI. The high dose rate irradiation is overly conservative for devices used in a low dose rate environment. The test method provides an extended room temperature anneal test to allow leakage-related parameters that exceed postirradiation specifications to return to a specified range.
      通信作者: 崔江维, cuijw@ms.xjb.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 中国科学院西部之光项目(批准号: XBBS201219)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Cui Jiang-Wei, cuijw@ms.xjb.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the West Light Foundation of The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. XBBS201219).

    Enlow E W, Pease R L, Combs W, Schrimpf R D, Nowlin R N 1991 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 38 1342


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    Zheng Y Z 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wulumuqi: Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [郑玉展 2010 博士学位论文 (乌鲁木齐: 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所)]


    Zheng Y Z, Lu W, Ren D Y, Wang Y Y, Guo Q, Yu X F, He C F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5572 (in Chinese) [郑玉展, 陆妩, 任迪远, 王义元, 郭旗, 余学峰, 何承发 2009 物理学报 58 5572]


    Oldham T R, McLean F B 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 483


    Schroeder J E, Gingerich B L, Bechtel G R 1984 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 31 1327


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    Liu Z L, Hu Z Y, Zhang Z X, Shao H, Chen M, Bi D W, Ning B X, Zou S C 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 070701


    Zheng Q W, Yu X F, Cui J W, Guo Q, Ren D Y, Cong Z C 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 116101 (in Chinese) [郑齐文, 余学峰, 崔江维, 郭旗, 任迪远, 丛忠超 2013 物理学报 62 116101]


    Zheng Q W, Yu X F, Cui J W, Guo Q, Ren D Y, Cong Z C, Zhou H 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 106102


    Zheng Q W, Cui J W, Zhou H, Yu D Z, Yu X F, Lu W, Guo Q, Ren D Y 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 106106

  • [1]

    Enlow E W, Pease R L, Combs W, Schrimpf R D, Nowlin R N 1991 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 38 1342


    Sharma A K, Sahu K, Brashears S 1996 Radiation Effects Data Workshop 1996, IEEE Indian Wells, USA, 19 July, 1996 p13


    Lu W, Ren D Y, Guo Q, Yu X F, Fan L, Zhang G Q, Yan R L 1998 Chin. J. Semicond. 19 374 (in Chinese) [陆妩, 任迪远, 郭旗, 余学峰, 范隆, 张国强, 严荣良 1998 半导体学报 19 374]


    Yui C C, McClure S S, Rax B G, Lehman J M, Minto T D, Wiedeman M D 2002 Total Dose Bias Dependency and ELDRS Effects in Bipolar Linear Devices (IEEE: Radiation Effects Data Workshop) pp131-137


    Zheng Y Z 2010 Ph. D. Dissertation (Wulumuqi: Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese) [郑玉展 2010 博士学位论文 (乌鲁木齐: 中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所)]


    Zheng Y Z, Lu W, Ren D Y, Wang Y Y, Guo Q, Yu X F, He C F 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 5572 (in Chinese) [郑玉展, 陆妩, 任迪远, 王义元, 郭旗, 余学峰, 何承发 2009 物理学报 58 5572]


    Oldham T R, McLean F B 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 483


    Schroeder J E, Gingerich B L, Bechtel G R 1984 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 31 1327


    James R S, Marty R S, Daniel M F, James A F, Dodd P E, Philippe P, Veronique F C 2008 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55 1833


    Steven C W, Ronald C L, Jon V O, John M H, Steven C M 2005 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 52 2602


    Johnston A H, Swimm R T, Miyahira T F 2010 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 57 3279


    Ivan S E, Hugh J B, Philippe C A, Bernard G R, Harold P H, Michael L M, Ronald L P 2011 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58 2945


    Liu Z L, Hu Z Y, Zhang Z X, Shao H, Chen M, Bi D W, Ning B X, Zou S C 2011 Chin. Phys. B 20 070701


    Zheng Q W, Yu X F, Cui J W, Guo Q, Ren D Y, Cong Z C 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 116101 (in Chinese) [郑齐文, 余学峰, 崔江维, 郭旗, 任迪远, 丛忠超 2013 物理学报 62 116101]


    Zheng Q W, Yu X F, Cui J W, Guo Q, Ren D Y, Cong Z C, Zhou H 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 106102


    Zheng Q W, Cui J W, Zhou H, Yu D Z, Yu X F, Lu W, Guo Q, Ren D Y 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 106106

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-11-03
  • 修回日期:  2016-01-26
  • 刊出日期:  2016-04-05

